update win7 to win10 key question
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Oct 2019 23:29    Post subject: update win7 to win10 key question
has anyone here upgraded their win7 key to a win 10 key, and if so still used that win7 key on other pc or dual boot OS, whats the chance the old OS gets fucked and turned off ? Im thinking of using my current win7 key to upgrade to a win10 key on a cheapo new laptop with no os

would my os main pc still be licenced on win7 or would ms disable it ?

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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Fri, 11th Oct 2019 01:28    Post subject:
If it helps, I have activated a few of my Win 7 Pro & Ultimate (LOL) keys from when I had my MSDN (Technet) account (still got a few left Wink), and apart from activating successfully, the original systems still work also. Now, I haven't reinstalled any of the Win 7 OS, but I see no problem Smile

Just sad the keys were wasted on downgrading to this shit.

It really don't matter anyway.

I have plenty Win10 keys for 'PRO', but I still use KMS to activate, as LTSC is what I now use, and you should do the same, regardless if any key gets blocked, for any version, 7 or 10 Very Happy

You know when things are bad, when a legit user, with a legit key, has to use a crack to get some form of working OS for daily use, because I wouldn't put that 'PRO' version near my ass, even if it was blowing out a hot shit skittery curry the next day. I just wouldn't give it the pleasure Wink

But let's not stop there....lol (now were at it) Laughing

I'm a big fan a MSMG's work with the de-bloating removal tool, but his back is now against the wall, although he does a terrific job maintaining this project regardless. I admire his resolve, but unfortunately, due to Microfucks dickhead moves in persisting to fuck all up the ass, his solutions are limited.

As of many CU updates ago, all gets restored regardless of whether you have removed the utter shit beforehand, so update, and your doomed! FUCK YOU MS!!, JUST FUCK YOU!!

This brings me on to NTLite.

I DO NOT like the software for pre-removal purposes, but as a 'LIVE' edit, it's a godsend.

The way it is now...

OS as you have it, all clean and perfect. Update, all back to normal and borked up, why bother?

Well, UP YOURS MS!!, as I have now resorted to doing a 'LIVE' edit after every update, and know what? It's saved to a template, so it's now as follows...

1. Update

2. Bloat added and all back to shitty ways

3. Load template

4. Run, and all back to MY WAYS!! Smile

Well worth the premium price alone, and takes all of 2 mins, and a reboot after update.

The 'LIVE' feature is brilliant, and if MSMG can somehow get that going, happy days Smile
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