[XBOX] splinter cell 3
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Tue, 6th Jul 2004 21:18    Post subject: [XBOX] splinter cell 3
For the third time Sam is back in fall WOW this dude is so cool for screans and more http://www.splintercell3.com
hope the make the game harder to play more advanced ai would be nice Very Happy [/b]
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Posts: 319
Location: United States of America
PostPosted: Tue, 6th Jul 2004 21:50    Post subject:
Splinter Cell 3 is currently a PC only title... Do not know about its future on the consoles, only speculation...
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Tue, 6th Jul 2004 22:12    Post subject:
well can't play the game on pc so i hope it comes to xbox it must do
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Posts: 66

PostPosted: Wed, 7th Jul 2004 10:17    Post subject:
|MaguS| wrote:
Splinter Cell 3 is currently a PC only title... Do not know about its future on the consoles, only speculation...

What??? Where did you heard that???
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Posts: 319
Location: United States of America
PostPosted: Wed, 7th Jul 2004 10:54    Post subject:

Will Splinter Cell 3 come to my console?
Ubisoft has made no official statement about what consoles SC3 will be coming to.
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Wed, 7th Jul 2004 21:35    Post subject:
in this months xbox magazine it says it'll be coming out for the xbox
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Posts: 319
Location: United States of America
PostPosted: Thu, 8th Jul 2004 03:18    Post subject:
So you believe a Magazine (Which are usually late on news and many times incorrect) over the actual official Forum/Faq?
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Thu, 8th Jul 2004 10:28    Post subject:
didnt say i believed it, i said it was in a magazine, that said it was coming to the xbox.
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Posts: 66

PostPosted: Thu, 8th Jul 2004 15:52    Post subject:
|MaguS| wrote:

Will Splinter Cell 3 come to my console?
Ubisoft has made no official statement about what consoles SC3 will be coming to.

Christ! This doesn't means there is NO console version planned. They just don't know exactly WHAT kind of consoles will this be ported. You can be absolutely sure, that there will be an Xbox and PS2 version, maybe they don't know yet, if they can fit the data in the GameCube version.
Learn to read between the lines, man! Do you think, that they leave the console aera which is FAR more profitable, than the PC????
(Its no problemo for me, if there is no console version, beacause I have a beefed up PC, but I will bet anything, that there WILL be a console version.
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Posts: 319
Location: United States of America
PostPosted: Thu, 8th Jul 2004 16:01    Post subject:
I never said it WONT go to Consoles... I just stated that at the present time there is no announced plans to bring it to a console. Sure there probably will be but at a later date and by far lesser quality then the PC version.
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Posts: 66

PostPosted: Thu, 8th Jul 2004 16:11    Post subject:
|MaguS| wrote:
I never said it WONT go to Consoles... I just stated that at the present time there is no announced plans to bring it to a console. Sure there probably will be but at a later date and by far lesser quality then the PC version.

I doubt even that... Rolling Eyes Think of the first Splinter Cell... The PC version came out some three months or so AFTER the Xbox version, and it had nearly the same quality, than the Xbox version.
Again: why would they f*ck up and delay the console versions, when it's FAR more profitable, than PC??? I would be happy BTW, if the PC one could be a better and sooner one, but don't count on it.
Come on, think a little, man. They are not THAT stupid at Ubi Soft...
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jul 2004 09:58    Post subject:
Dont worry, theres too much profit for SC3 involved, so they cant really afford NOT to release SC3 on a console. Mabye they are waiting for PS3 or Xbox 2? Hmm...
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Posts: 285

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jul 2004 16:49    Post subject:
Confirmed for Xbox and PC: Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory is gonna hit the shelves this Christmas.
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Posts: 719
Location: Upside down in chair
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jul 2004 18:00    Post subject:
Hero98 wrote:
Confirmed for Xbox and PC: Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory is gonna hit the shelves this Christmas.

Yes its confirmed. Heres a link.


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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jul 2004 22:19    Post subject:
nice. i skipped pandora tomorrow, but i might consider getting this one. i heard the gfx are supposed to be really good. Smile
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