Dark Souls "Baka Gaijin Edition"
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Posts: 2577

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:13    Post subject: Dark Souls "Baka Gaijin Edition"
This quote from a Namco Bandai rep has everyone all excited, because it implies a PC port of this outstanding console title may be in the realm of possibility after all:

There is always possibilities to have games adapted on PC and the good news is that Dark Souls is not a 100% typical Console game so the adaptation is possible.
Now to make things happen, let's say the demand has to be properly done. someone to make a successful petition?


RPS article:

The petition in question:

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Posts: 26310

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:16    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:17    Post subject:
Petition on the internets Laughing
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Posts: 44

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:19    Post subject:
I'd rather have Demon's Souls to be honest, hell they could give us both, that'd be worth the money

Playing Demon's Souls I did think it should have been a pc game but I thought that about Uncharted as well
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:21    Post subject:
Never going to happen.

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:21    Post subject:
not going to happen

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Posts: 2577

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:22    Post subject:
Yea I know, lol@petitions.

But in this case, the guy actually asked for it, so unless he was fucking with people it might not be worthless.

Plus it takes 10 secs to sign it so what the hell. Would love to see the game ported.
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Posts: 11914

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:22    Post subject:
Yes please release it for PC so I can pirate it. Troll Face
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Posts: 11000

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:23    Post subject:
Signed. Who knows.... it just might happen Smile Atleast its better than not doing anything or posting useless comments.

1 and 2 are still amazing.
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:25    Post subject:
yuri999 wrote:
Signed. Who knows.... it just might happen Smile Atleast its better than not doing anything or posting useless comments.

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:35    Post subject:
Hell, this is something asked specifically by a Namco/Bandai rep... So it has slightly more credibility than the average "petition" Laughing I'm game, though naturally it would make more sense to release Demon's Souls too...... Though Sony wouldn't allow it, else we'd have seen It on the 360 by now.
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:38    Post subject:
Signed, I won't miss that 5 seconds from my life. Been really eyeing the 360 version, but never got around to buy it. Hope it works out so I can buy it cheaper in the PC. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:41    Post subject:

out of sig inspiration for the moment Okay
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:48    Post subject:
Well that Capcom guy has attempted and in some instances managed to petition for a PC release of certain titles (Albeit this is a slightly different method and mostly seems to gather user opinions and feedback, maybe to see if it's worth it or feasible enough to invest in.) so I guess something similar could happen here, would be neat though. Smile

EDIT: Right we don't know what he (Or she just to be safe.) is either, could just be in charge of their website operations or community manager or some such.
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Posts: 153

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:52    Post subject:
Look what we have here.
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Posts: 4699
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:56    Post subject:
Wow that was a fast photoshop lol.
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Posts: 27530
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:57    Post subject:
petitions. i thought those only work for bad tv shows.

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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14110
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 20:57    Post subject:
I don't see "Piracy" as obstacle for PC version,RPG like that tend to sell well on PC(Skyrim did) ,I believe the next game will be PC as well.

"Fuck Denuvo"

Your personal opinions != the rest of the forum
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Posts: 131
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 22:08    Post subject:
And where is petition for uncharted? Smile
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Posts: 1213
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 22:12    Post subject:
I would sign that Razz
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 22:21    Post subject:
Signed, but I don't think it'll happen. Sad
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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 22:22    Post subject:
Dark Souls with better graphics, modding tools and a constant 60 FPS? Yes please.. Proper mouse + keyboard controls wouldn't hurt either so you don't have to fight the camera.

I doubt it'll ever happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if the next Souls game comes out on PC though..

Also reading the RPS comments always makes me sad.
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 22:32    Post subject:
UPDATE: Namco have said that this is nothing more than a “rumor” stemming from the link (obviously) and offer no comment on whether they are likely to produce a PC version of the game.

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 22:35    Post subject:
Why the sad face? That was always the case, there has been no confirmation for or against - just the advice and comments of a Namco staff member and admin of the site. Don't worry about the rumour stuff.
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 22:43    Post subject:
Seems the news is now spreading, TB posted a video about it, so hopefully Namco will receive a lot of feedback.

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 22:46    Post subject:
It would certainly be fantastic if the PC got the and, but ehhhh... I'm not holding my breath Sad
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 22:55    Post subject:
it was the only game that made me think about buying a console (along with demons souls).

ive watched few 'lets play' and my hype went down a little bit, game isnt so special as i tought it will be, some moments/bosses/overall situations are really cheap.
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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 23:16    Post subject:
remyleblau wrote:
ive watched few 'lets play' and my hype went down a little bit, game isnt so special as i tought it will be, some moments/bosses/overall situations are really cheap.

What moments/bosses/overall situations are cheap? I can't think of a single death in the game that wasn't my own fault.

The only objectively "cheap" thing in the game is that enemies weapons can clip through walls while yours can't.

Oh well..
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Posts: 2221
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 23:42    Post subject:
Dirkin wrote:
I'd rather have Demon's Souls to be honest, hell they could give us both, that'd be worth the money

Playing Demon's Souls I did think it should have been a pc game but I thought that about Uncharted as well

dark souls isnt the sequel?
whats the difference of the 2?

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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2012 23:47    Post subject:
there are many cheap moments where players death occurs 'by design', not by player error - you just have to die to realize that something is supposed to be done in the way developers thought during making of the game.
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