Power & Sleep settings won't hold???
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Posts: 1533

PostPosted: Sun, 25th Mar 2018 13:29    Post subject: Power & Sleep settings won't hold???
For the last couple of days when my PC is not in use for more then 4 hours it goes to sleep? I set the "Advanced settings " to High performance and set the Turn off hard disk after Setting to Never.

When I go to bed I wake up and the PC is off and the power light is blinking??

Why do the settings not hold?

Thank you
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Sun, 25th Mar 2018 13:37    Post subject:
High Performance doesnt deactivate the standby

go to settings -> system -> and then the third option (dunno the correct translation, something with power and energy saving most likely) and set standby to never
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PostPosted: Sun, 25th Mar 2018 14:45    Post subject:
It doesn't matter what power setting I pick after I "Apply" the setting to "Never" and I close it I go back and it says "0" instead of "Never" It makes no sense that it goes back to"0"

They won't hold the setting "Never" High level aggravation!!! Maybe its time for a reinstall of Win 10??

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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PostPosted: Sun, 25th Mar 2018 15:20    Post subject:
it makes really no sense cause 0 isnt a legit option for that

have you fucked around with "tuning" tools or shutup 10 or something like that?
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PostPosted: Sun, 25th Mar 2018 15:56    Post subject:
This all happened after the last M$ update I believe. I always set my monitor to 15min shutoff and sleep to Never. I recently went into additional power settings when I saw the PC was off but the power button was flashing off and on. It was hibernating. So the drop down says "Never" I chose that and it always goes back to "0"

Does your drop downs say "0"?

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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PostPosted: Sun, 25th Mar 2018 16:01    Post subject:
I just went into cmd prompt and typed powercfg /h off

Just to see how that goes? Will know tomorrow!

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Sun, 25th Mar 2018 21:25    Post subject:
nope it just says "nie" aka "never", just looked into the reg entries and there arent there anymore where they were in older windows versions, so no clue if 0 is really a valid (internal) integer for it

with powercfg /h off you disabled also the quick start of windows (just that you know); but if you use a ssd it shouldnt really matter
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PostPosted: Sun, 25th Mar 2018 21:59    Post subject:
I use an ssd for the OS. Still seems pretty quick to the desktop from power on. Like I said I will see how it is when I wake tomorrow?

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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PostPosted: Mon, 26th Mar 2018 19:19    Post subject:
Well today the PC didn't go into sleep or hibernate so I guess the cmd prompt powercfg /h off worked?

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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Posts: 1533

PostPosted: Tue, 27th Mar 2018 11:22    Post subject:
SHIT! Woke up this morning and the PC was sleeping?? Now I don't have any clue. It won't hold settings and the cmd prompt powercfg didn't work??? Time for a fresh clean install of the OS I guess?

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Mar 2018 11:43    Post subject:
should be the best solution yes, but wait till the spring creators update is released (~2 weeks, a little bit earlier the images should be available, its NOT yet the current highest build 17128 for insiders!)
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Mar 2018 19:04    Post subject:
Ok "Janz" Thank so much for all the input and help!! Makes this forum very AWESOME and the place for help!

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Mar 2018 21:56    Post subject:
the most likely final build is now available for insider, if you cant wait grab a self build image of the 17133 and install it (for now it seems this will be the final main build, with another cumulative update coming when its released. but i cant guarantee that)
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Posts: 1533

PostPosted: Fri, 30th Mar 2018 16:34    Post subject:
Well after a few more investigational searches I found the issue!! I installed a program called AI Suite 3 for the ASUS Mobo....basically fan speed control. Hidden in the options was (Performance Power Plan) It was set to "Sleep" 4 hours of no activity...I set for "Never".

Tomorrow I should know where the bear shits in the buckwheat! Hopefully that solves it!!

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Apr 2018 19:23    Post subject:
thats why you never install any bullshit software of the boardmakers Razz
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