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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 10:51    Post subject: Vtubers
I heard this term being thrown around a lot lately. Thought i should check it out to see what it¨s all about. What do i find?

People seem to burn for this by tossing their money left and right for this crap. The peak of entertainment apparently. I'm speechless.. I shudder to think where we are in 10 years Laughing
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Posts: 13438

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 11:15    Post subject:

Last edited by Nalo on Wed, 3rd Jul 2024 05:42; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 11:19    Post subject:
My only experience was some inu-girl playing Doom 2016 and laughing maniacally whenever something gory happened. So pretty much non stop. Held my interest for about 2 minutes. Mostly out of exasperated incredulity.

On the other hand, some people pay money to subscribe to Twitch channels, it's pretty much the same thing.
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 11:34    Post subject:
Millennials.. What can you do?

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 12:02    Post subject:
zmed wrote:
My only experience was some inu-girl playing Doom 2016 and laughing maniacally whenever something gory happened. So pretty much non stop. Held my interest for about 2 minutes. Mostly out of exasperated incredulity.

On the other hand, some people pay money to subscribe to Twitch channels, it's pretty much the same thing.

Its not the same thing though? Well, it kinda is. But there are levels between those two. Twitch you watch someone play (im not much of a twitch guy tbh) or do other impressive things like speedrunning. WHat do we have here though? Just some japanese girl acting completely vapid while doing nothing but being annoying.

Im just an old fart so i just shudder at the thought of the future with the people enjoying this at the helm Very Happy
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 12:06    Post subject:
We're becoming like the people born in the 40'ies/50'ies that complain about younger generations music, movies, mobile phone dependence etc. Laughing

But yes, it is kind of worrying since this shallow and silly stuff is just becoming more common and part of our cultures. Imagine what it will be like in 10 years and forward. I shudder at the thought. I guess that's why the only "social" platform I properly use on a daily basis is the hump. Wink

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 12:06    Post subject:
Well, some of the most popular categories on Twitch are "IRL" and "Just Talking". So there's that. Very Happy
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 12:13    Post subject:
Frant wrote:
We're becoming like the people born in the 40'ies/50'ies that complain about younger generations music, movies, mobile phone dependence etc. Laughing

But yes, it is kind of worrying since this shallow and silly stuff is just becoming more common and part of our cultures. Imagine what it will be like in 10 years and forward. I shudder at the thought. I guess that's why the only "social" platform I properly use on a daily basis is the hump. Wink

I feel too young to be that grey old fart shouting at those young whippersnappers though Laughing
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[Moderator] Janitor

Posts: 14081

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 12:14    Post subject:
I learn new things every day... Laughing

"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 12:18    Post subject:
I've seen articles about research showing that esp. millennials are harboring permanent habits that may affect their ability to focus and keep their attention on a permanent level, a habitual form of attention deficit symptoms.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 12:25    Post subject:
As an 86 model, i am a millennial though Cool I think the gen you're thinking about is the younger one. Gen Z is it?
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 12:28    Post subject:
Well, I'm mainly thinking about people born 1995+ and later, ie. people that haven't hit their 30'ies yet. I guess it's Gen Z then. You're Gen Y (born between 1981-1994). I'm Gen X, the first generation who grew up with VHS, videogames and metal. Wink

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 12:40    Post subject:
I grew up with those things too though, but maybe no the first. Was always into gaming from early age, but sadly couldnt figure out my commodore 64 and had no one to ask for help in my backwater town back i nthe day :/
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 14:18    Post subject:
its disgusting shit this virtual tuber stuff, its total hentai, shown to freaking 7-8 year olds ... and girls think its totally fine untill these new generation of perverts grow up harasing, stalking and raping them cause they were such virtual sluts on stream ... ( being sarcastic, but u catch my drift)


I dont think its ok for youtube or twitch or any -16 -18 platform, period

There will be a price to pay , and it will be payed by young girls worldwide who didnt do any of this filthy cashgrab shit in their first experiences and relationships
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 14:34    Post subject:
Nahh, females are notorious of getting away from any scrutiny. They'll provide legs, tits and allure, but the man will be punished for drooling. The way of the world.
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Posts: 13438

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Dec 2020 14:52    Post subject:
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