Alone In The Dark
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Posts: 1144
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 20:22    Post subject: Alone In The Dark
Alone In The Dark

  • Official web page: Eden Games
  • Publisher: Atari
  • Developer: Eden games
  • Genre: Action-Adventure
  • Release date: 2008
  • Story/Description:

    The video game that launched survival gaming and set the standard within the genre returns with an

    extraordinary survival experience on the PC,PS2,WII,PS3,Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from

    Microsoft. Developed by Eden Studios, Alone in the Dark will provide a thoroughly next-generation

    experience within a highly detailed, free-roaming, streaming environment featuring a mixture of

    astonishing real-time physics and full environmental interaction.

  • Multiplayer: No
  • System requirements: N/A
  • Multilanguage: N/A
  • Preview: N/A
  • Screenshots: Click me
  • Trailer: Trailer

Last edited by Nakitu on Fri, 7th Dec 2007 21:11; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 20:51    Post subject:
The video game that launched survival gaming and set the standard within the genre returns..


That game was AWFUL!

troll detected by SiN
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Posts: 154

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 20:59    Post subject:
erm Alone in the Dark 1 & 2 were elite titles back then! It got sloppy afterwards!
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Posts: 1144
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 21:12    Post subject:
I only hope that PC wont get PS2 port.
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 21:15    Post subject:
The video game that launched survival gaming and set the standard within the genre returns

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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 21:20    Post subject:
the only decent one was 4th

didn't even bothered with any previous ones
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Posts: 3550

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 21:48    Post subject:

PC awesome button = Uninstall!
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Posts: 62
Location: sunny spain
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 21:50    Post subject:
well it was the game that started survival games indeed.
you have to consider that it was published in that time it was incredible,not only about the graphics (first time some company used 3d characters) but the story, the camera angles, the sound.
i remember playing it at college, in the room we were programing, and all class,even my old theacher,were amazed bout this game.

sure you think resident evil is the first survival game,but your wrong. r.e was plublished in 1996,and that´s 4 years after the first alone,and imo copied the whole game from the begining to the end.

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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 22:08    Post subject:
tucolino wrote:
well it was the game that started survival games indeed.
you have to consider that it was published in that time it was incredible,not only about the graphics (first time some company used 3d characters) but the story, the camera angles, the sound.
i remember playing it at college, in the room we were programing, and all class,even my old theacher,were amazed bout this game.

sure you think resident evil is the first survival game,but your wrong. r.e was plublished in 1996,and that´s 4 years after the first alone,and imo copied the whole game from the begining to the end.

Amen! You are absolutely right about Alone 1 was the first real survival horror game, and it also was amazing from a technical standpoint. And let us not forget that this game on top of it all, was A Call of Cthulhu game which is a big plus in my book (Yes I know it wasn't an official Cthulhu license but it gave credits To Chaosium inc. And of course to Hp. Lovecraft).

The really sad thing about the survival horror genre, is that most people today think that Resident evil was the first real thing in the genre, as Alone was much more terryfying, and did it by scaring your socks of with all kinds of creepy sounds and sights instead of all the gungho attitude and Manga haircuts.

Gungho attitude and Manga haircuts=Not very scary in my book...
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Posts: 1094
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PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 22:45    Post subject:
Yup Alone in the Dark was revolutionary. Still remember the huge kick I got when trying the demo-was unlike anything I ever played before. A friend and I went out and bought it soon after and got the living bejeezus scared out of us by the game too many times to count.

Too bad the legacy went down the tubes with most everything that came after. Expecting much of the same with this pile of shit.

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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 22:49    Post subject:
Too bad the legacy went down the tubes with most everything that came after. Expecting much of the same with this pile of shit.

Couldn't agree more... It's so sad Crying or Very sad Oh well, I'll just have to load it into Good old Dosbox to get my fix then Smile
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Posts: 62
Location: sunny spain
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 23:00    Post subject:
yep.i still don´t understand why they went from good old h.p to that indian shit.
about this new one, we will see.most probably crap but let´s wait and see

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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 23:22    Post subject:
Alone in the dark 2 was OK, I don't see why people think only the first one was decent,
Aside from Resident Evil 4, I've never played anything even remotley good in this genre, and that includes the awful Clive Barker's undying, so I don't really have hope for any "survival horror" game to be good.

Burn them all Adolf
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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 23:31    Post subject:
Well, I actually liked the first 3 Alone games, But! the first one was clearly above the rest. Another good survival horror was Nocturne despite it's flaws. Especially the second chapter because it's Hp. inspired in my book. Very Happy

Btw. I think they dropped the good old survival horror because of the success of the first Alone game. I mean, everytime some great horror comes along, be it film og games, they absolutely have to cash in on it's success and the easy way to do that is rape the concept in true hollywood style. so the majority buys it. Imho the majority's conception about horror is something as superficial as a sexy girl or guy who can blow up monsters with a handcannon while spilling cheesy one liners... Damn them for truly being Lucifers little bitches Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

Last edited by maul_inc on Fri, 7th Dec 2007 23:42; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Dec 2007 23:42    Post subject:
Yeah Nocturne was flashy + fun,

Burn them all Adolf
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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jan 2008 18:13    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jan 2008 18:20    Post subject:
streetunder wrote:

Not to be prejudicial or anything, but Razz what the hell is this crap? Bring back the AWESOME, CRAZY, and SCARY fixed camera angles from the brilliant game that invented the horror-survival genre: AITD1. And what is with the GTA-kind-of-style driving? Looks hilarious in the way that it doesn't belong in this franchise at all! Fuck this new-generation streamlined gaming shit.

OK, rant over. Very Happy

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Posts: 203

PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jan 2008 18:55    Post subject:
Is it me or does the graphics it look like shit?
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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jan 2008 18:58    Post subject:
roberta507 wrote:
Is it me or does the graphics it look like shit?

Obviously you don't know what shit looks like. I'm not saying the graphics are great or anything, but certainly doesn't look like shit.
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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jan 2008 19:17    Post subject:
this game looks fantastic.... cant wait for it.
Maybe it will be the best alone in the dark game ever, 3rd person with first person view, the inventory is simply amazing.......!!
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Posts: 1489

PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jan 2008 19:38    Post subject:
tucolino wrote:
well it was the game that started survival games indeed.
you have to consider that it was published in that time it was incredible,not only about the graphics (first time some company used 3d characters) but the story, the camera angles, the sound.
i remember playing it at college, in the room we were programing, and all class,even my old theacher,were amazed bout this game.

sure you think resident evil is the first survival game,but your wrong. r.e was plublished in 1996,and that´s 4 years after the first alone,and imo copied the whole game from the begining to the end.

Some people here are probably too young to remember that era.Alone In The Dark is indeed the father of the survival horror genre.It doesn't really matter if the game sucked , the AITD franchise was still the first one to introduce the genre.

These days survival horror is synonymous with Resident Evil and Silent Hill to the new generation but us old farts know that Alone In The Dark is the game that started it all.
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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jan 2008 19:50    Post subject:
streetunder wrote:
new trailer

well..graphic here from the trailer isn't the shos..the shos is the game play..looks like you can interact with anything around and i ilike it:)
graphic is not crysis but it's fair i guess.
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Feb 2008 15:51    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Feb 2008 01:01    Post subject:
maul_inc wrote:
tucolino wrote:
well it was the game that started survival games indeed.
you have to consider that it was published in that time it was incredible,not only about the graphics (first time some company used 3d characters) but the story, the camera angles, the sound.
i remember playing it at college, in the room we were programing, and all class,even my old theacher,were amazed bout this game.

sure you think resident evil is the first survival game,but your wrong. r.e was plublished in 1996,and that´s 4 years after the first alone,and imo copied the whole game from the begining to the end.

Amen! You are absolutely right about Alone 1 was the first real survival horror game,

nonsense. this is the first survival horror game

its got you running for your life from ghosts ALL THE TIME.

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Posts: 45

PostPosted: Sat, 16th Feb 2008 15:56    Post subject:
Very nice trailer!

P5W DH Deluxe,C2D E6600@3GHZ,2GB CORSAIR 800MHZ,HIS X1900GT
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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Sat, 16th Feb 2008 21:04    Post subject:
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Posts: 518
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PostPosted: Sat, 16th Feb 2008 22:42    Post subject:
very nice tech demo, i liked the way u can do stuff with objects , i hope this game will be fun and they will not ruin it with bugs and glitches or a bad story! i loved alone in the dark 1 and 2 back it the early 90's Smile
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Feb 2008 22:56    Post subject:
Ancient78 wrote:
very nice tech demo, i liked the way u can do stuff with objects , i hope this game will be fun and they will not ruin it with bugs and glitches or a bad story! i loved alone in the dark 1 and 2 back it the early 90's Smile

well i don't expect major bugs and glitches in 360 version considering tech demo was made on it and i haven't spot any

great stuff tho, can't wait Very Happy
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Posts: 272

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Feb 2008 00:33    Post subject:
I think it looks quite good. I like the highly interactive environment.. Might make for some cool puzzles. I'd really like more a puzzle horror adventure than the bore that is Resident Evil.
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PostPosted: Mon, 18th Feb 2008 01:27    Post subject:
Looks Amazing!
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