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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 11:19    Post subject: Defiance

  • Official web page: Defiance
  • Publisher: Trion Worlds Inc.
  • Developer: Trion Worlds Inc.
  • Genre: Action, Rpg, MMO
  • Release date: 2013-04-02
  • Description:

    Join the futuristic online open-world shooter where thousands of players scour a transformed Earth competing for alien technology. Hunt alone or with others as you improve your skills and level up, unlocking powerful weapons that will help you survive the massive battles that await.

  • Multiplayer: Yes
  • System requirements:

    OS: Windows XP SP2
    Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz CPU or better
    Memory: 2 GB System RAM
    Graphics: 512MB video card (NVIDIA GeForce 8600, ATI Radeon HD 2900, or Intel HD 4000 integrated graphics or better)
    DirectX®: 9.0c
    Hard Drive: 15 GB free hard drive space
    Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
    Internet: Broadband internet connection

    OS: Windows 7
    Processor: Intel Core i5 2.4 GHz CPU or better
    Memory: 4 GB System RAM
    Graphics: 1024MB video card (NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 or ATI Radeon HD 4750 or better)
    DirectX®: 9.0c
    Hard Drive: 15 GB free hard drive space
    Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
    Internet: Broadband internet connection

  • Protection: MMO Razz
  • Multilanguage: English, French, German
  • Trailer:

Well, decided to create a post for this since I could not find one with a search.

Anyone going to buy this?
I've been hoping enough people buy it from steam, so could get all the prepurchase bonuses and get the rift bundle to give away Razz

Missed/Missing the beta since I'm away from the desktop and using just a shitty laptop.

The video makes me think of Borderlands, with more people.

Last edited by mtj on Tue, 2nd Apr 2013 23:18; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 333

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 15:57    Post subject:
Wasn't this going to be F2P?
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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 16:20    Post subject:
Revan6999 wrote:
Wasn't this going to be F2P?

it is f2p.

Intel Core I-9 9900K @ stock, ASUS Z 390A MoBo, 32GB 3.6GHz, Zotac 3090 | BeQuiet 1000W PSU, Be Quiet Dark Base Pro 900 case, 49" Samsung G9
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Posts: 870

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 16:21    Post subject:
mtj wrote:
Revan6999 wrote:
Wasn't this going to be F2P?

it is f2p.

You still have to buy the game, so it's not all that F2P.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 16:23    Post subject:
Its buy 2 play.
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Posts: 3
Location: Czech Republic
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 18:46    Post subject:
I hope it will have better optimized engine then Rift have. Neutral
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Posts: 4484

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 18:59    Post subject:
Played beta, it was not particularly good. It seems to rely a lot on shooting mechanics instead of traditional RPG elements of MMOs. And shooting is really not that great, especially when compared to Firefall (or Planetside 2).

Advancement also seems limited, you just get a fairly small grid of unlockable skills.

In short, it felt to me like an MMO with all the deep elements stripped out of it, with below average shooting mechanics.

But what can you expect from a MMO made for x360/ps3
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 19:00    Post subject:
BearishSun wrote:
Played beta, it was not particularly good. It seems to rely a lot on shooting mechanics instead of traditional RPG elements of MMOs. And shooting is really not that great, especially when compared to Firefall (or Planetside 2).

Advancement also seems limited, you just get a fairly small grid of unlockable skills.

In short, it felt to me like an MMO with all the deep elements stripped out of it, with below average shooting mechanics.

But what can you expect from a MMO made for x360/ps3

+1, played all 3 beta's, it's ok, but not worth my full time invested.

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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Posts: 2807
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 19:04    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
Its buy 2 play.

That's what most developers do these days. They destroy gaming by this shit they add.

Look at the small smartphone games .... totally gay with crap like that.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 19:36    Post subject:
sausje wrote:
BearishSun wrote:
Played beta, it was not particularly good. It seems to rely a lot on shooting mechanics instead of traditional RPG elements of MMOs. And shooting is really not that great, especially when compared to Firefall (or Planetside 2).

Advancement also seems limited, you just get a fairly small grid of unlockable skills.

In short, it felt to me like an MMO with all the deep elements stripped out of it, with below average shooting mechanics.

But what can you expect from a MMO made for x360/ps3

+1, played all 3 beta's, it's ok, but not worth my full time invested.

Well let's hope the show is better than the game then. Laughing (it shouldn't be that hard I guess, but one never knows these days)
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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2013 19:52    Post subject:
First of all - the primery platform for this are consoles. Unfortunately.
The textures are mediocre at best, the UI is console based (designed for wheel and triggers), the chat is almost nonexistent.
The inventory and character customization are really bad. There is no explanation to what do what. And there is no real progression - you gain something ala levels, that lets you choose some shitty perks. There are some good ones but really you want see any difference in gameplay if you spend any points in them.
And because of lack of stats and progressively better loot, there is no sense of advancement in this game. At least for the 6-7 hours I spend in this weekend's beta.

I was really looking forward to it, hoping it will be Tabula Rasa ressurected but it turns out to be an uninspiring MMO TPP shooter.
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Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Mar 2013 23:40    Post subject:

Maybe PC soon Smile
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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Thu, 28th Mar 2013 08:11    Post subject:
I hope you are joking and know that it's a MMO.

sar·​casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 28th Mar 2013 23:51    Post subject:
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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Mar 2013 00:33    Post subject:
seeing as this is a mmo, is this even worth playing on hacked consoles? It's a new game so for ps3 they are probably banning CFW's. I guess those who's using discs for the 360 is the only one who can enjoy this.

Edit: This is a planetside 2 clone isn't it?
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Posts: 6590
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Mar 2013 00:58    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
Edit: This is a planetside 2 clone isn't it?

Far from it. It's a fairly traditional MMO but with third person shooter gameplay.
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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Mar 2013 01:22    Post subject:
is it as generic as a traditional mmo as well?
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Posts: 1994

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Mar 2013 03:32    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
is it as generic as a traditional mmo as well?

no but you wouldnt be interested anyway so why troll here, there been plenty of beta weekends everyone who have internet could participated , and its shooter mmorpg, those are rare.. not like you miss them under 200 assian grind games..( we get like translated in a year so well hardly can miss those too )
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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Mar 2013 03:38    Post subject:
Don't assume to know what i am and not interested in.
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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Mar 2013 06:18    Post subject:
It's a third person mmo shooter with just a little tint of rpg - you get perks once in a while. Think of more down-to-earth Borderlands but without fun loot and generic enemies and on larger scale of course, in terms of players.

Just watch some gameplay movies. I recommend the ones from arkfall events where players drive half the map to restock the ammo Wink
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Posts: 913

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Mar 2013 06:31    Post subject:
looked interesting , preordered on steam. and the wait begins :/
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Posts: 2812
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Mar 2013 13:34    Post subject:
After Decent RIFT Trion is going shit it seems... Shame.
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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Mar 2013 22:13    Post subject:
Rift was generic as hell. For an American developed MMO it sure felt Korean in every way. I saw a gameplay trailer for this game, and while it looks refreshing as a MMO it kind of feels like a mixmash of Borderlands and Gears of War and the cinematics of The old Republic.. I'm gonna keep an eye on it, but it certainly isn't a preorder for me. Would love a way to test it though to see if i felt differently when playing.
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 30th Mar 2013 00:10    Post subject:
It is fun can give it that. But it wont last. Shallow shooter+shallow rpg+console UI makes it a shallow game overall.

Perfect for casual gameplay. Not worth the price they are asking tho.

It's Tabula rasa with a Mass Effect feel to it. Only novelty they have is that it has a TV show but knowing Syfy's track record that show will probably only last one or two years (me being optimistic with that). And I gotta say after seeing the trailer I actually think I probably end up not liking the show. Looked on the same level as Revolution.

I do hope I'm wrong tho, since we could use some more quality scifi.

Don't expect any depth or heavy RPG elements.

Oh right... Their community... Typical console derps and shooter bro's. Luckily for the game the chat is non existent, and you'll only deal with that on their forums.

In a nutshell:
Don't pre-order (but that counts for 90% of today's games), try it out first. You'll have fun, but the appeal wont last long.
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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 30th Mar 2013 00:12    Post subject:
I'm guessing we have to wait many months before they open up public trial for this game.
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 30th Mar 2013 00:34    Post subject:
Depending on their success I would guess prolly not soon. If sales were low and they need more players you could see it soon.

But I don't think they'll do badly on sales, look at what their target audience is and well...
Just have to check game charts by sales, you won't find the best and brightest on there either Laughing
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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Mar 2013 00:16    Post subject:
MEGAtexture wrote:
looked interesting , preordered on steam. and the wait begins :/

+1 Razz

Gave up and got deluxe edition Razz
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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Mar 2013 00:18    Post subject:
Oh... BTW, don't forget to redeem arkfall codes if you're planning to play this:

and codes can be found at:



login to your trion account before going to the my-ego Smile
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Posts: 311
Location: Not here.
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Mar 2013 14:54    Post subject:
Dafaq already selling a season pass for a discount for the 5 first dlc's. Great, a MMO with nickel and diming instead of doing full content expansion packs.
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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Mar 2013 18:11    Post subject:
Frant1c wrote:
Dafaq already selling a season pass for a discount for the 5 first dlc's. Great, a MMO with nickel and diming instead of doing full content expansion packs.

I think you're referring to the discount at steam, which was a discount if the tier 3 preorder amount is reached.

So, it's not really discounted, they're most likely just selling it for the price they pay to Trion.
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