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Posts: 119

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:05    Post subject: Pathologic
Out in Germany (Pathologic-Silentgate)

Publisher: Buka Entertainment Company
Publisher 2: GMX Media
Developer: Ice-pick Lodge
Category: Adventure
Media: Release Date
Intl: 04/27/2006
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Posts: 2407
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:07    Post subject:
is it multilanguage that silentgate release
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Posts: 119

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:09    Post subject:
jaapie18 wrote:
is it multilanguage that silentgate release

German only
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Posts: 1410
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:37    Post subject:
Here is the german Nfo:

______/__/ ____ . S i L E N T G A T E . . . .
\\\\ __(_____\\ /_ ____ _____ _____ ___________ ____ ________________
______\\___ /-\\/ // // ___// \\ | ___ __Y __/___\\__ _ _/ __//
\\\\_ / / // /_\\ ~_/\\\\ \\ \\| \\| \\/ \\_ __ _ \\| \\ __|__
/ / //____\\_____________\\\\___\\ \\ \\____\\_______\\______\\____\\o \\
>__> > Pathologic (c) Frogster Interactive < <__<
\\ \\\\ . ...!X$ Release Date : APRIL 2006 $X!... . //\\
\\// ..:::i!X$ Discs : 2 CDs $X!i:::.. \\\\_\\

G a m e N o t e s

In den Tiefen einer uralten Steppe steht eine seltsame Stadt. Einst eine
Niederlassung von Viehtreibern, wurde die isolierte Siedlung im Laufe der
Jahre zu einem geheimnisvollen Ort mit merkwuerdiger sozialer Struktur.
Tiere, Kinder, Herrscher, Geister der Vergangenheit, die verdorbene Jugend
von heute und Personifizierungen urzeitlicher Aengste leben dort auf eine
unerklaerliche Art und Weise Seite an Seite. Diese eigenartige Gesellschaft
wuerde auch weiterhin viele Generationen lang bluehen koennen - waere da
nicht der ploetzliche Ausbruch einer mysterioesen, toedlichen und
unentrinnbaren Krankheit, die die Bewohner gnadenlos dahinschlachtet.
Nicht mal die Wissenschaft ist imstande, eine Heilung oder wenigstens eine
Erklaerung zu finden.
Eines Tages kommen drei Fremde in die dem Untergang geweihte Stadt. Der
erste - ein hochgebildeter und ruecksichtsloser Bakkalaureus - ist auf der
Suche nach einem Heilmittel gegen den Tod. Der zweite ist ein genialer
Chirurg, verrueckt nach anatomischen Experimenten und bereit, das
schreckliche Erbe seines Vaters anzutreten. Die dritte ist eine junge Frau,
die sich in ihrer geistigen Umnachtung fuer den Messias haelt - und
mystische Heilkraefte besitzt ...
Jeder von ihnen muss in dieser Hoelle ueberleben und die entscheidende
Rolle in dem Schicksal der verseuchten Stadt spielen. Einer davon koennten
Sie sein. Die Show hat begonnen.
Abhaengig von der Wahl des Charakters werden Sie unterschiedliche Ziele
verfolgen muessen und das Leben aus einer voellig anderen Perspektive
wahrnehmen. Die Hauptaufgabe besteht jedoch darin, zu ueberleben, nicht
dem unaufhaltsamen Wahnsinn zu verfallen und wenigstens einige der vielen
Leute zu retten, mit denen das Schicksal Sie zusammengebracht hat. Ihre
Taten entscheiden, ob die Stadt ueberleben oder sterben wird.
Der Spieler lebt in angespannter Erwartung einer bestaendigen Gefahr und
unertraeglicher Bewusstheit der Unbesiegbarkeit des Gegners. Er wird Zeuge
einer furchtbaren Agonie der Stadt, des unablaessigen Todes einer
verseuchten Welt und der Tragoedien der verdammten Menschen ...

* vielseitiges Gameplay, mitreissende Story und ausgefeilte
* sehr grosse Entscheidungsfreiheit
* einzigartige Kombination der Elemente eines Ego-Shooters, Rollenspiels,
nicht-linearen Plots und Echtzeitgameplays
* die Stadt fuehrt ihr eigenes Leben, sie veraendert sich staendig und
reagiert auf das Benehmen des Spielers
* originelles Gegnerkonzept - allgegenwaertige, allwissende, unsichtbare
* drei einzigartige Kampagnen, mehrere moegliche Enden
* grosse Auswahl individueller Überlebensstrategien bei staendigem
* die drei Protagonisten agieren unabhaengig; ist einer gewaehlt, agieren
die anderen von allein und verschwoeren sich gegen den Spieler

S e t u p N o t e s

you know how to play - if not you are not worth it

S p e c i a l N o t e s

- Intresse am Reversen
- Coding Skills in ASM
- Coding Skills in C/C++ incl. Windows APIs
- Team Faehigkeiten um von anderen zu lernen und andere zu lehren
- Spass am \"Sport\" :=)
dann email an
- intrested in reverse a protection
- Coding Skills in ASM
- Coding Skills in C/C++ incl. Windows APIs
- able to work in a team and lern from others or teach other
then email rld............ and apply
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Posts: 1460

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:47    Post subject:
isnt buka ruassian?

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Posts: 541
Location: Cloud City, Bespin
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 21:52    Post subject:
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Posts: 1068

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 22:34    Post subject:
very original and great game

CPU : Intel i7 6900K | GC : Inno3D GTX 1080 FE | RAM : 128 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3200 | Case : Cooler Master COSMOS II | Mobo : Asus X99-DELUXE II | Cooler : Corsair H115i | PSU : Corsair HX1000i | Optical Drive : Asus BW-16D1HT | System Drive : Samsung 950 PRO M.2 PCIe 512Gb | HDD's : 7x ~ 28 Tb | OS : Win 10 Pro x64 | Monitor : Dell U2713HM
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Posts: 1528

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2006 23:11    Post subject:
WiCKed666 wrote:
very original and great game

Agreed. Played russian version. Excellent game Smile
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 00:57    Post subject:
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 07:24    Post subject:
Ok, so only Russian and german Version out?
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Posts: 1410
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 16:38    Post subject:
jep only russian and german
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 16:45    Post subject:
I started to load this...after looking some screens I deleted it. I guess one should always look at the screens before DLing something Razz . I think it looks crap...good story or not.

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Posts: 332

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 19:07    Post subject:
yay! lets judge games on graphic only i mean who really cares about gameplay or story? its not like things like that mather in a game. its all about the graphic!

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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 19:16    Post subject:
In fact it DOES! if you wana play some game whitch looks like it was made 1998 be my guest. I did not spend like 5.000 bucks worth of HW for nothing. And hey there is better games then this crap out there...and hey, they do have good graphics and WOW! a good storyline and gameplay...incredible, is it not Wink There is one just around the corner called DREAMFALL! rings a bell...Naaa but seriously, graphics combined with a good story and new features what have you=good game. I just dont think that this is one of them.

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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 19:18    Post subject:
Get the fuck out of this thread then, kthxbai.
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Posts: 332

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 19:21    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
In fact it DOES! if you wana play some game whitch looks like it was made 1998 be my guest. I did not spend like 5.000 bucks worth of HW for nothing. And hey there is better games then this crap out there...and hey, they do have good graphics and WOW! a good storyline and gameplay...incredible, is it not Wink There is one just around the corner called DREAMFALL! rings a bell...Naaa but seriously, graphics combined with a good story and new features what have you=good game. I just dont think that this is one of them.

haha well my point was more that you shouldnt judge a book by its cover, and actully ye i play games from 98 still (fallout 2!) and its not like i got bad spec's on my machine either. but then again. im all for gameplay and story. graphic is just a bonus, sure FPS games and such gets more entertaining if there is loads of eyecandy. but im so sick of all the kids screaming "looks like crap" "meh, this isnt state of the art tech" no offence to you ofcourse mate. just me that blew off some steam.

anyways about the game, once it's gets out on english im gonna give it a try, seems intresting.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 19:24    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
In fact it DOES! if you wana play some game whitch looks like it was made 1998 be my guest. I did not spend like 5.000 bucks worth of HW for nothing. And hey there is better games then this crap out there...and hey, they do have good graphics and WOW! a good storyline and gameplay...incredible, is it not Wink There is one just around the corner called DREAMFALL! rings a bell...Naaa but seriously, graphics combined with a good story and new features what have you=good game. I just dont think that this is one of them.

Except Dreamfall has hardly any gameplay at all. Rolling Eyes

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 19:28    Post subject:
Aephir: agree with you, gonna try out the english version Smile
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 19:33    Post subject:
Nice game , it has the same graphics like Call of Cathulu and the same horror climate its like a mix of Morrowind and Cathulu + with a great story

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Posts: 332

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Apr 2006 22:03    Post subject:
Hfric wrote:
Nice game , it has the same graphics like Call of Cathulu and the same horror climate its like a mix of Morrowind and Cathulu + with a great story

oooooo how sweet doesnt that sound? morrowind + cathulu should = great it's simple math =)

edit : oh, would anyone mind giving us a mini review?
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Posts: 62

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Aug 2006 23:55    Post subject:

english version is out
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Posts: 6422
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 24th Aug 2006 23:58    Post subject:
Cool Very Happy

Upcoming PC games 2009 and onwards
Bravery is not a function of firepower.
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Aug 2006 00:03    Post subject:
Dazz99 wrote:
Get the fuck out of this thread then, kthxbai.
I don't remember posting this Confused

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Posts: 1557
Location: Dutch...
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Aug 2006 00:07    Post subject:

yeah your friends op PROCYON gives you Pathologic the game!
seems a bit scarry so dont give to small kids :

unrar, mount/burn, install play!
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Posts: 85

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Aug 2006 00:45    Post subject:
I must say, I tried the demo months ago and didn't like it. Yes the graphics are dated, but that wouldnt have mattered if it hadn't been compounded by strange gameplay. It was hard to figure out exactly what I was supposed to be doing. Maybe one day I'll check it out further. It's probably one of those games that starts slow and takes some getting into before it gets good, I dunno.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Aug 2006 01:00    Post subject:
Dazz99 wrote:
Dazz99 wrote:
Get the fuck out of this thread then, kthxbai.
I don't remember posting this Confused


Well it made sense anyway. He always bashes games for their graphics without playing them. What a whore!

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 52

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Aug 2006 20:44    Post subject:
so whos the bad guy?
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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Aug 2006 22:17    Post subject:
There is an english version out:




yeah your friends op PROCYON gives you Pathologic the game!
seems a bit scarry so don't give to small kids :>

unrar, mount/burn, install play!

Installing now.
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Posts: 455

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Aug 2006 10:15    Post subject:
After start a game I have ctd someone know maybe what is a problem ? Smile
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Posts: 263
Location: A planet near you
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Aug 2006 10:25    Post subject:
For me works just fine, played for 1h without problems. Try installing the Directx with wich the game has come. Or maybe your system specs are lower than the minimum.
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