For those of you who don't know who Playerunknown is, he created the BattleRoyale mod for ARMA 2 & 3 and worked for a brief period of time on H1Z1 (King of the Hill). He has won a prize (I think it was 60,000$) during the "Make ARMA not War" campaign for his BR mod. Now he works on a game with an extremely generic name that's packing everything good about his previous mods while streamlining what was necessary.
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is a BattleRoyale kind of game built on Unreal Engine 4 supporting solo,duo and squad (up to 4 players) queuing to battle on a pretty huge map against a huge number of players (100 per match). The map continuously diminishes through an energy shield which is forcing the surviving players into smaller areas of the map until fights are unavoidable.
The gameplay is pretty hardcore. Players are parachuted on the map without loot and they have to scavenge through houses, ruins and what not for randomly spawned loot to build an arsenal and supplies. The shooting and movement mechanics are quite similar with ARMA, leaning towards simulator but with a much welcomed streamlining to make the action just a little bit faster. Guns have a controllable recoil and a good feeling of impact benefiting from a pretty solid damage model with many factors influencing the damage. The movement is fluid and is composed of multiple animations allowing for crouching, crawling, leaning and even some decent jumping. As a 3rd person, everyone has the advantage and disadvantage of seeing over walls, but the shooting is realistic enough to force players to ADS. There is a great variety of guns (2 for each type of bullets), vehicles and other items which work well with the loot system which is injecting a manageable dose of RNG into each match and none of the matches play the same. The game's feeling is amazing, there is so much adrenaline going when map gets smaller and a few players are left which can lead to some pretty intense if not weird moments.
The game is entering its last CBT today and it's coming to Early Access on March 23. I know a lot of you don't really like EA and I've grown apart from the system as well, but aside of the optimization (none so far) and a few bugs, Battlegrounds is in an extremely good shape. There are even features like ladder, spectating (to watch your teammates after death) and a cosmetic customization based on loot boxes which can be bought with the points won during matches. I've spent over 50 hours playing this in only 2 beta weekends and I can't wait to get home to increase that number. I highly recommend this game for the fans of ARMA 3 BR and adrenaline junkies.
I bought the standard edition first because I didn't really check on that Deluxe and what came with it. As soon as I realized I could run around and yell "Get out of here Stalker!" when infront of a camped house (which is basicly every single house in this game )... I just had to get it.
Gladly someone already bought the standard edition key from me (I wonder whent they'll send them out) so I won't be sitting on that copy.
For the people wondering what we are talking about:
So, explain to someone who knows nothing about this.... (me)
This looks like standard ass, insanely old boring stale deathmatch trash re-branded using a new term ("battle royale")
What's so good about it?
Take H1Z1 and take out the arcady gunplay.. actually, take out everything arcady.
100 people sit in a plane, parachute down on a huge map where there is loot (weapons, ammo, armor, vehicles) and have to duke it out Last Man Standing style. People are kept on their toes by an ever enclosing circle of death that will damage players over time (the damage increases the later it gets into the game and the circle gets smaller and smaller).
This one is closer to an ArmA'ish experience though. So, it's right down my alley.
So, explain to someone who knows nothing about this.... (me)
This looks like standard ass, insanely old boring stale deathmatch trash re-branded using a new term ("battle royale")
What's so good about it?
The gameplay is rock solid. There is a big skill ceiling and a pretty good learning curve which includes knowing when and where to drop, adjusting to various situations, where and what to loot, shooting, etc. It's also really intense because you can play good and survive for several minutes while having good gear but everything can be lost in a split second.
Is it another game where you're forced into the company servers? Can't host your own?
I think PlayerUnknown announced something regarding mod tools which will allow people to make own maps/modes etc right on launch, so theres that I guess.
General performance is good, granted your PC isn't shit.
Voip seems to be having some issues. It bugs out completely sometimes and doesn't work.
Jumping has been tweaked but it is still a problem in certain situations; some low-ass fences/half-walls can't be consistently jumped (the game needs a 'vault' mechanic imo).
The servers remain a key problem, one game can be okay, other games can lag heavily to a point where it is unplayable.
I think third-person view is nice and all, but in this game, and other similar competitive multiplayer games the distance from the player model matters; and in this game that distance makes it a bread&butter thing to spy around corners and such simply panning the camera, while your character is safely behind cover. Gameplay that relies on this doesn't really feel that satisfying, because you know that when you see a guy running from your covered position/below a window or below a wall, there is no way possible for the other player to see you. Knowing where the other enemies are is a huge advantage, as you make gameplay choices. If you had to peek to see someone, there's that small chance someone else can spot you. With the magi-cam, you are safe until you decide to shoot first.
The performance isn't good. I have a pretty damn good rig and the micro-stuttering and freezes wreck my nerves. But the game isn't optimized at all and they are aiming for some optimization for the EA release.
Keys are being distributed now for people that pre-ordered.
Careful though. The only way to differentiate between a standard key and a deluxe key is the lower part of the picture below.
If that's missing, it's a standard key. If it's showing, than it's a Deluxe key.
EternalBlueScreen wrote:
From what I've gathered, second-hand:
General performance is good, granted your PC isn't shit.
Voip seems to be having some issues. It bugs out completely sometimes and doesn't work.
Jumping has been tweaked but it is still a problem in certain situations; some low-ass fences/half-walls can't be consistently jumped (the game needs a 'vault' mechanic imo).
The servers remain a key problem, one game can be okay, other games can lag heavily to a point where it is unplayable.
I think third-person view is nice and all, but in this game, and other similar competitive multiplayer games the distance from the player model matters; and in this game that distance makes it a bread&butter thing to spy around corners and such simply panning the camera, while your character is safely behind cover. Gameplay that relies on this doesn't really feel that satisfying, because you know that when you see a guy running from your covered position/below a window or below a wall, there is no way possible for the other player to see you. Knowing where the other enemies are is a huge advantage, as you make gameplay choices. If you had to peek to see someone, there's that small chance someone else can spot you. With the magi-cam, you are safe until you decide to shoot first.
"First Person only" is available on the 23rd. And again, they dubbed it "Hardcore Mode" instead of dubbing the 3p "Casual Faggot Mode". First one should be standard anyway.
1p doesn't make the game harder. It makes it actually fair. But I guess the Investors don't want to insult the poor pussy ass casuals... obviously.
I'm battling this 1p vs 3p shit for years and there is not a single valid argument for 3p except for one. People with motion sickness. Everything else is trivial, artificial, superficial bullshit made up reasons by people unable to be honest with themselves.. relying on that crutch. Period. But the "ain't nobody got time to lose (in games) generation" is sadly in the majority. The saddest part is, this game was supposed to be 1p only. But I guess the investors had alot to say about that and the fucker (being PU) caved in...
Cool that they decided to try it out. I didn't know. Weird to call it Hardcore Mode.
It'll be almost like a different game when you can't look over shit while in cover and safely scout around corners just by moving the camera.
"People with motion sickness."
Motion sickness in games is a tough thing to nail down, and for me it feels kind of random what triggers it. I think I've gotten it from all kinds of games.
These fucking third-person plebs are beyond stupid... this is the shit I deal with all the time when it comes to ArmA... or anything pvp that is using 3p. It's hilarious and depressing at the same time.
Can't these people just go back and do what they were doing before they figured out that gaming is actualy awesome... please belittle and look at me weird again. Make fun of me all you want again. Call me a basementdweller with no life and all that stuff. I can take it. I took it for years and years like a champ. Just fuck off and leave my beloved hobby alone....
Nodrim wrote:
@m3th0d2008 Did you get the items? Can you tell me what's that balaclava's name? I want to search it on steam's community market.
Uhm, we won't be able to know until tomorrow mate. No idea yet. Since you can see in the picture, you have to use the deluxe key ingame again on somekind of "redeem code" option to get a crate where the items are in. So, we'll see.
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