Windows 11 reinstall with TPM on
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Posts: 2405
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jul 2022 22:13    Post subject: Windows 11 reinstall with TPM on
I don't have windows 11 yet but i want to know some things.

When you have windows 11 installed with TPM on. And you havent use the TPM for bitlocker or other things. Can you easily reinstall windows 11? Normally i delete the partition and then make new partition and install windows.
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jul 2022 03:23    Post subject:
Yes it should just work, You can always reset / clear all data on your TPM if you need to from bios.
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Posts: 2405
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jul 2022 17:55    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:
Yes it should just work, You can always reset / clear all data on your TPM if you need to from bios.
But resetting isn't necessary? if you don't really use the functions of TPM?
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Posts: 1009

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jul 2022 18:52    Post subject:
Even windows is not needed for average Joe using an office suite and some others apps.. Very Happy
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jul 2022 20:54    Post subject:
Average joe barely understands windows (if at all).
I mean I'm MORE than happy to say...switch my Uncle to linux (assuming this is your 'everyone just use linux' reply).
BUT only if you are willing to teach him it, how to use it, how to call internet/netflix/etc support that 90% of its tech support is windows centric for customer help.

I'm not anti linux. But anti teaching my barely tech savvy family as it is, how to use and support linux 'on their own' when after 10 years of using windows they have learned enough to only know "if its not on the desktop, the file is gone" and think deleting a shortcut on the desktop uninstalled the program.

When average joe calls me asking things like "how do I find my downloaded file" and "My internet isnt working, I clicked the wifi logo thing you showed me in the bottom right and it says disconnected when I try". Then they call their ISP and annoy them with having to painfully walk them thru how to find windows control panel, and wifi settings in windows to realize its not enabled...because come to find out they hit the 'wifi button' on the laptop that turns the wifi hardware off.
Average Joe is not as ready to move to linux as you think.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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