Ubisoft will tease a new game code-named "Prisma Dimensions", which is actually a new AAA multiplayer fast-paced FPS Battle Royale from Ubisoft Montreal (R6, AC) named Hyper Scape.
Hyper Scape is a free to play BR FPS set in a futuristic virtual world for both PC and consoles with the console launch coming later this year including crossplay. Hyper Scape goes into closed beta next week with open beta and full launch of the game on July 12th.
If you hate BR games, like I do, then this won't change that.
If you like BR games... go fucking die a slow death
Anyway, it's shite. I hoped for some Quake like movement and combat, but it's nothing like that. It's the same old sliding around like crazy get shot in the back and die and all for nothing...
If you hate BR games, like I do, then this won't change that.
If you like BR games... go fucking die a slow death
Anyway, it's shite. I hoped for some Quake like movement and combat, but it's nothing like that. It's the same old sliding around like crazy get shot in the back and die and all for nothing...
Imho it is great fun. It has very little lasting value though.
My main game atm is Warzone - and that is stellar BR, very, very, very well done. Immense fun, too.
This game is very different to all BRs out there.
The guns lack punch - that is the main problem with the game. It doesn't feel awesome to shoot.
Other than that for arena shooter fans, this is the BR to play. Lots of repositioning, lots of fast movement. Camping will get you killed in seconds. It is fast paced, it is very skill based, it has a learning curve. Whilst one good angle for 2 seconds in Warzone is an opening for an engage, here, positioning and cooldowns are much more important for engages/disengages.
havent got a key either but gameplay looks very fast, apex but whole map is skull town. looks more like quake and unreal tournament. i like the fast gameplay and weapon design but everything else i dont like, the style is too much, map design looks boring, sound is shit.
whats funny is that everyone keeps saying wingman rather than revolver lol, thats from apex
so thats why r6 went to shit couse they started working on this game
played some now since its open beta and its shit, tried to like it but just cant. guns lack punch, sound is shit, ttk too high, map is meh, feels kinda lifeless. yes gameplay is fast but feels shit when enemy are so spongy.
apex is miles better, is such more better game, even at release was way more polished than this. and it does have parts of a map where plenty of squads drop which result in crazy or even more crazy fast gun fights than in hyper scape, with way more better at everything else.
Short 17 minutes gameplay video that pretty much showcases the game and why it's "just another BR game nobody asked for".
High TTK - Bulletsponges.
Huge ass LMG does 3 dmg/shot
Small 1 hand Uzi does 7dmg/shot
Animations are not smooth.
Distant players warp around.
Single Shot Snipers need like 3 Shots to kill someone... which is like... good luck... It's so easy to run away/into cover, that you only ever get a kill, if the enemy was almost dead, to begin with, or if he/she was stupid enough and tried to duel you over a distance without a sniper rifle on his own.
The city is big... way to fucking big... another BR game, where you run around for a couple minutes doing nothing because there is nobody around.
Player models seem tiny. Even when right in front of you, they are tiny... coupled with the slow TTK, makes this whole thing even shittier...
Sin, fast paced movement and skill based arena shooters might not be your thing. They are my thing, and though the game is more AA than AAA, and I have a very different experience. Though, I get at least 7-8 kills a game.
This is the BR game for aggro people, who hate campers, and want to press W all the way to the win. I have around 25 wins already.
The TTK is high, higher than others for sure. And models are small and fast. But if you have good tracking aim, then you melt people. If you miss even just a bit, then you will struggle. Good players will easily beat 1v3 odds - and I love that.
It is basically not even BR, it is a king of the hill with a bigger map. If you like fights, you can fight from the very beginning to the very end, and get high kill games.
Sniper on full is one shot headshot, and good players wreck house with it. You didn't give it enough time.
This definitely is not for everyone, hence the small playerbase. But for those who want UT, the BR, it is awesome!
I am a Q3 vet, I love moving fast and fighting hot.
This isn't it.
The game isn't any "faster" than any other BR out there. It's just more of the same with some different gimmicks.
But I think it's mostly my dislike for BR games, and deathmatch modes in general, that blocks me from ever being able to even enjoy any BR game the slightest
My favorite was Rocket Arena and CTF. I need team play and a clear objective.
BR is like the opposite of all of those. It's a pure deathmatch without an objective, other than to kill or to lose.
I think, and don't take this personally, BR games fit perfectly today's youth, all sitting on their phones instead of talking to each other and comparing their epeens by how many skins their parents bought them (Fortnite... fucking cancer game).
My stepson is like that. he is a fucking narcissistic egomaniac who thinks he is the coolest kid in town. Only plays Fortnite for like 3 years now and for what? To brag about skins...
Ah, I'm getting all winded up
Anyway, those who like BR games will maybe enjoy this, but I don't think a lot of ex-quake player, who played team modes, will
Last edited by Sin317 on Tue, 14th Jul 2020 22:13; edited 1 time in total
I am with you about today's youth (though generally true, it isn't for everyone). I agree with the Fortnite stuff as well.
I disagree about BR. You pick your own objectives. Warzone is really coordination and strategy dependent - and still fast fun at the same time. HyperScape has no strategic layer, it's all about being king of the hill.
It took me a couple of matches to warm up to it (with the hitscan weapons you need to be pretty precise). But after the first initial hours this game came in to its own.
lol, who the fuck cares that its a br? all you do is blame br. it is just a mode, i doubt people play a br game just because its a br game... the gameplay is all that matters.
i dont know how can you say you are a quake vet with that movement
i've played 1 match and uninstalled, disgusting game, i had more fun on those generic f2p fps on steam from unknown companies, like line of sight, black squad, it even has a map like fy pool day it's pretty cool, just fun shooting all day long
also Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online which they sadly shut down was pretty cool
Yeah, this is for a very niche audience, and the battle royale aspect just totally kills it, imho.
It's the whole MMO hype again, like back in the days after the success of WOW, where every publisher and dev thought, they could imitate or duplicate the success of WOW by making their own generic MMO...
A little over 18 months after launch, Ubisoft is calling time on Hyper Scape, its reasonably entertaining entry in the already well-represented free-to-play battle royale genre.
"We have made the difficult decision to end development of Hyper Scape and shut the game down as of April 28th," the publisher wrote in a post to its website earlier today. "We set out to create a vertical, close-quarters, and fast-paced shooter experience and we are extremely grateful to our community for joining us on our journey. We will be taking key learnings from this game into future products."
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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