American Arcadia
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Posts: 29173

PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2023 00:47    Post subject: American Arcadia

American Arcadia is a cinematic puzzle game that combines a 2.5D platformer and first-person game to tell the tale of a thrilling escape. Experience the extraordinary story of Trevor, an average man escaping from the world's most popular reality tv show.
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Posts: 7405
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2023 08:40    Post subject:
Visual style is amazing.

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2023 09:15    Post subject:
Reminds me of that awesome Double Fine game no one played - Headlander.

sar·​casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
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Posts: 13279

PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2023 09:19    Post subject:
Truman show - the video game?
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Posts: 7405
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2023 23:02    Post subject:
Yeah, played for about an hour and it's pretty cool. Very stylish.

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Nov 2023 12:34    Post subject:
Game play is pretty minimal, but I like the effort in doing something of artistic merit.
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Posts: 7405
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Sat, 18th Nov 2023 18:10    Post subject:
Not a long game, but very nicely made. The ending part with the live chat was really funny. They nailed the comments Laughing

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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VIP Member

Posts: 29173

PostPosted: Mon, 20th Nov 2023 02:24    Post subject:
American Arcadia-RUNE
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Posts: 9623
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Mon, 20th Nov 2023 13:01    Post subject:
Looks good.

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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Mon, 20th Nov 2023 13:12    Post subject:
Il_Padrino wrote:
Visual style is amazing.

Dunno it looks exactly like the overly promoted and listed on every sale page, "polygon pack" on unity store to me:

Thought of that the instant I saw the style. Could be me and fucking around in unity a lot, but that style always makes me think "They either padded this game with store assets, or copied a cheap generic very commonly seen on the unity store asset pack, style" (I can't go to the assets page without ONE polygon pack being suggested to buy.)

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Posts: 9623
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Mon, 20th Nov 2023 13:42    Post subject:
It's not unique or original, but it's very well made (with those familiar assets).

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Posts: 7405
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Mon, 20th Nov 2023 14:44    Post subject:
Please direct me to similar games, because this was really good Very Happy
It's nothing at all like Inside or Limbo, if those are what you refer too.

About the visual style: the graphics themselves are indeed that typical, simplistic 'Unity' style. But you have to see it in motion, I guess. It's more the overal package, with voice/music matching the scenes, transitions between scenes and characters,... stuff like that.

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Tue, 21st Nov 2023 09:17    Post subject:
Il_Padrino wrote:
Please direct me to similar games, because this was really good Very Happy
It's nothing at all like Inside or Limbo, if those are what you refer too.

Bicz I just did.

sar·​casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
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Posts: 9623
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Wed, 6th Dec 2023 22:35    Post subject:
Excellent game!

But got a hard crash and lost all progress.

Can only start a New Game...

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