Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 00:15    Post subject: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

Official web page: LINK
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Beenox Inc.
Media type and size:
Genre: Action RPG
Release date: US: Q1 2007
Europe: October 6, 2006


In this superhero-filled action-RPG, players assume the roles of more than 20 Marvel Super Heroes including Spider-Man, Wolverine, Blade and Captain America, and through their actions determine the fate of both planet Earth and the Marvel universe. The game features total team customization, where players create their own team name, icon and vehicle, as well as establish their team reputation as they play throughout the story. Battle the world’s most notorious Marvel Super Villains in the air, underwater, and on the ground, using grappling, blocking and dodging moves, and even environmental objects as one and two-handed weapons. The storyline is designed open, and the missions that you choose to accept affect the outcome of the Marvel Universe. Also featured are competitive and co-operative multiplayer modes.


# Over 140 characters from Marvel Universe
# Team customization
# Battling in mid air, underwater and on ground

* Fully destructable and interactive environment

# Online and Co-operative mode

* Up to 4 co-operative
* In co-operative mode, featuring both online and offline play, players will have to fight for the most kills in order to get the experience points at the end of the level. Unlike X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse, in which players can only play danger rooms that have been unlocked or single player progress, players can now play through the whole level from start to finish.

# 17+ locales

* Players will travel around the earth and universe back and forth by the end of the game
* Special comic book missions, revisiting a moment in a character's past and facing a classic arch rival.

# Decision Making - Alternative Ending

* Decisions made will affect the ending result.

# Special Skins

* Different costumes will alter stats of characters.

# Controllable Powers

Multiplayer: Yes
Screens: Click
Video: Click
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Posts: 71
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 00:42    Post subject:
The game looks pretty interesting for comics lovers!

Oops!... reloaded did it again
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Posts: 1410
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Tue, 19th Sep 2006 13:20    Post subject:
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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Tue, 19th Sep 2006 16:11    Post subject:
Yep, it'll be very nice one. I'm tracking it since it was announced. I loved x-men legends 2 and this will be quite like it.. I'm also a big marvel fan Smile

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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 22:44    Post subject:
just wanted to revive the topic.. The The US version will be out in about an hour, so i hope will find a release soon. Man, how excited i'm for this one. But a thing that worries me like hell is that the stated system requiremenst where it is sayd that a shader version 3.0 videocard is must have as minimum... i hope is just a some kind of mistake and that most of us -the Marvel fans would enjoy this game Neutral

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Posts: 1410
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Oct 2006 22:49    Post subject:
RainyDay wrote:
just wanted to revive the topic.. The The US version will be out in about an hour, so i hope will find a release soon. Man, how excited i'm for this one. But a thing that worries me like hell is that the stated system requiremenst where it is sayd that a shader version 3.0 videocard is must have as minimum... i hope is just a some kind of mistake and that most of us -the Marvel fans would enjoy this game Neutral

Nice waited for it already i think i have to downlaod many gaems in the next times and reseed them xD
Dark MEssiah
This one
Extraction point
and at last NFSC
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Posts: 66
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Oct 2006 05:12    Post subject:
Probably going to be a bad port for the pc, it's Beenox at it again. I'm sure the xbox360 and ps3 versions will be better :/
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Posts: 738
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Oct 2006 05:26    Post subject:
X-Men Legends II wasn't that bad.

anyway, i cannot wait for it !
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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Oct 2006 10:19    Post subject:
i made a little investigation. X-men legends 2 was using safedisc 4 protection. It was released september 20 and cracked by deviance on 26th. I wonder about that one..

And some quoting from the forums about the PC system reqs... Neutral

There was a lot of back and forth debate on the PC specs. and whether to make it next gen. graphics or not. It was decided to give the PC the same level of graphics as next gen. to make it as good as possible on PC, and truly a next-gen. game. The PC version is built for gaming machines as it takes advantage of many of the video features found in the next-gen versions This of course required higher specs, but the theory was that if you’re a gamer, you’re going to have pretty advanced specs. on your PC anyways.

That being said, the PC version WILL run below the minimum specs, but may run into performance issues, and using advanced video options will not be possible. A GeForce 6-series card or equivalent would suffice, but anything lower than that would run into significant framerate issues.

great theory they have..... Evil or Very Mad

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Posts: 738
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Oct 2006 22:08    Post subject:
the Xbox version is out, the other platforms should follow up soon! (at least I hope so)
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Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 19:21    Post subject:
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (c) Activision *BWCLONE* RECHARGED Very Happy
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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 19:23    Post subject:
JiGSaW wrote:
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (c) Activision *BWCLONE* RECHARGED Very Happy

God bless you for that post Very Happy

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Posts: 740

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 19:26    Post subject:
multilanguage ? thanks
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Posts: 867

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 19:47    Post subject:
YES!!! Marvel RULES! Been looking forward to this one.

Thanks for the info!

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Posts: 28

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 21:22    Post subject:
Marvel Ultimate Alliance -NoGroup Smile

Copy crack.

have a nice day ppl Razz
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Posts: 84

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 21:31    Post subject:
its kinda big for that kind of gfx: 4.01GB

but thats the clone, nogrp rel is 3.98GB

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Posts: 1557
Location: Dutch...
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 21:32    Post subject:
mdma wrote:
Marvel Ultimate Alliance -NoGroup Smile

Copy crack.

have a nice day ppl Razz

You must have copied that of a torrent site.....

Marvel_Ultimate_Alliance this is the release name Wink
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Posts: 28

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 21:34    Post subject:
BRISK#1 wrote:
mdma wrote:
Marvel Ultimate Alliance -NoGroup Smile

Copy crack.

have a nice day ppl Razz

You must have copied that of a torrent site.....

Marvel_Ultimate_Alliance this is the release name Wink

u cought me Razz dont call the cops ha
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Posts: 1557
Location: Dutch...
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 21:40    Post subject:

Proper note: Other release isn't properly cracked.


No group:
0040103C ADD EAX,1
0040103F MOV EAX,F8833FFF
00401044 AND BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+89142444],CL
0040104A INC ESP
0040104B AND AL,18
0040103C ADD EAX,1
0040103F ADD ESP,4
00401042 CMP EAX,20
00401045 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14],EAX
00401049 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18],EAX
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Posts: 1510

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 22:10    Post subject:
BRISK#1 wrote:

Proper note: Other release isn't properly cracked.


No group:
0040103C ADD EAX,1
0040103F MOV EAX,F8833FFF
00401044 AND BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+89142444],CL
0040104A INC ESP
0040104B AND AL,18
0040103C ADD EAX,1
0040103F ADD ESP,4
00401042 CMP EAX,20
00401045 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14],EAX
00401049 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18],EAX

for those 'code' illiterate, what the fuck does that mean? D:
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Posts: 867

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 22:49    Post subject:
BRISK#1 wrote:

This is great news!! RELOADED RULES!!!

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Posts: 22

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 00:37    Post subject:
So, what character are you going to play as? I am still thinking about this game, but it does not seem there is any of my favourite character as an option (Spidey is good though).
Any inspiration?
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Posts: 1510

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 04:23    Post subject:
Humpolt wrote:
So, what character are you going to play as? I am still thinking about this game, but it does not seem there is any of my favourite character as an option (Spidey is good though).
Any inspiration?

you bring a team of 4 iirc so its your top 4 favorites Very Happy
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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 04:37    Post subject:
RainyDay wrote:
i made a little investigation. X-men legends 2 was using safedisc 4 protection. It was released september 20 and cracked by deviance on 26th. I wonder about that one..

And some quoting from the forums about the PC system reqs... Neutral

There was a lot of back and forth debate on the PC specs. and whether to make it next gen. graphics or not. It was decided to give the PC the same level of graphics as next gen. to make it as good as possible on PC, and truly a next-gen. game. The PC version is built for gaming machines as it takes advantage of many of the video features found in the next-gen versions This of course required higher specs, but the theory was that if you’re a gamer, you’re going to have pretty advanced specs. on your PC anyways.

That being said, the PC version WILL run below the minimum specs, but may run into performance issues, and using advanced video options will not be possible. A GeForce 6-series card or equivalent would suffice, but anything lower than that would run into significant framerate issues.

great theory they have..... Evil or Very Mad

Well nice theory terrible execution cause I heard people who exceed the recommended requirement still have problems running the game. Very choppy performance. They should have included both contents like they did in Tomb Raider Legend.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 05:22    Post subject:
Any demo of this out? Too lazy to look for it myself...
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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 10:12    Post subject:
nope, there is no demo.

i got the game.. And i'm damn happy. i can play it just fine on 1.8ghz, 800 ddr ram, and 5700LE Smile on 1024x768 with 2x AA on.
Well the advanced lightning and shadows options are grayed but... i don't give a damn about them Smile Only slowdowns are when there are effects like fire 'n such but...
I've played just a bit and it feels great. Those who liked X-men legends will surely love this.

by default there is auto-level "feature" for the characters. So IF you want to develop your chars personnaly (and you should). You must select EVERY character and uncheck the auto-levelin up (and auto equip-item if you desire) Otherwise the skill points will be auto assigned...

Per aspera ad astra
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Posts: 11
Location: Spain
PostPosted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 11:53    Post subject:
I'm not knows if this release is MULTI(language)?

Thanks pals.
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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 13:10    Post subject:
RainyDay wrote:
nope, there is no demo.

i got the game.. And i'm damn happy. i can play it just fine on 1.8ghz, 800 ddr ram, and 5700LE Smile on 1024x768 with 2x AA on.
Well the advanced lightning and shadows options are grayed but... i don't give a damn about them Smile Only slowdowns are when there are effects like fire 'n such but...
I've played just a bit and it feels great. Those who liked X-men legends will surely love this.

by default there is auto-level "feature" for the characters. So IF you want to develop your chars personnaly (and you should). You must select EVERY character and uncheck the auto-levelin up (and auto equip-item if you desire) Otherwise the skill points will be auto assigned...

but is it a good rpg, not comparing to x-men as i nevr played it.
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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 14:00    Post subject:
RainyDay wrote:
nope, there is no demo.

i got the game.. And i'm damn happy. i can play it just fine on 1.8ghz, 800 ddr ram, and 5700LE Smile on 1024x768 with 2x AA on.
Well the advanced lightning and shadows options are grayed but... i don't give a damn about them Smile Only slowdowns are when there are effects like fire 'n such but...
I've played just a bit and it feels great. Those who liked X-men legends will surely love this.

by default there is auto-level "feature" for the characters. So IF you want to develop your chars personnaly (and you should). You must select EVERY character and uncheck the auto-levelin up (and auto equip-item if you desire) Otherwise the skill points will be auto assigned...

Thanks for the mini-mini-review, but that's all I needed. Gonna download it. Laughing
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 14:02    Post subject:
BRISK#1 wrote:

Proper note: Other release isn't properly cracked.


No group:
0040103C ADD EAX,1
0040103F MOV EAX,F8833FFF
00401044 AND BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+89142444],CL
0040104A INC ESP
0040104B AND AL,18
0040103C ADD EAX,1
0040103F ADD ESP,4
00401042 CMP EAX,20
00401045 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14],EAX
00401049 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18],EAX

Just a few things that were missed and improperly replaced. This can cause issues like causing the game to crash for no reason for example...
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