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Have you moved to Windows 11? |
Yes |
27% |
[ 17 ] |
No |
50% |
[ 31 ] |
Why? |
12% |
[ 8 ] |
I'm a Luddite using Windows 7 |
1% |
[ 1 ] |
I'm a Luddite V2 using Windows 98SE |
1% |
[ 1 ] |
I'm a caveman using only DOS |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
I'm a smartass using only Linux |
6% |
[ 4 ] |
Total Votes : 62 |
King's Bounty
Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 10:39 Post subject: Windows 11 poll |
Have you installed Windows 11?
If so, are there still performance issues or really annoying bugs at this point in time?
If you have installed Windows 11 and write about your experience, please specify which hardware you're using.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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King's Bounty
Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 10:55 Post subject: |
One interesting feature of Windows 11 is:
"It focuses on the foreground apps and has fewer background processes consuming limited resources."
Not sure this is that important on more modern systems (for example Intel 8xxx to intel 12xxx series of CPU's with 8-16GB+ of RAM and fast SSD/NVMe system drives).
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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[Moderator] Janitor
Posts: 14081
Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 11:13 Post subject: |
I tried it quite early on but I had some issues with graphical glitches so I went back to 10. Those issues may be fixed by now but I have quite a fresh install of 10 and I see 0 incentive to go to 11 right now. Plus I hated the context menu.
sys is gigabyte x370 gaming k7 / ryzen 3600XT / Radeon 6900XT / 16 Gigs of Ram at 3600 CL 16.
"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
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Posts: 13437
Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 11:21 Post subject: |
Last edited by Nalo on Wed, 3rd Jul 2024 05:37; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 51050
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 12:30 Post subject: |
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
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King's Bounty
Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 14:56 Post subject: |
I'm still on W10 and currently have no plans on migrating to W11. I don't see any improvements that I can experience. I especially won't get any perks from the new features that only support hardware from the last ~12-18 months.
My system is quite old:
ASUS ROG STRIX Z370 Gaming-H board
Intel i5-8700K
16 GB of 3200 cl15 RAM
(4x4 sticks unfortunately which affects performance slightly)
Geforce GTX 1060 O/C
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
Last edited by Frant on Fri, 1st Apr 2022 12:01; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 16:29 Post subject: |
Not yet, I tried it but too many stuff broken in RTM version, I might try it again when the Sun Valley 2 update is out.
PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 16:31 Post subject: |
Windows 11 and proud. Nahh, not really. It works as you'd expect. I see no faults or no reason to either move on from 10 or back to 10 from 11.
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Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 19:05 Post subject: |
Frant wrote: | I'm still on W10 and currently have no plans on migrating to W11. I don't see any improvements that I can experience. I especially won't get any perks from the new features that only support hardware from the last ~12-18 months.
Nothing I have seen in 11 is worth the upgrade for me. I'm still on win10, with the classic start menu addon.
Win 8/10 start menu drives me gets bigger and more useless for how I interact with it each version it seems.
If its bigger/more cluttered than this when I open it. Its too big:
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And dont get me started on the programs tab its been a pet peeve of mine since win 8.
I dont need to see my program names from across the room why are they listed so big? And why under each alpha character header (I dont need to know Adobe is under "A" ..duh..) and why so much damn padding between each one. I need a mouse with an unlockable wheel to free spin down to the "N" programs.
What was wrong with this below? its small, compact, easy to see, etc. (using apps vs programs for the screenshot since my programs is now two columns wide..but same-same look).
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Everything 11 has boasted as features are nice in themselves, but nothing I use, would use, or go 'oh that nice' myself. And the few features I do use it changed are worse in my opinion for how I use them, compared to win 7/10.
Seems 11 was made for hybrid 'can be mouse or touch screen controlled' with all the UI made so nothing is smaller than would be easy to finger touch register.
OH and lack of being able to make quick launch. Best feature ever I think they totally removed. Could reenable in 10 but 11 its totally gone.
Task bar is for tasks running...hence the name. Pinning something to taskbar when its not open is counter intuitive to me..its not running so why should it show on the 'open task' bar?
This is soooo much better to me: Whats running is in the task bar on top...quick links to things I use a lot on the bottom. If nothing is open, top bar is empty. Quick easy way to see what I have open, and what I can in seperate rows divided into as many 'groups' as I want on the bottom row..(left group is my stuff, right group is work):
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-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 19:33 Post subject: |
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King's Bounty
Posts: 24433
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Posted: Sat, 12th Mar 2022 21:50 Post subject: |
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Posted: Sun, 13th Mar 2022 00:04 Post subject: |
Since Win 10 is getting in every update more hungry on resources and the initial impressions I've read from Win 11 where not very good I did a dual boot installation with Linux Manjaro KDE.
So far I'm enjoying a lot more then I thought. Printer is working, Torrents are working, I can do whatever I do on WIN ( I don't play triple A games ), dual display works flawless.
Any help needed I just do a DuckDuck search and check Manjaro forums and almost immediately find the solution and also Highly customisable.
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Posted: Sun, 13th Mar 2022 04:14 Post subject: |
I used to always switch over to the new Windows every RTM and stick with them but Windows 11 was the first one I skipped and still have not installed because of the various issues that people have had. I built a new PC last year so I just did not want to have to deal with the problems that many of the Windows 11 early adopters seemed to suffer from.
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Posted: Sun, 13th Mar 2022 09:04 Post subject: |
the only problem is the ftpm stutter with amd cpus, which gets fixed in may with bios updates... dunno what amd is doing so long, its known for a few months
but still why dont disable tpm at all
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Posted: Sun, 13th Mar 2022 09:54 Post subject: |
I used to have some archive with installation sources for Win 95, 98, Me, NT 4, 2000, XP the whole shit bunch. Very useful for a VM to do some experimenting or just for a trip down to memory lane. I tossed it, and I don't miss it.
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
Posted: Sun, 13th Mar 2022 10:07 Post subject: |
DOS and writing autoexec.bat and config.sys files FTW
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
Posted: Sun, 13th Mar 2022 18:18 Post subject: |
Frant wrote: | This is what my start menu looks like (Win10 start menu that I've tweaked to get rid of the Metro crap etc.) |
That's not as bad. Still a bit big for my taste with the padding. And the alphabet categorization bugs me...I dont know why.
Like your shot there "Handbrake is under H". and "G is for Google Drive and Get Help" Thanks windows, I didn't know that...Windows is teaching me the alphabet!
I tried total commander, but muscle memory is set in stone for me I think from 20 years of how "I" setup my PC GUI. Im one of the people that adds the option for My computer (called This PC now) back to the desktop and it's always first in the icon list. Pure ingrained instinctual habit to move mouse up and left to open file explorer with it.
Dont know how to explain it...after 20+ years of PC total (6-7 hours a day as hobby) and 13 years of working on it 8 hours a day for me it's sort of like someone that plays one game (like street fighter) over and over that long. Its instinct on what I press or move my mouse to. Why buying a new mouse fucks with me for weeks, the sensitivity and distance it moves is slightly different even with trying to get it juuuust right, and I have to relearn how much I have to move it and misclick things a lot until I get use to it because my hand will move it to where it feels it should be before I look and see its not.
I'm a mouse centric Windows user, and can do things faster with mouse than keyboard hotkeys. Not saying it IS faster than someone that knows them, just way faster for me because I organically taught myself that way. So the GUI moving all around with totally different menus would be like changing the controls in a game from the example of the person playing it. New controls might be faster and better in general, but waaaay slower now for that person that perfected the old ones.
Good windows example is my Boss opens windows services with hotkey or start->run services.msc. I open it just about as fast as him with start->control panel->admin tools-> services, using the gui mouse menus.
Or would be like if someone came in and moved my autocad hotbars around and changed my keyboard shortcuts I do use, on it (only good personal example I can give since i used it for so long in school and for work for a while. That would fuck me all up, as most of the gui access is that 'dont have to think, brain knows where it should be').
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posted: Sun, 13th Mar 2022 20:39 Post subject: |
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Posted: Sun, 13th Mar 2022 20:50 Post subject: |
skx7 wrote: | if you guys are so much into details, just use linux, you easily tweak your menus by editing the desktop files. you upgrade your linux distro and all tweaks will still be there. no need to break your OS to have basic functionalities working people still claiming I need windows for blah, blah and blah... never tried linux as literally all is available under the average linux distro and in better quality! if we would be in 2000, I would be open to listen to the blah blah and blah, but we are in 2022 and it only shows you are behind and stuck in biased thinking  |
after seeing the linus videos, there is no way i will move to linux, until big companies start supporting it.
too much stuff is not working or needs tweaking for hours and even then, there is a chance it won't work with all the features or other problems.
and i don't even game anymore on the pc, if you game, especially multiplayer, you are fucked with linux even more.
i had enough with setting up my pi already, it's something for people with enough time, who want to learn stuff and have fun tweaking everything all day, it's not for the masses. no company (except for valve cause they hate ms) will put money into it, if only freaks use it.
this thread is also about windows 11 and not about linux
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King's Bounty
Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
Posted: Mon, 14th Mar 2022 04:15 Post subject: |
DXWarlock wrote: | ...I tried total commander, but muscle memory is set in stone for me I think from 20 years of how "I" setup my PC GUI. Im one of the people that adds the option for My computer (called This PC now) back to the desktop and it's always first in the icon list. Pure ingrained instinctual habit to move mouse up and left to open file explorer with it...
I started using Windows Commander in 1995 when I bought my first PC. I had used the DOS based Norton Commander previously during computer studies but that was bleh in comparison to what I was already used to from my Amiga years (1987-1995) which was exponentially better and made use of the first real multitasking desktop OS.
I came from the Amiga computers (A500 from 1987-1992 and A1200 from 1992-1995) on which I used Disk Master for the first ~2-3 years until I found DOpus (Directory Opus) which was (and to some extent still is) extremely advanced in how configurable it was. You could basically turn it into a major part of the OS/Workbench (the whole desktop system part of the OS was called Workbench) since it had very advanced system level scripting capabilities using ARexx which was part of AmigaOS.
It could basically do everything you'd ever want. You just installed addons to play music, look at pictures (quite often color scans of naked ladies), compress/decompress (LHA/LZH/LZX, GZIP etc.) files on the fly, copy diskettes, create and/or edit text documents in various formats (I mainly edited my assembler source files), create full backups of HD partitions in DMS format, run programs/games/demos/whatever.. the list is endless. That made it the main part of the system that I used every day when I didn't program 68K assembler, making music in Protracker, drawing fonts or logos in Deluxe Paint for my intros/demos, play the latest games etc.
It's mainly the same thing with Total Commander. I haven't started Windows Explorer since.. forever. I hate moving files, folder etc. between different windows or cut/copy/paste. That kind of system is so deeply ingrained in me that if Total Commander (and any possible clone of it) disappeared from the universe, I would become a very very sad PC user.
I stuck with DOpus v4.x after DOpus v5 had arrived since it was extremely different. It was basically an big and advanced part of AmigaOS (on the more modern v2.04 and 3.0+ versions) where they had left the left<->right disk/directory/file window design and instead you had all these separate windows with different functions and I thought it was way too messy. It's easy to see how similar the basic interface of DOpus is to Total Commander.
Disk Master:
DOpus (fresh install with default settings and configuration except for the user installing a "copper rainbow" commodity):

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posted: Mon, 14th Mar 2022 07:28 Post subject: |
Problem is I cannot install it on the vast majority of customer servers, or AWS boxes we use. There is a whitelist of 3rd party software allowed. Many I cannot even install TreeSize or Filezilla.
So I know that would be a huge no from most. Some like LA times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today won't even let us install teamviewer, they insist their IT gets called, remotes in, goes to team viewer, does the one time run and invites us in. Which is a HUGE pain as the people calling are not tech savvy, and 1/2 my support call time is helping them figure out:
No no I dont need YOUR desktop, I need to servers..yes..the software runs somewhere else you are looking at a remote GUI you need to call IT and have them invite sorry I dont know your IT's number and who is on call...
But it works for me, as I am defaulted to using windows GUI for everything for 20+ years, so all servers are easy to navigate by how I use my PC. (Unless it's that horrible ass 2008/2012 server windows start menu. I hate that thing with a passion, full screen, postcard sized useless shit )
You can keep posting in every windows post about how awesome orgasm inducing Linux is...only if we would try it. Wont convert me. I tried it, and have to deal with it SOMETIMES for work. Don't like it. Nothing against it, it works fine. Just doesn't mesh with how I think when it comes to PC's. (As 20+ years of windows and windows servers are my training groomer).
Its like telling someone that does traditional european fine furniture "You should really switch to japanese non-fastener multi-joint construction for your furniture. Since you love details of the design". When it's the type of details and the mastery of those details they picked to practice that they enjoy. Most would try it, see its purpose but still go "Nah, I dont want to do another 20 years of woodworking to master this this one, the one I mastered is more my pleasure and I already mastered it".
Both will last generations of hand downs, telling them they mastered one that is inferior, simply when you mastered a different type is condescending.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posted: Mon, 14th Mar 2022 08:15 Post subject: |
My last IT job was in 2005/2006. We were replacing the workstations of some telecommunications office. I was support guy. The old computers ran Wins NT 4 and the new ran Win XP. Since a lot of their 3rd party software wasn't updated they had Microsoft Virtual Machine installed to run Win NT. Especially the tech guys there needed it. Software running in DOS mode using com 3 and 4. For updates they ran Windows Update Service Server(s) or something.
The tech company behind the roll out produced an installation CD using 8.3 file name format in some of their scripts. So employees found an icon on their desktop like Outlook pointing to C:\...\Micros~1\Outlook.exe
Outlook was an update package installed from the Windows Update Service Server(s). And somehow back then or how they configured it, you had no control over the order in which the updates were installed. So I had a guy with a laptop seeking support with me and in above mentioned directory Microsoft Encarta (or something that started with the name Microsoft) was installed and Outlook resided in C:\...\Micros~2\
Get the fuck away with Mickeysoft.
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Posted: Mon, 14th Mar 2022 18:17 Post subject: |
Yes it was a clusterfuck.
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King's Bounty
Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
Posted: Sat, 9th Apr 2022 21:53 Post subject: |
When I was the sole IT tech/admin in the city council building for one of the departments I had to deal with a mixed environment that included Novell, Terminal Server, Citrix and Lotus. That's what you get when there's no plan in place to keep a homogenous server/client environment. The Novell server worked perfectly in the closet where it sat and I just remote-connected to it to add/change/remove devices, users and rights from the tree. Getting Terminal Server and Citrix working together was more cumbersome (this was 2000-2001) and Lotus Notes was bleh.
Add to that the fact that each month we updated the citizen registry which came in the form of a text-file on a 3.5" diskette ( ) that had to be merged to the existing database. Apparently they had paid a ton of money for some consultant to write that tiny piece of software. Oh, they didn't use an SQL-based database system (I can't remember what they used though). Towards the end of my time the top tech boss decided to replace Novell with Windows 2000 Server and I remember Active Directory being fairly intuitive to work with since it had borrowed a lot from Novell. Yes, it could be quite messy and annoying to get a full picture of rights managment, finding the specific nodes/settings you wanted to change etc.
I have no idea how Windows Server has evolved since then. I haven't worked as a sysadmin since that job ended. I didn't want to work as a network tech/admin/general IT support & blabla. I applied and got into a 2 year System Development course which was equivalent to the System Development courses in University with the main difference being that no other study subjects like Math, English etc. etc., just System Development (and all the stuff that entails like SQL language, XML etc. etc.)
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posted: Sat, 9th Apr 2022 23:19 Post subject: |
i guess i will skip w11 like i skipped w9
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