Learning C/C++
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Posts: 164

PostPosted: Sun, 4th Jul 2004 00:48    Post subject: Learning C/C++
I've learned some C at the university,but since C is the base for my course learning, i'd like to expertise my learning
i'd like to know a way of learning expert programming in C or C++
any suggestion?
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Posts: 709
Location: USA
PostPosted: Sun, 4th Jul 2004 09:55    Post subject:
well get a c++ program and buy a book, u can read ebooks as well, there r some movies, too.
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Posts: 202
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Mon, 5th Jul 2004 01:07    Post subject:
movies aboubt programming ?? .... kind'a missed that ... Wink

but i agree ... reading code AND even more written word (some crazy folks call it books) is absolutely essential for programming ...

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Posts: 18
Location: Freezing Oop North, Uk
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Oct 2004 01:59    Post subject:
I never learned from books, best way I always found is example programs. Keep messing with source to see what parts do.

Get a reference book, perhaps, but internet is better than any book.

Try googling for C++ Tutorials, there are many available.

http://go.to/hairy_bits -/- http://PEiDPlugins.has.it
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Posts: 709
Location: USA
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Oct 2004 02:43    Post subject:
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Posts: 12
Location: France
PostPosted: Thu, 28th Oct 2004 14:01    Post subject:
look at that


No SignaTure HeRe
Don't even think about that !
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Tue, 21st Dec 2004 00:28    Post subject:
I was wondering if the compiler Dev-C++ is any good?
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Posts: 709
Location: USA
PostPosted: Tue, 21st Dec 2004 04:55    Post subject:
dev c++ is very good
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Jul 2005 22:26    Post subject:
i'd say get a copy of linux and install it, it's got every type of programming language and compiler you would ever want, and it's completely open source, meaning you can get the source code for every program running, so you'll have plenty of examples

gcc and g++ are two free c++ compilers that come with every distribution of linux

mandrivalinux might be something to check out

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Posts: 1025
Location: Israel
PostPosted: Thu, 11th Aug 2005 14:32    Post subject:
Hitman02 wrote:
dev c++ is very good

yes it good.
but Visual Studio.NET is much better..but costs alot. no reason to buy it if its not for a company.

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Site Admin

Posts: 2343

PostPosted: Fri, 12th Aug 2005 11:08    Post subject:
SoulSurfer2k5 wrote:
Hitman02 wrote:
dev c++ is very good

yes it good.
but Visual Studio.NET is much better..but costs alot. no reason to buy it if its not for a company.
You can get the VS.NET 2005 beta for free.
For .NET 1.1 programming you can also simply download the compilers (even the optimizing compilers can be found on the microsoft site with a bit of searching) and use a different IDE, like SharpDevelop, but such free IDEs aren't as good as the microsoft one.
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Posts: 23

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Aug 2005 21:37    Post subject:
Best course to take to learn C++ programming is to get into college classes if you can. It's good to have some person to actually know what the hell they're doing helping you along the way. Plus paying for a class would give you motivation to actually do the programs the prof assigns you.

If you cannot do that, then video tutorials should be good. 3DBuzz.com has C++ video tutorials, I believe, and from my experience on their UnrealScript videos, they should be very good.

If you can't do either, then look up the multitude of C++ programming tutorials on the internet. If you can get a book, C/C++ Programming by John Smiley is a very good book for beginners. But if you already know the basics of programming, just look up tutorials, get C++ Primer and the Reference Manual by Bjorne Stourstrup.

And always practice.
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Fri, 16th Sep 2005 03:17    Post subject:
how about hacking...anyone do that
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Wed, 21st Dec 2005 16:52    Post subject:
I am learning C++ in highschool right now Smile i self tought php/mysql.
i bought a book and messed around with phpbb's mods and code and voila!

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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 3rd Jan 2006 12:55    Post subject:
TheNerd wrote:
Hitman02 wrote:
dev c++ is very good

yes it good.
but Visual Studio.NET is much better..but costs alot. no reason to buy it if its not for a company.

all software is free:D
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Posts: 100

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Jan 2006 00:26    Post subject:
TheNerd wrote:
Hitman02 wrote:
dev c++ is very good

yes it good.
but Visual Studio.NET is much better..but costs alot. no reason to buy it if its not for a company.

That's debatable, I honestly don't like its interface which is the whole point of using the IDE.

Also to note that Dev-C++ is not a compiler, it's an IDE. It uses MinGW and GCC for a compiler.
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Posts: 369
Location: EST
PostPosted: Thu, 5th Jan 2006 19:24    Post subject:
killmestupid wrote:
Best course to take to learn C++ programming is to get into college classes if you can. It's good to have some person to actually know what the hell they're doing helping you along the way.


and I thought of programming as a creative activity (like drawing and painting) and not something you can learn or teach. Razz

First of all you have to have the right head shape, then you must have logical thinking, the ability to think forward before you implement the logic, the urge to constantly learn and work on yourself etc. Then you can call yourself a programmer. C and C++ are only tools (like pencil or brush) and they do not make a programmer out of you like knowing how to hold a pencil doesn't make an artist out of you.

So if it's not in you then don't bother and don't waste your money and time on a "professor-who-knows-what-he's-doing" because if he would know then he wouldn't be a professor but an high-paid engineer Smile And secondly, if it's not in you then it cannot be forced into you like nothing else creative.

The only thing you'll need is courage, time and willpower. I mean the most important difference between languages is syntax and even that is quite similar in most of the languages. There is a catch though, if you come from the scripting world (like php, perl, python) or from any other non object oriented language you might get into problems understanding how the hell it works (look at the head shape part Razz) Then I suggest you learn the basics of Object Oriented (OO) approach first.

Have fun,

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Posts: 124
Location: 0x486f6d65
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Feb 2006 01:25    Post subject:
sabalasa wrote:

So if it's not in you then don't bother and don't waste your money and time on a "professor-who-knows-what-he's-doing" because if he would know then he wouldn't be a professor but an high-paid engineer Smile And secondly, if it's not in you then it cannot be forced into you like nothing else creative.

That is debatable. University Professors are paid quite well and have much more freedoms than software engineers working at companies...
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VIP Member

Posts: 3904

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Feb 2006 01:59    Post subject:
a big hooray for the oldest thread alive
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Posts: 1009
Location: Somewhere in the past looking for the future
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Feb 2006 02:06    Post subject:
lol im gonna try and learn C++ this year for a project in school (we have to do somethiing we hav nvr done and make a report on it)

Clevesa wrote:
Murder is the best way out of this that I see.
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Posts: 369
Location: EST
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Feb 2006 12:19    Post subject:
jojox wrote:
sabalasa wrote:

So if it's not in you then don't bother and don't waste your money and time on a "professor-who-knows-what-he's-doing" because if he would know then he wouldn't be a professor but an high-paid engineer Smile And secondly, if it's not in you then it cannot be forced into you like nothing else creative.

That is debatable. University Professors are paid quite well and have much more freedoms than software engineers working at companies...

There is an old saying:
The ones who are skilled, do stuff and the ones who are not, teach Very Happy

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Posts: 124
Location: 0x486f6d65
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Feb 2006 15:18    Post subject:
sabalasa wrote:
jojox wrote:
sabalasa wrote:

So if it's not in you then don't bother and don't waste your money and time on a "professor-who-knows-what-he's-doing" because if he would know then he wouldn't be a professor but an high-paid engineer Smile And secondly, if it's not in you then it cannot be forced into you like nothing else creative.

That is debatable. University Professors are paid quite well and have much more freedoms than software engineers working at companies...

There is an old saying:
The ones who are skilled, do stuff and the ones who are not, teach Very Happy

That must be the reason why Einstein was a Professor at the ETH Zürich... Razz
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Posts: 369
Location: EST
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Feb 2006 15:54    Post subject:
jojox wrote:
sabalasa wrote:
jojox wrote:

That is debatable. University Professors are paid quite well and have much more freedoms than software engineers working at companies...

There is an old saying:
The ones who are skilled, do stuff and the ones who are not, teach Very Happy

That must be the reason why Einstein was a Professor at the ETH Zürich... Razz

Three words: Theory and practice Razz

I don't think that a programmer with academical background would survive in real life business aswell as a programmer with practical background wouldn't survive in academical environment. That's the difference. It would take several times more effort and time for an academic to solve a real life programming problem as it would for a programmer who has spent the same amount of years in the IT business as the academic has spent for his degree. The same would happen to a practical programmer if he should have to explain why the things are like they are in the real world to an audience, because it hasn't been documented in any books (theory).

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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue, 18th Jul 2006 13:55    Post subject: Re: Learning C/C++
OfF3nSiV3 wrote:
I've learned some C at the university,but since C is the base for my course learning, i'd like to expertise my learning
i'd like to know a way of learning expert programming in C or C++
any suggestion?

Download ebooks realted to C or C++ from
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Posts: 1009
Location: Somewhere in the past looking for the future
PostPosted: Tue, 18th Jul 2006 18:27    Post subject:
ye olde

Clevesa wrote:
Murder is the best way out of this that I see.
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Posts: 1089
Location: UK manchester
PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Mar 2007 22:57    Post subject:
sabalasa wrote:
killmestupid wrote:
Best course to take to learn C++ programming is to get into college classes if you can. It's good to have some person to actually know what the hell they're doing helping you along the way.


and I thought of programming as a creative activity (like drawing and painting) and not something you can learn or teach. Razz

First of all you have to have the right head shape, then you must have logical thinking, the ability to think forward before you implement the logic, the urge to constantly learn and work on yourself etc. Then you can call yourself a programmer. C and C++ are only tools (like pencil or brush) and they do not make a programmer out of you like knowing how to hold a pencil doesn't make an artist out of you.

So if it's not in you then don't bother and don't waste your money and time on a "professor-who-knows-what-he's-doing" because if he would know then he wouldn't be a professor but an high-paid engineer Smile And secondly, if it's not in you then it cannot be forced into you like nothing else creative.

The only thing you'll need is courage, time and willpower. I mean the most important difference between languages is syntax and even that is quite similar in most of the languages. There is a catch though, if you come from the scripting world (like php, perl, python) or from any other non object oriented language you might get into problems understanding how the hell it works (look at the head shape part Razz) Then I suggest you learn the basics of Object Oriented (OO) approach first.

Have fun,

No offense dude but human potential isn't quantifiable.
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Posts: 3091

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2007 22:31    Post subject:
as c/c++ and many-many others are just "human readable" translated languages from asm, so i'd recommend to start with assembly to get the first meanings and go on from there

the visual structure is very different, but working way is same

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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
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PostPosted: Sat, 24th Mar 2007 22:29    Post subject:
cnZ wrote:
as c/c++ and many-many others are just "human readable" translated languages from asm, so i'd recommend to start with assembly to get the first meanings and go on from there

the visual structure is very different, but working way is same

you don't really need to learn asm today unless you have to do chip design or reverse engineer something. It might seem a bit daunting to most having to look at asm compared to human readable.
That said the most resource efficient stuff thats been created has been done using asm.
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Posts: 999
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 25th Mar 2007 01:17    Post subject:
code c#, it's so good it codes itself! ooor
so good, you will suck a dick!

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VIP Member

Posts: 11335

PostPosted: Sun, 25th Mar 2007 01:23    Post subject:
No one mentioned Java? Come on people Wink

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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