desktop gui programming
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PostPosted: Wed, 11th Oct 2017 17:24    Post subject: desktop gui programming
So I wanted an actual GUI for my calibration tool for quite a while now. My jupyter notebook 'workflow' was ridiculous. Laughing
But I have never gotten over hello world examples of GUIs before. They always seem tedious, joyless and full of boilerplate code.

Since I need to control the process over network, jupyter made some sense. And so did react.js, coupled with mobx as it was super easy to build this. And the data points are fucking animated when they change thanks to html and css Shocked

I have a couple of problems with this though.
1. My client, after I open the browser is run entirely on the client side, meaning I needed an additional server app to control measurements anyway (which I didnt for jupyter). I guess this could can be solved via server side rendering however that works, maybe?
2. I used starter scripts to get this app running, but the stack I use now is opaque to me, probably making a transition to server side rendering difficult to me
3. A GUI running in a browser for local use seems insane to me

Is there a nice alternative for me using python?
Initially checked the rust programming language and I'd like to use it, but its gui situation appears dire for now.
I could probably rework my jupyter usage significantly so that it makes more sense, though I think I would prefer a normal UI.

Any suggestions whatsoever?
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Oct 2017 17:39    Post subject:
Nah man, don't worry about running your local server that you connect to against. GUI rendering on the server side? Is this 1970 all over again? Very Happy

Even Quake 1 starts a local server which you connect against as client Razz

Rendering should happen on client side and is the only way you'll have a nice user experience.

BTW you can always package your web app to run in a webkit container so that you have an exe file that you execute (which then starts a frameless browser window) Laughing

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PostPosted: Wed, 11th Oct 2017 18:31    Post subject:
Still seems insane to me Very Happy

Do you have any experience with (what is this even?) javascript and node.js? Currently the communication is a one way street, with the client contacting the server. But for ease of use I will have to make that 2 way. See the "Get" and "Meas" buttons? The latter calls for measurements and the former asks to receive the results. While actually using it I just waste time idling, because I can't get it into my head to push 'Get' Laughing

Unfortunately my client and server currently don't share any code whatsoever. So far this isn't a problem as I can make the server pretty dumb. But this is one of the problems with this stack of webpack and whatever else needed to run this shit. I don't even want to know what I would have to do, to run a server and client from the same code base.
I also don't know what to change to package this into an exe as you say, but that is a minor issue, as it makes little difference ...

At least I know now that I like Visual Studio Code. Ironically a fuckin web app using electron Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Oct 2017 00:42    Post subject:
Take a look at (I'm eating right now, so I won't go into more detail, I need my hands! Very Happy )

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Oct 2017 01:53    Post subject:
Meteor doesnt even attempt to address my core issue with the above, but it seems to provide solutions for every problem I have with my react app.

I also love that with 'optimistic ui' I not only have a client and server on the same machine, NO! I can also have both of them do the same shit, with one potentially correcting the other. Desktop GUIs are amazing Laughing

Sounds pretty cool, and I can even resuse a good chunk of my current work. And I get the feeling that it will help me with visualizations. Thank you very much Very Happy

Btw, clever excuse right there. You can claim to answer swiftly despite time issues causing appreciation at the receiver and at the same do less. I call this concept 'cheap social points'. Another good source is to invite someone over for something amazing when you secretly know that they are occupied otherwise Cool Face
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Oct 2017 02:03    Post subject:
Cool Almost done eating Razz

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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VIP Member

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Location: in a place with fluffy towels
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Oct 2017 16:06    Post subject:
I hope you are done eating by now Razz

Do you happen to have a recommendation for a visualization library I can use with react?
I have tried victory above, but the color visualization was annoying and Im interested in just trying something else.
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Posts: 5720
Location: in a place with fluffy towels
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Oct 2017 16:55    Post subject:
you know what? fuck it, just adapt to the matrix

every piece of info in a single view in the highest possible accuracy, what more could you possibly want? Laughing

I found that highcharts and google charts are used most often according to one websites and highcharts supposedly doesn't quite mesh too well with react, so ill try google charts.

Still interested in your answer though Very Happy
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