Help building new pc?
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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 16:35    Post subject: Help building new pc?
My pc has been broken now for nearlly 2 years and all i ever used to do was use my pc.
Now i am mainly on a ps4 and my mobile.
Both great but i want to get back into pc gaming.
I have a budjet of £700 can go slightly over but would prefer lower.
What is the best rig i can buy for this money as i want it future proofing so i don't have to upgrade all the time.
Over at overclockers uk forum.
They said this is my best bet.

Is this about the best i can get for my money?
Any info would be great.


Ryzen 5 3600 cpu@3.60 Mhz.
hyper x 32 gb ddr 4 memory.
Msi Carbon gaming pro ac motherboard.
Evga 600 psu.
Msi Armour rx 8 gb 5700 Graphic card.
Ps4 Standard 500gb.
Lg 4k 42 inch tv.
Oculus Quest 2.
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 16:54    Post subject:
Looks good. Built a similar machine for my brother over the holidays (except his is a ryzen 2600) and it should hold up fine. I got him the Powercolor Red Dragon RX580, but you can also go get a 1060super since I hear that's the sameish performance but less power hungry.

Usually Sapphire or Powercolor does things better for non reference Radeon cards so if those are available best to get those over the Asus I think.

If you don't already have an SSD, best get a Crucial MX500. 256gb at least if it's just going to be holding Windows and some core apps, otherwise shoot for 1tb but again depends on the budget.

But yeah, other than that it looks pretty good.

Also just get a Windows 7 Pro key from ebay, that should activate Windows 10 pro. Though home is fine if you don't plan on running stuff like docker.

And by hold up fine I mean 60fps on most games even on his 2560x1080 monitor. Though he had to lower settings for RDR2 which is what he plays most of the time because, well it's RDR2.

For the case, I'd check how easy it is to build in. I used this case for my brother:

And it was a fairly quick build and a pretty decent case. Though for that case all fans need to be exhaust due to the design so might not be the best one if you plan to OC.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 17:16    Post subject:
How long do you thi k this build wil last or hold up in the coming years?

Ryzen 5 3600 cpu@3.60 Mhz.
hyper x 32 gb ddr 4 memory.
Msi Carbon gaming pro ac motherboard.
Evga 600 psu.
Msi Armour rx 8 gb 5700 Graphic card.
Ps4 Standard 500gb.
Lg 4k 42 inch tv.
Oculus Quest 2.
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 17:32    Post subject:
Can't really tell. I mean, your processor should do fine with probably just the GPU needing changing in a few years.

But I mean, I managed to game fine on an i5 from 2012 or so up until 2017 when I built a Ryzen. Only thing I really upgraded was the GPU and really only when it would die haha.

So I guess that depends on what performance is good enough for you. I don't think future proofing is a good metric since no one can really say what the future will bring, but your processor should be good for at least 5 years and the only thing that will really need changing eventually will likely be the GPU.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 17:34    Post subject:
Looks like i am good to go for the one i was recomended.
Thanks for the advice.

Ryzen 5 3600 cpu@3.60 Mhz.
hyper x 32 gb ddr 4 memory.
Msi Carbon gaming pro ac motherboard.
Evga 600 psu.
Msi Armour rx 8 gb 5700 Graphic card.
Ps4 Standard 500gb.
Lg 4k 42 inch tv.
Oculus Quest 2.
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Posts: 2074

PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 17:34    Post subject:
This may help a little -

Click on the "750 dollar Best PC builds" and scroll down for gaming rig options.

chill out man, life is beautifull...
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 17:37    Post subject:
Recently build a PC for my wife's stepdad. He was going on retirement and his PC was 15 years old so convinced him it might be time to upgrade. He's not really a gamer but does play things like Battlefield, grand strategy and World of Tanks (which on his PC was everything turned down, even view distance).

I ended up with a 3600+rx580 budget build (rather similar to what you got recommended). It's good for 1080p gaming and later on you can always throw in a better GPU. I'd also advice an SSD. Plenty of decently priced 250gb drives out there.

On that build I only tested out WoT since that would be the game he is most familiar with and: 1080p, everything maxed and +80fps on the few maps I tested.

For case we went with:
Cheap, easy and those drive bays are removable.

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Posts: 3452
Location: UK
PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 18:38    Post subject:
The 3600 is £159 on Amazon, cheap than OCUK.

chiv wrote:
don't quote me on that
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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 19:12    Post subject:
cirithungol wrote:
The 3600 is £159 on Amazon, cheap than OCUK.

They are cheaper at amazon but the motherboard listed on overuk is not in at amazon?
What replacement is good enough?

Ryzen 5 3600 cpu@3.60 Mhz.
hyper x 32 gb ddr 4 memory.
Msi Carbon gaming pro ac motherboard.
Evga 600 psu.
Msi Armour rx 8 gb 5700 Graphic card.
Ps4 Standard 500gb.
Lg 4k 42 inch tv.
Oculus Quest 2.
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Posts: 14707

PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 19:25    Post subject:
B450-A Pro is what I have (there's also a MAX version), rock solid board so far, and available on Amazon (I bought it at though). Do you really want RAM with LEDs on it? Otherwise you're better of grabbing some Crucial e-die, clocks really good. I think there's also some variant with LEDs on it. Rest looks good, although the RX580 is really, really hot. Like you don't need a heater (I sold mine for that). Have you thought about RX5500 or 1650 Super?

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 19:30    Post subject:
Areius wrote:
B450-A Pro is what I have (there's also a MAX version), rock solid board so far, and available on Amazon (I bought it at though). Do you really want RAM with LEDs on it? Otherwise you're better of grabbing some Crucial e-die, clocks really good. I think there's also some variant with LEDs on it. Rest looks good, although the RX580 is really, really hot. Like you don't need a heater (I sold mine for that). Have you thought about RX5500 or 1650 Super?

Thats what i mean i haven't a clue what is good or bad these days.
I thought the rx 580 is better or on par with the q650?


Forgot to mention.
Im not bothered about the leds.

Ryzen 5 3600 cpu@3.60 Mhz.
hyper x 32 gb ddr 4 memory.
Msi Carbon gaming pro ac motherboard.
Evga 600 psu.
Msi Armour rx 8 gb 5700 Graphic card.
Ps4 Standard 500gb.
Lg 4k 42 inch tv.
Oculus Quest 2.

Last edited by Theescapist on Fri, 1st May 2020 22:38; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3452
Location: UK
PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 20:50    Post subject:
Theescapist wrote:
cirithungol wrote:
The 3600 is £159 on Amazon, cheap than OCUK.

They are cheaper at amazon but the motherboard listed on overuk is not in at amazon?
What replacement is good enough?

Well you don't have to get everything from the same place. I'd get the 3600 from Amazon, then get the motherboard from eg. CCL (£109.99, compared to £129.95 at OCUK)

You can save money by shopping around.

PS. I have both of those parts, they are perfect for a gaming PC.

chiv wrote:
don't quote me on that
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 21:01    Post subject:
amazon is fucking expensive, how the fuck u think besos became billionaire, by making u think they are cheapest so u stop shopping around

get the six core amd1600af and a cheap mobo and basic memory spend all that saved 100+ quid into the next gpu branch like a 206070super or a 5700 which will net u 33% more framerate then u would get with a budget gfx card and be more future proof for future games , then with the budget cards and a 5% faster cpu ...

ur wasting money on ur cpu for gaming, its all about the gpu, nor do u want some fancy motherboard with tons of bios options u will never touch after anyway as u dont want to mess with overclocking and risk random bluescreens cause memory isseus and whatever

Last edited by PickupArtist on Fri, 1st May 2020 21:13; edited 6 times in total
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[Moderator] Janitor

Posts: 14081

PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 21:04    Post subject:
*moving to hardware section

The 1650 Super is both faster and more efficient than the 580. BUT it only has 4GB VRAM. To me thats a tradeoff. I’d probably try and get the 1660 instead. It has only 6GB VRAM but its going to be the better 1080p card.

"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 22:28    Post subject:
well, 1660 is also 100€ more expensive than a 580 (at least it is over here).
But yeah if the budget wouldn't have been a problem I would have gone with that as well.

Areius board advice is good, very solid mobo for a decent price. Ended up with that one as well for the father in law.

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Posts: 14081

PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 22:36    Post subject:
Cheapest 1660 is going for 205€ here vs. 166€ for the 580 (8GB) Thats 39€ difference.

edit: Just as the cheapest 1660 on the ocuk store is 40£ more than the 580. Similar price difference. Its basically around 24% more expensive for about 15-20% more performance. You get a faster, more efficient card with newer tech. but missing out on 2GB VRAM, which on 1080p is not really an issue. I’m not saying the 580 is bad for its price.

"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 23:36    Post subject:
Well at those prices it does indeed make more sense. Fucking SWE prices really. :>

And the 2GB of VRAM won't be a problem. 4GB is cutting it short at times but 6 should be enough for 1080p. With my 970 there's only a few times I need to turn down things because of VRAM limitation.

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[Moderator] Janitor

Posts: 14081

PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 23:42    Post subject:
I always wonder, there should be cheaper german stores that ship to Sweden, no?

"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Fri, 1st May 2020 23:43    Post subject:
dont forget if u buy with a amd affiliate , u get gamekeys worth another 60-80 euro retail

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne™ Master Edition
(Full game + expansion)

Resident Evil™ 3

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® Breakpoint
(includes in-game item)
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd May 2020 00:01    Post subject:
couleur wrote:
I always wonder, there should be cheaper german stores that ship to Sweden, no?

There might be, from the times I tried I usually got a 'no, we don't ship there' or in the rare cases they did: 'We'll have to charge you extra'.

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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd May 2020 00:24    Post subject:
Im struggling on deciding about the gfx carx this rx 580.
Is it worth it?
Will it last a few years ?

Ryzen 5 3600 cpu@3.60 Mhz.
hyper x 32 gb ddr 4 memory.
Msi Carbon gaming pro ac motherboard.
Evga 600 psu.
Msi Armour rx 8 gb 5700 Graphic card.
Ps4 Standard 500gb.
Lg 4k 42 inch tv.
Oculus Quest 2.
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Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd May 2020 00:49    Post subject:
RX580 is good for 1080p gaming on high details for the current generation of games, and has a really great cost/value ratio. At this particular price range, you can't really do better other than an used 1070/1080 if you get lucky. If you're looking to play at this kind of resolution/options level, it probably will only last/hold up for well-optimized games in say 2-3 years. Atm, I see most "regular" AAA games start recommending a 1060/1070 for their recommended specs (which usually means high, not ultra details), that's roughly where the RX580 stands.

AMD cards also shine in Vulkan, not so much in OGL. Not sure if Vulkan will be the future or not, I'm not savvy enough to know.
I bought a 1660 Super months ago (it's like 20% faster than a RX580) and to me it's more of an investment to stall a future heavier one when I'll change my whole Mobo+CPU. A RX590 wouldn't be that much more expensive either - prices are similar between 580-590 in France, seems like they actually have gone up a bit back from when I was researching in November.
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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd May 2020 01:42    Post subject:
What abkut thr mem i was recomended it was ,@3200 but heard these amd ryzen rigs perform better with mem that does @3600?

Ryzen 5 3600 cpu@3.60 Mhz.
hyper x 32 gb ddr 4 memory.
Msi Carbon gaming pro ac motherboard.
Evga 600 psu.
Msi Armour rx 8 gb 5700 Graphic card.
Ps4 Standard 500gb.
Lg 4k 42 inch tv.
Oculus Quest 2.
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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd May 2020 02:35    Post subject:
Ive decided to buy the original i was recomended hopefully here Monday.

Thanks all.

Ryzen 5 3600 cpu@3.60 Mhz.
hyper x 32 gb ddr 4 memory.
Msi Carbon gaming pro ac motherboard.
Evga 600 psu.
Msi Armour rx 8 gb 5700 Graphic card.
Ps4 Standard 500gb.
Lg 4k 42 inch tv.
Oculus Quest 2.
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd May 2020 04:31    Post subject:
3200 is fine. It's already clocked, if you choose to use XMP profile in BIOS. Most boards/CPU only support 2400, which your RAM will default to otherwise, with the exception of the new Intel 10 models, apparently supporting 2933 officially, so your still better than that, lol.

Only idiots clock RAM further, as not only does it make your system more unstable, it offers no real benefit to do so, no matter what anyone says.

Go for the clock on your new CPU, then be done with it Wink

Happy days! Very Happy
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Posts: 14707

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd May 2020 11:13    Post subject:
couleur wrote:
I always wonder, there should be cheaper german stores that ship to Sweden, no?

Most smaller German stores (the ones that are cheaper) ship outside Germany but they charge a pretty penny for that, 30€ for shipping isn't unusual. Unless you plan on buying everything there it's hardly ever worth it.

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Thu, 7th May 2020 01:53    Post subject:
It finally arrived today.
But i forgot i did not have an operating system.
So borrowed a friends old win 7 disk and then found out no usb 3.0 support.
Was doing my nut then luckily i had a wired old keyboard about.
Used thqat and finally got windows 7 installed.
Installed usb 3.0 and now wireless keyboard and mouse.
Currently downloading the free win 7 to 10 upgrade.
Get all the drivers going and downloaded.
Then i was to optimist the new system i have.
Since installing it al the components i mean.
The fans on the rx 580 have hardly spun?
Is it mainly in games they start spinning these days?
As my old 7950 span constantly?

Ryzen 5 3600 cpu@3.60 Mhz.
hyper x 32 gb ddr 4 memory.
Msi Carbon gaming pro ac motherboard.
Evga 600 psu.
Msi Armour rx 8 gb 5700 Graphic card.
Ps4 Standard 500gb.
Lg 4k 42 inch tv.
Oculus Quest 2.
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Posts: 10747
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Thu, 7th May 2020 20:40    Post subject:
Your GPU has "fan stop", fans will not spin until certain temperature threshold.
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Thu, 7th May 2020 21:11    Post subject:
Yes, and it will sit pumping out rays of heat until it decides to kick in, making sure that all your other components are of a nice toasty temperature Wink Detest fan stop. Depending on make, you may be able to control this feature? Gigabyte uses 'Aorus Graphics Engine Bloat' to do this, I dunno about others? You may also have some luck with Afterburner, aka having the fans spin 24/7, but on low @ idle? I do not like cards that sit dead silent, apart from when I run water over them, as I always do Smile
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Posts: 10747
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Thu, 7th May 2020 21:33    Post subject:
I always run fans at fixed speed that is silent and keeps temperatures cool, i hate sudden fan ramping, its so annoying.
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