read the message in the the homepage to see the news! thanks for your time in reading this,cya
cool website dude. I have a question did you record those video's on your own xbox? I really want to make some movies screen capture if you will call it that. If so could you explane how you did it yourself? Is there A real easy way of doing it without having to modify your bios or anything? I was reading off xbox-scene and the on only one I saw was modifying your bios and I dont want to do that agian.
1) to say wut u are saying it means that u downloaded some of my movies?
2)its not that hard to do wut i have done,i did it with my xbox,stay tuned checking my website cause later today u will find a guide to wut u are asking in the FAQ page,hope it will help ya,cya later and keep clicking on my site!
I make movies of all my console games but hooking them up to a VGA adapter and have my PC record them... I usually encode them into divx since rm sucks total ass...
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