When you ask for technical help
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Feb 2022 23:08    Post subject: When you ask for technical help
The more detailed your question, the less chance for your question to get answered. If you just ask some diffuse shit about something something you might get hordes trying to pitch in in various ways, but if you properly detail everything the tumbleweeds quickly start rolling and you probably won't get much help unless you up your google skills by a couple of levels
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Mon, 28th Feb 2022 00:25    Post subject:
But how do I copy files quicker?!

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Mon, 28th Feb 2022 00:30    Post subject:
*wrong thread but you quote me*

Last edited by AmpegV4 on Mon, 28th Feb 2022 01:17; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Mon, 28th Feb 2022 00:55    Post subject:
Chromebook or Notebook? (I was seriously asked this question exactly like that just 2/3 days ago)

AmpegV4 wrote:
Bah nuclear arms are bullshit, its basically a license to crush any country without them. If anyone kicks up a fuss, you threaten nuclear winter.. bullshit. Putins army would have been decimated and this problem solved by now without nuclear weapons.

Clearly Ukraine giving up on its nukes in for peace agreements was a big mistake, no cunt's going to disarm in future.


=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Mon, 28th Feb 2022 01:00    Post subject:
Posted in wrong thread just soaking up the Ukraine news of the day.

I don't really get where this thread is going, what is the detailed question? and your likely to get a better response here. Fairly easy to find answersr for any technical questions through google and a bit of research (unless your dealing with Windows as its logging is god awful / useless.).
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Posts: 4060
Location: Pays-Bas
PostPosted: Mon, 28th Feb 2022 07:54    Post subject:
The cliché: When help desk people start out they know nothing and when they know it all, they don't want to help anymore.
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Mar 2022 09:38    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:
Posted in wrong thread just soaking up the Ukraine news of the day.

I don't really get where this thread is going, what is the detailed question? and your likely to get a better response here. Fairly easy to find answersr for any technical questions through google and a bit of research (unless your dealing with Windows as its logging is god awful / useless.).

It was a general statement about everything in life. But since you ask so nicely ill past my reddit post:

My issue is i get no audio when playing Elden ring 4k fullscreen. I get audio with borderless fullscreen at 4k, but then i don't get to HDR. I use my QN95A tv as a monitor connected to my pc with a 7 meter HDMI 2.1 cable. Graphics card is 3090. I know there is a general handshake issue with 3090 or 3xxx series in general, but this ain't it. Sound works when i switch to 2k resolution and disappears at 4k

I'll also add some more to you since you're interested. If i alt tab out and in the tv will regularly spin around and get a "no hdmi" error. If i press alt tab again i get the desktop and if i alt tab yet another time i get into the game no problem. There is something really fucking weird going on here. Almost like the TV needs warming up LaughingLaughing
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Mar 2022 09:59    Post subject:
I havn't dabbled with HDMI and no longer have a TV so a bit rusty on that knowledge


My initial thought just reading your paragraph is some kind of HDMI bandwidth issue causing intermittent problems. With regards to the TV, check out the eARC feature mentioned the thread below to see if that makes a difference. Would also be good to test the cable, I wouldn't expect issues with a 7m cable unless its real cheap/crap quality and it looks like there is a cable certifications for eARC so you will want a half decent cable lets say $20-30USD.

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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Mar 2022 10:08    Post subject:
I guess this tv might suck?

I bought this cable of amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZF6RN53/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I guess maybe it was 10m i bought Laughing forgot
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Posts: 758
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Mar 2022 10:16    Post subject:
Generally - the HDMI "markings" on cables are total crap now, especially since they've once again changed their definitions / requirements. When I was looking for a long cable (7,5-10m) last year I've found some test results stating that barely any cable can actually support the required bandwidth at such lengths. However - I'd guess it would show no-signal at all, instead of just dropping audio. If it works in borderless, so without HDR, then it means it's closer to hdmi 2.0 than 2.1
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Mar 2022 11:19    Post subject:
The difference from my 2.0 cable where i could only select 4k 60hz in windows before, i can now select 4k 120hz and it works great in windows. This no sound issue has only been elden ring so far. But i can't see anyone else complaining so it has to be something on my end.
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Mar 2022 16:06    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
The more detailed your question, the less chance for your question to get answered. If you just ask some diffuse shit about something something you might get hordes trying to pitch in in various ways, but if you properly detail everything the tumbleweeds quickly start rolling and you probably won't get much help unless you up your google skills by a couple of levels

Wherever I've asked for technical support I've ended up with people that knew basically nothing, instead just using their internal search engine and following the same old steps. What's the point of technical support when I know more than them and ask a question about something they've never even heard of...? even though it's their jobs.

It does feel extremely frustrating to only get in touch with people that know a lot less about things than I do. I HAVE been able to get directed to an actual professional when the tech support knew he was waaaaay in over his head and I could have a meaningful discussion with someone who knew what I was talking about and thus getting the issue solved promptly. Unfortunately that is a very rare thing.

I saw a meme or someone writing it in here that people who actually had the actual knowledge didn't want to work in tech support and got a better job. I sure as hell wouldn't waste my time on a low paid stressful tech support job where you had to be friendly and kind no matter what if I had the skillset to be an expert. I'd seek a position where I used my skillset for real and I guess that goes for customer support in general.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 758
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Mar 2022 18:51    Post subject:
Heh, in terms of tech support - I've been recently involved in a ticket filed by my company about Microsoft Intune - which we use for mobile device management. I'm an Android developer and, in short, we need to be able to debug our own apps that are deployed on Intune so they can use MS authentication.
Basically - Google allows for that, it'a even enables by default, that you can install and debug apps manually to the work profile on your device.
However, I couldn't find anything regarding that in Intune management service, so I've sent them the line of code enabling a flag with some explanation asking if it's possible to set that in their MDM. 2 months and 2 'support engineers' plus a couple of calls later I finally got the answer - no. If I got in contact with a dev from their side I'd get the answer in 5 minutes...
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