Test disk - Recovering data on drive (Help)
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Posts: 1835

PostPosted: Thu, 18th Jan 2018 23:47    Post subject: Test disk - Recovering data on drive (Help)
Hello folks, i'm wondering if anyone here would be kind enough to be able to give me a hand in rectifying my really silly mistake i've made with one of my hard disks Sad
Okay what I've done is accidentally overwritten my 6tb hardrive which is full of game isos, music, movies (about 4tb worth Sad with an windows 10 update which has in turn also converted my drive into a usb flash drive, not literally though, if you get what I mean.

In the pic from windows disk management it shows how the drive currently appears in windows when I boot up. it's Drive 3.. From a single partition, it's now in 3 parts with the partition which is active in windows and contains the update and 2 parts which are unallocated and I presume where the majority of all my data is located.

What I'm using is Test disk to try and recover my files as I've had success with that program before in the past, but it's been so long since I last used it I've unfortunately pretty much forgotten how to use the program nowadays. Nothing else has been written to the disk except for the windows update which was about 4gb, but it allocated around 30gb whilst also converting it to a virtual usb drive..
I don't mind losing some of my data. I figure 30gb is okay as I can re-download that without too much stress, but I'm dreading to losing the other 4-5 TB worth of stuff as that's just far to much to recover.. Sad

Does anyone have any experience with test disk please and can guide me as to what I should do next to try and revert all the damage I've done?. Id be really really grateful for any help from someone who knows their way around the program and can help me fix the drive. Thank you very much Sad Crying or Very sad

(so far what i've done is analyzed the drive, and it's given me a large list of seperate partitions, with one which says is unrecoverable.. is it a simple case of changing the partitions to Logical drives and my old files will show up again within the same drive?, or do something more complicated like rewrite the boot table of the drive and search for the files manually and copy them over to another drive..? I don't know and i'm scared of messing something up and losing everything..)
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Thu, 18th Jan 2018 23:58    Post subject:
would recommend to use R-Studio for that matter, google it (there is only a free trial which can show files, but you will find a full version without problem). let it scan the complete disc and it will offer you a easy overview of everything and you can select what you want to recover (ofc you need another hard drive to save it to, there is no way around that). easiest way to do such stuff
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Posts: 1835

PostPosted: Fri, 19th Jan 2018 00:21    Post subject:
Thanks Janz, i'll take a look at that. I've only ever used test disk before, although it isn't exactly user friendly, it does seem to work really well, but if R-Studio is easy to navigate and works as well as then i'll certainly give it a go. Ta mate. I'm too scared to touch the damaged drive at the moment for fear of losing all the data..
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Posts: 1835

PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Feb 2018 23:57    Post subject:
Janz mate, do you happen to know if R-Studio can do partition recoveries?. I haven't turned my PC off since I last posted on here lol. It's a bummer that I haven't got the spare space on any hard drives to recover most of what I lost. So I've literally been deleting everything that can be reinstalled and juggling files about trying to save all the important things that have been recovered so far. Anyway, after a scan I've managed to relocate a lost partition which is as close as to what the drive originally contained but a partition recovery would be so much easier then trying to salvage all the individual files. :/
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PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Feb 2018 00:11    Post subject:
you can save the scan result and reload it. no need to have your pc turned on 24/7 to not need to rescan the complete harddrive

but yes, iirc you could easily right click on the scanned/recognized partition and save it as image for example
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Posts: 1835

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Feb 2018 00:28    Post subject:
Thanks Janz, yeah I've saved of the scan results for the drive but I haven't enough room still to save off an image as it's still around 2.7TB even at it's most compressed for the partition that seems the most complete. Cheers Janz, i'll figure something out anyway. Smile Nice one
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Feb 2018 00:35    Post subject:
how about just grabbing a 4tb external harddrive? should be doable for around 100bucks. and might be useful for the feature for backups etc
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Posts: 1835

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Feb 2018 00:41    Post subject:
yeah i'm thinking about that. Pains me to spend money to fix this though, but I guess it'll be an investment in the long term as i'm bound to need more storage space at some point in the future. Although I did have my mind set on his thing before my PC went balls up https://www.scan.co.uk/products/1tb-samsung-960-evo-v-nand-m2-pcie-gen-30-x4-nvme-11-3200mb-s-read-1900mb-s-write-380k-360k-iops?v=b, but opting for a large storage HD will probably be more practical anyway. Smile
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Feb 2018 11:02    Post subject:
wouldnt go for an overpriced nvme ssd, it has zero benefits for you (unless you buy atleast two of them and you have processes which copy large files (over about lets say 10gb) from a to b constantly)
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Posts: 1835

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Feb 2018 23:16    Post subject:
Janz wrote:
wouldnt go for an overpriced nvme ssd, it has zero benefits for you (unless you buy atleast two of them and you have processes which copy large files (over about lets say 10gb) from a to b constantly)

hmm I should have read this sooner as I picked one up Janz.. well I'll stick it in the new build pc and have it as a boot drive and see how it works. I got some top end (4266mhz) ram so in conjunction with the nvme it should be really quick, in theory anyway.
Finally got another HD yesterday (seagate 8tb sata3) so I can at last create a new image of that drive and start again..Thanks for the help in all of this by the way
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