Gloomwood [TBA]
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Posts: 9616
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 00:38    Post subject: Gloomwood [TBA]


Gloomwood is a stealth horror FPS that follows your mysterious abduction to a forgotten, twisted Victorian metropolis in the midst of a horrifying transformation.
Wield your canesword and take to the shadows as you uncover the accursed mystery hidden within the fog.

From the producers of DUSK, AMID EVIL and FAITH comes a frightening, gothic immersive sim that will have you explore haunted streets, dark tunnels and decadent mansions.

STEAM page:

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Posts: 1294

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 07:11    Post subject:
Here is your Bloodborne for PC, bro
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 09:54    Post subject:
Again from creators of "dusk", the graphics look worse than games from 1998. Why would I play this instead of reinstalling a good game like thief or something?
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Posts: 735

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 10:03    Post subject:
This visual style has no place in a game that's attempting to be atmospheric.
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Posts: 522
Location: Absurdia
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 10:35    Post subject:
I can imagine there are people out there that have played thief series to death and would welcome something with a similar aesthetic.

Looks kinda like it's been stripped out of all unnecessary bling but still retains some retro charm.
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Posts: 1986

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 10:57    Post subject:
dusk was shit, and I don't think this will be any good either.

(and that is I am a huge fan of blood, redneck rampage etc, but dusk was really pathetic)

(and yes, couldn't care less if it was made only by x people)
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Posts: 9616
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 11:17    Post subject:
At first sight there's a strong Thief vibe in it.

From the texture models and the color palette to the 3d props in the environment (laps, metallic control panels).

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Posts: 10747
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 11:35    Post subject:
Nice graphics, good game to fire up with your brand new RTX 3090 or similar.
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Posts: 9616
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 13:40    Post subject:
If they add RTX, sure.

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Posts: 735

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 13:54    Post subject:
Thief was designed that way as a result of limitations of the tech available (it still looks better than this). This on the other hand just looks like shit. This style works in Dusk as it's more of an arena shooter which isn't about creating atmosphere.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 13:56    Post subject:
I just tried the Steam demo, it's..actually pretty good and quite surprisingly, it manages to retain an eerie atmosphere despite the cheap retro visuals. As blackeyedboy mentioned, it is definitely close to the original Thief formula: you have a light indicator, you need to be careful about noises since surfaces have varying degrees of sound, and avoiding conflict is vital especially on the harder difficulties. Level design seems solid/complex as well.

The presence of firearms (pistol, shotgun) instead of the ol' bow makes the experience easier, but ammo is scarce and the lack of quicksaving (replaced by a fixed location for saving) counter-balances it a little. I'm definitely interested in the final game.
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Posts: 1903
Location: BG
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Jun 2020 14:05    Post subject:
With those graphics and glowing enemy eyes I thought this was from the guys who made Sir, You Are Being Hunted but seems like they are not.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jan 2022 01:26    Post subject:
Looks like the game is alive and will release in Early Access sometime this year. There have been some additions/changes since the demo as well:

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Posts: 9616
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jan 2022 15:11    Post subject:

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