Working in health care in a pandemic sucks.
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 06:02    Post subject: Working in health care in a pandemic sucks.
People are assholes.

Everyone thinks they are exempt from waiting in the line up. We have signs posted, it doesn’t help. I’m in a 200 plus patient a day lab, short staffed. It’s been me and just one other person and I have to deal with a 2 hr line up. Everyone has to be screened, can’t answer simple questions. Swarm me as soon as I walk out the door. I’ve taken to yelling at people to get back into the line or else I won’t help them. Then they expect me to listen to their 10 mins story that I can sum up in 6 words. “So Your doctor faxed your paperwork” Such a waste of time.

We’ve had to call the police more then once. They are smashing on the windows.

Then when I tried to get back into the building they grabbed my shirt from behind and ended up ripping the PPE Down my back.

I feel like I’m dealing with a zombie apocalypse and the patients are the zombies. All you see are these blobs waving their hands in front of your face. Seriously it’s like out of the movies or something.

No, none of these people have Covid per say. That’s not why they coming. Fatigue. That seems to be the diagnoses of the season. (My regulars are not doing this, not my transplant, cancer, diabetic, or blood thinner patients)

I’m just bitching because I’m upset. People are now putting their hands on me....and it feels very threatening.
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 06:08    Post subject:
Welcome to 'life', the way it is now, unfortunately Smile

People are assholes, and they don't give a shit, unless it's about themselves, and/or that device that's stuck to their face 24/7, hey, its 2020, but just imagine another 10 years from now, lol, were fuckin doomed Wink
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Posts: 3313
Location: US
PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 13:25    Post subject:
Phew, that sounds like dominicans when they see a queue. Very Happy

Ive read a couple of stories of how bad working in healthcare has been this year, oh boy i think i would be a trucker by now Laughing
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 13:30    Post subject:
My gf is a biochemist so she handles lots of covid samples

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 3313
Location: US
PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 13:31    Post subject:
Those dont move and whine and grab you i think Very Happy
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 14:39    Post subject:
pistol, do u have signs and things for them to read to help speed up the queue . cant they prepare the screening before on their phone or something, do u have free wifi

nobody wants to be in a risk zone for 2 hours hehe , do they wait in their cars ?
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 19:15    Post subject:
PickupArtist wrote:
pistol, do u have signs and things for them to read to help speed up the queue . cant they prepare the screening before on their phone or something, do u have free wifi

nobody wants to be in a risk zone for 2 hours hehe , do they wait in their cars ?

There are signs. But I am not allowed to put up hand written signs....we have anyway for simplicity.

There is a queuing system but it really sucks and the website isn’t clear with instructions. It causing more problems, it makes everyone think they have appointments when in fact they are a drop in. This has been the source of agreessiin. The queuing system always gives current wait time, and not the wait time for their sign in. If they wait in there cars there is no way us to know they have arrived.

It’s a system I’m fighting. It’s my companies responsibly to manage this with the proper tools and protocols. It wouldn’t be so bad if they hired people to manage the line from the beginning but they are so slow on the ball. Not completely their fault. No one wants to work right now,.

I feel better after writing this.

Mobs of people act like animals.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 20:55    Post subject:
It might make you happy to hear that they will all die. Or not. Some people are weird like that Shifty Fellar

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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 21:06    Post subject:
Lets hope they do so they learn their lesson Devil Troll
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 21:38    Post subject:
u know what gets managers motivated ? tv press and newspaper attention, send an anonymous mail to ur local press to come video and check police records

they will visit soon and managers will have to get of their asses
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Posts: 9020

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Oct 2020 23:46    Post subject: Re: Working in health care in a pandemic sucks.
pistolshrimp wrote:
they grabbed my shirt from behind and ended up ripping the PPE ( whatever PPE is ) Down my back.

Me Gusta

I just can't help it or resist. Sad

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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Sun, 18th Oct 2020 02:55    Post subject:
That's because you're a dirty old man with a serious lack of a moral compass. Razz

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sun, 18th Oct 2020 10:53    Post subject:
Watched bombshell last night and had to think of that fat old creep roger ailes thanks to your post Vomit

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 9020

PostPosted: Sun, 18th Oct 2020 16:30    Post subject:
But...but I don't look nearly fat and creepy like roger ailes. Sad
If I'm 52 that doesn't mean that I'm not a good looking handsome humper. Look at Brad Pitt for example. Razz

Last edited by M4trix on Sun, 18th Oct 2020 16:32; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sun, 18th Oct 2020 16:32    Post subject:
Lopin18 wrote:
Those dont move and whine and grab you i think Very Happy

Well tbh some do - she is also taking bloodsamples from some of them.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 3313
Location: US
PostPosted: Sun, 18th Oct 2020 21:28    Post subject:
Ankh wrote:
Lopin18 wrote:
Those dont move and whine and grab you i think Very Happy

Well tbh some do - she is also taking bloodsamples from some of them.

GG, thought she had a nice lab with a big sign "yeah, dont knock, bai"
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Sun, 18th Oct 2020 23:54    Post subject:
Covid is going to take out a lot of seniors who do not wear their hearing aid. They get right up in each other’s face and pull their mask away from their face so they can talk and hear each other in the line up. The conversation going on was about how careful they were. They are yelling at each other 1 foot away.

Sometimes I take a breather and just watch people for a second. It’s surreal. Thinking “yeah, this is who it’s happens”
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Sun, 18th Oct 2020 23:56    Post subject:
Lopin18 wrote:
Ankh wrote:
Lopin18 wrote:
Those dont move and whine and grab you i think Very Happy

Well tbh some do - she is also taking bloodsamples from some of them.

GG, thought she had a nice lab with a big sign "yeah, dont knock, bai"

It’s happening outside. Outside in the line up to get in. We only allow 5 people in at once.

pistolshrimp wrote:
they grabbed my shirt from behind and ended up ripping the PPE ( whatever PPE is ) Down my back.

PPE is Personal Saftey Equipment. Likes masks, face shields, and gowns to prevent contamination. They ripped the back of the yellow smock thing I wear over my scrubs.
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Mon, 19th Oct 2020 01:01    Post subject:
Yeah for whatever reason people feel entitled to special service Confused

I had to make an appointment during lockdown, I arrived and they had a 4x4ft sign in front of the door stating to call reception and wait outside. At least 50% of people would walk up, read it, open the fucking door and be told to stay outside.
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Mon, 19th Oct 2020 06:07    Post subject:
Lopin18 wrote:
Ankh wrote:
Lopin18 wrote:
Those dont move and whine and grab you i think Very Happy

Well tbh some do - she is also taking bloodsamples from some of them.

GG, thought she had a nice lab with a big sign "yeah, dont knock, bai"

They do have a big lab. But they are assigned people to a smaller room to take bloodsamples too. Its kind of a mixed job.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 7287

PostPosted: Mon, 19th Oct 2020 09:41    Post subject:
take care of yourself pistolshrimp

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