NFOHump X-MAS giveaway 2018 - Official call to action thread
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 10:55    Post subject: NFOHump X-MAS giveaway 2018 - Official call to action thread
Hey guys,

it's almost x-mas and but it's not too late to donate gamekeys! So if you have spare keys you want to share with fellow humpers, just send em my way via PM. Don't forget to mention the game name, platform and key.

Gay Sexvilla 3 Ultra, Steam, 69-BOB-69

Deadline is in two weeks from now (19th of december). I'll then create the correct threads so that you can pick until 24th. The results should be in on the 25th Smile

(I'll update with the correct graphics when I'm back home infront of cinema4d Very Happy )

The rules:
All donated keys will be up for grabs.
Any forum member with more than 20 posts in the last 3 months or any forum member with more than 100 posts can participate and announce which from the available games they want.
If you want more than 5 games your chances to win any of the chosen ones will decrease slightly Smile

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse

Last edited by PumpAction on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 02:20; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 9329
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 11:25    Post subject:
What if I don't trust you and I'm afraid you'll run away with these keys!? Mr. Green
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 15:18    Post subject:
Well I managed the last few giveaways too. You think that fat squirrel coded the random winner picker? Twisted Evil No! It was the fat duck of course Smile

BTW you can also send pre-order keys or whatever Smile Heck you can even giveaway some money, but in that case you have to take care of paypaling that

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Posts: 14059
Location: Balkans
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 15:23    Post subject:
pre-order keys are usually sent out on the release date, so it will be more like a IOU a key on release date

also for paypal you need to give us your address

Lutzifer wrote:
and yes, mine is only average
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 15:32    Post subject:
I'd rather have it like this:

"Hi Pumpy, I would like to giveaway $10 via paypal"

Then I'll put that up for vote and the winner will contact you to get the $10 directly. No involvement of pumpy Smile

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 26310

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 15:38    Post subject:
why not move this thread in the gaming area?
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 15:42    Post subject:
Upon immense request, the thread has been moved. (NO YOU CAN'T WIN ANY PS4 OR XBOX TITLES, THANK LOLO FOR THAT!)

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 14962
Location: Republic of the Seven United Provinces
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 15:45    Post subject:
I would like to see a list of given things and givers
a list of people who apply
a list of people who have won

Formerly known as iconized
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Posts: 9329
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 15:57    Post subject:
PumpAction wrote:
Heck you can even giveaway some money, but in that case you have to take care of paypaling that

I'm from Romania, stop asking for money! Laughing
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 16:05    Post subject:
TSR69 wrote:
I would like to see a list of given things and givers
a list of people who apply
a list of people who have won

Das alles, und noch viel mehr
Würd' ich machen, wenn ich Admin von NFOHump wär'!

Oh wait, but I am.

Of course you'll get that, just like the last years Smile

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 16:44    Post subject:
TSR69 wrote:
I would like to see a list of given things and givers
a list of people who apply
a list of people who have won

So you can be a creep about it or? :>

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Posts: 3027
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 18:10    Post subject:
No Keys this year, the ones i had i gave spikez last year.

My SysProfile

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Posts: 3388

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Dec 2018 21:10    Post subject:
I’d like to donate 20 to the cause. Can split it up for 2 10’s if wanted so whichever works best. Not looking for anything in return just wanna make sure others get something.

couleur wrote:
Everything I don't understand is a mental disorder. Laughing

couleur wrote:
If the illegals are drowning its their fault for attempting to cross the river in the first place. Especially the children. /s

russ80 wrote:
Who cares about gameplay. It's one of the few next-gen looking titles out there so BRING IT ON.
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Dec 2018 00:35    Post subject:
would humble monthly games work?

i still have a couple of games that i haven't given away yet, but i'm in asia and i'm not sure if those keys are accepted globally

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 29168

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Dec 2018 00:41    Post subject:

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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Dec 2018 00:57    Post subject:
AKofC wrote:
would humble monthly games work?

i still have a couple of games that i haven't given away yet, but i'm in asia and i'm not sure if those keys are accepted globally

Most should work, thought it will explicitly say which ones don't. At least I had a few that specified only usable in le EU.

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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Dec 2018 01:13    Post subject:
Cool. I'll just hand over that invite link they have for when you gift it.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2018 09:57    Post subject:
Merci to AKofC and BettyShikle, keys received Smile

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 4567

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2018 13:33    Post subject:
Problem is, I gave most of my spare keys last year but I have NO idea which have been activated and which weren't and I don't think there's a way of testing keys without activating them.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2018 14:58    Post subject:
For origin you actually can, I saw only one unread pm and from last year and I will put that game up again as it was not claimed (I checked via origin). All other winning notifications were ready as far as I can tell.

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24434
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PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2018 18:56    Post subject:
I gave $5 last year since I had no keys (or money). I'll try to find some good keys (I gave away the keys I had in the forum). Otherwise I'll gief $$$.

Or I could donate some books I don't want to read anymore. Wink
(however, shipping will be too expensive for something like that)

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 310

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Dec 2018 13:22    Post subject:
Great event.

I sent game + DLC to you @PumpAction (I trust you Very Happy)
It should work.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Dec 2018 18:16    Post subject:
Thanks to Interinactive, oblaz, konkol84 and Arukardo Smile

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 1750
Location: Warren, MN
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Dec 2018 00:19    Post subject:
I won a couple of games last year so I have a few keys I haven't claimed from at least a couple of bundles to donate in return for this awesome giveaway. I'll send them to you in the next couple of days PumpAction. Just need time to search my overly populated GMail inbox and some freedom from XMas shopping Razz
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Dec 2018 18:02    Post subject:
Thanks to TSR69 Smile

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 9725

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Dec 2018 21:23    Post subject:
time to sort through my dozen page humble library lol and give back
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Dec 2018 22:59    Post subject:
Thanks Morphineus and PickupArtist Smile

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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PostPosted: Thu, 13th Dec 2018 00:22    Post subject:
PickupArtist wrote:
time to sort through my dozen page humble library lol and give back

yup Very Happy
Will probably give some aswell when i get time and mood to sort through that
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Posts: 9725

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Dec 2018 02:07    Post subject:
library/keys and then went to last page and scrolled my way up worked quite well.

i horded a lot of 1 dollar bundles back in the day jaiks
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Posts: 3388

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Dec 2018 02:15    Post subject:
For cash donations, if I read correctly, I (the donor) will get a name/email to donate to at a later time? I believe Pumpy did not want to manage that and I don't blame him hehe.

couleur wrote:
Everything I don't understand is a mental disorder. Laughing

couleur wrote:
If the illegals are drowning its their fault for attempting to cross the river in the first place. Especially the children. /s

russ80 wrote:
Who cares about gameplay. It's one of the few next-gen looking titles out there so BRING IT ON.
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