[XBOXONE/PS4] Fallout 76 (November 14th)
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PostPosted: Sun, 11th Nov 2018 23:34    Post subject: [XBOXONE/PS4] Fallout 76 (November 14th)
Fallout 76 (November 14th)



Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4, welcome you to Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person. Work together, or not, to survive. Under the threat of nuclear annihilation, you’ll experience the largest, most dynamic world ever created in the legendary Fallout universe.

Reclamation Day, 2102. Twenty-five years after the bombs fall, you and your fellow Vault Dwellers-chosen from the nation’s best and brightest - emerge into post-nuclear America. Play solo or join together as you explore, quest, build, and triumph against the wasteland’s greatest threats.


* You will Emerge: Multiplayer finally comes to the epic open world RPG's of Bethesda Game Studios. Create your character with the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system and forge your own path in a new and untamed wasteland with hundreds of locations. Whether you journey alone or with friends, a new and unique Fallout adventure awaits.

* Mountain Splendorland: All-new graphics, lighting and landscape technology brings to life six distinct West Virginia regions. From the forests of Appalachia to the noxious crimson expanses of the Cranberry Bog, each region offers its own risks and rewards. Post-nuclear America has never looked so beautiful.

* A New American Dream: Use the all-new Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform (C.A.M.P.) to build and craft anywhere in the world. Your C.A.M.P. will provide much-needed shelter, supplies, and safety. You can even set up shop to trade goods with other survivors. But beware, not everyone will be quite so neighbourly.

* The Power of the Atom: Go it alone or with fellow survivors to unlock access to the ultimate weapon - Nuclear Missiles. This destruction also creates a high-level zone with rare and valuable resources. Do you protect or unleash the power of the atom? The choice is yours.




Put 30 hours into the Beta and despite some minor issues Im itching to get back in the game! Preordered Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed, 14th Nov 2018 18:04    Post subject:
Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed, 14th Nov 2018 18:23    Post subject:
is it as boring as the previous one ? Laughing

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PostPosted: Wed, 14th Nov 2018 23:58    Post subject:
Cashgrab 76

cyclonefr wrote:
is it as boring as the previous one ? Laughing

I think it's going to be way worse. MMO with microtransactions. Hard pass.
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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Nov 2018 00:07    Post subject:
From what i read on pushsquare.com it's classic buggy bethesda game with even slower performance.
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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Nov 2018 06:32    Post subject:
Yes it’s buggy, yes I’ve had glitches but performance has been fine, at least on my PS4
Pro. I’m playing the game solo and given the size of map, running into any of the other 23 players is rare. I know a lot of people have been put off by the multiplayer but its very possible to play it as a single player experience. I’m also enjoying it.

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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Nov 2018 16:38    Post subject:
Sounds nice headshot. I hate the direction they took with 76 but still want to try it (when it's $30 or lower).
Also i read about Pacifist mode that may be good for me.

@headshot how's the game playing solo? you get quests from robots? is the exploring still fun? and from what i see you still have monsters to kill so its probably going to be fun for me.
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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Nov 2018 20:09    Post subject:
hah you need PS Plus to play, that's a pass for me.

Last edited by Adebisi on Thu, 15th Nov 2018 20:25; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Nov 2018 20:11    Post subject:
But but but you get amazing “free” games with PS+ Laughing

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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Nov 2018 20:21    Post subject:
no thanks Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun, 18th Nov 2018 05:27    Post subject:
Despite this game clearly being removed from the oven far too early, I’m enjoying it. It’s broken, glitched and unfinished and more like Fallout 4.5. I’m not a fan boy but I love the world, exploring and scavenging. Fuck the multiplayer! Here are some videos I made for Bethesda to view and fix, hopefully!

Game froze whilst scrapping a weapon. Waited about 3 minutes but the faded window suggested it was a permanet freeze. PS4 not affected as I was able to record the video before I had to close the game.

Scorched behaviour is rather broken. I’m not sure if they are supposed to stand still and disregard the player as I have seen often but I’m pretty sure they’re not meant to act like they’re on ice skates or simply forgot how to walk!? Laughing

Found a basement type room at Camp Venture that glitched when I crouched whilst stood in a certain position lol.

Found a bug where holotapes play as static when picking up and playing them whilst using the alternative Pipboy view mode.

I know the map is huge but for a game to retail with a missing texture so blatantly out in the open is pretty poor but also makes for an amusing find Razz

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PostPosted: Sun, 18th Nov 2018 05:41    Post subject:
There's not many reviews for this game yet which is weird because the game came out a few days ago, but one of them was a 3/10, one was 6.5/10. Pretty awful.
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PostPosted: Mon, 19th Nov 2018 17:15    Post subject:

Fallout 76's first major patch is out now on PlayStation 4, and Bethesda wasn't kidding when it warned it would be big.

The patch weighs in at a whopping 47.258GB and brings Fallout 76 up to version 1.02. Prior to the patch going live, Fallout 76 on PS4 took up 53.04GB. Post-patch, Fallout 76 takes up 53.23GB, so the update replaces much of the pre-existing file.



As if the game hasn’t had enough criticism Sad

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Posts: 304

PostPosted: Mon, 19th Nov 2018 18:58    Post subject:
Yeah but it replaces the existing file so you'll still be taking up about the same size off your hard drive. Not 47 gb additional space of your hard drive. But it does show how much of a mess the game was to need that big of a patch.
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PostPosted: Mon, 19th Nov 2018 19:12    Post subject:
NoSoul81 wrote:
Yeah but it replaces the existing file so you'll still be taking up about the same size off your hard drive. Not 47 gb additional space of your hard drive. But it does show how much of a mess the game was to need that big of a patch.

Oh yeah I know its replacement rather than additional. I swear my retail disc was in the PS4 less than a minute before it finished copying files, then there was a 51GB download which was obviously the game and now a 47GB download which is probably most of the game again. Im just glad Im not someone with crap internet lol. Its just a shame things have gone the way they have but Bethesda stated the game was experimental.

Anyway Im fully updated but the servers are down for maintenance :/

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Posts: 735

PostPosted: Mon, 19th Nov 2018 19:25    Post subject:
So they've released nearly 100gb worth of updates in the space of a week? Surely they could have delayed this shit until Q1 and not rinsed their fanbase bandwidth by hurrying this to make a quick cash grab before Christmas.
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Nov 2018 20:27    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Tue, 4th Dec 2018 01:37    Post subject:
Pretty lol

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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Apr 2020 12:14    Post subject:
Had a few hours on Fallout 76 now the Wastelanders expansion dropped.
Last time I played was November 2018 lol and I already have a level 32 character from previously but I started again from beginning. Got NPCs from the get go.
It’s like a different game and really made a difference to quests with multiple choice dialogue and options influenced by perks and some pretty impressive lip syncing especially for a Bethesda game lol.
Yeah definitely feels like a proper Fallout game. They still have the holotapes all over the place but I kinda like them but the NPCs really make a difference I think.
A lot has changed and it genuinely feels like the game we should have had at launch. They even added a DJ to the radio stations.

Got me hooked all over again!

Also my first character was female and at the time I got the Nuka Girl outfit and helmet. I found these items in my 2nd character's inventory so for a laugh I put them on my 2nd character who is a guy this time and which was indeed pretty funny. The weird thing is when he's wearing the Nuka Girl helmet, behind the visor he loses his facial hair Laughing


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