Game Audio - headphone stereo issue (solved)
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Tue, 20th Sep 2022 20:55    Post subject: Game Audio - headphone stereo issue (solved)
Problem: I've got an M-Audio USB interface with a set of AKG 240 Studio headphones. In all games I've tried the stereo separation is way too harsh when I've got an audio source 90 degrees to the left or right. The sound is clear and loud in the ear that is in the source direction but it's totally dead quiet in the other ear.

That's not how sound works; reverberations (not a wet reverb effect but the natural way sound is bouncing off walls and objects) make the sound audible in the other ear as well albeit at a much lower volume. It's really annoying since the sudden silence when turning around in a game is extremely noticeable.

I'm wondering if there's a tool/app/something that can fix that. I'm certain you guys know what I'm talking about.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais

Last edited by Frant on Thu, 22nd Sep 2022 15:26; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue, 20th Sep 2022 23:46    Post subject:
Ummm very interesting! My first thought is to change ingame audio settings but I bet you looked into that by now? If it's a PC go into the audio/sound settings and try different settings. Sound control panel etc. Sorry that's all I got.

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Wed, 21st Sep 2022 12:14    Post subject:
I've tried a bunch of Windows volume mixer replacements but none of them will let me pan each stereo channel (ie. pan left channel 5-10% towards the right and vice versa) to make it sound better/more realistic. Obviously any audio editor etc. will let me do whatever I want but so far I haven't found any solution to it. I'd have to split the left/right channel with a separate hardware mixer (which I don't have and don't feel like buying just for this issue).

Oh well, I'll keep looking around when I feel like it. Until then I'll either use the speakers or accept the in-game sound.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Wed, 21st Sep 2022 13:25    Post subject:
Sorted it out. Found a piece of software called Equalizer APO. It's a software mixer with a bunch of different functions. One function is called "Copy channels" which can copy a chosen amount of audio from one channel to the other. The UI isn't particularly user friendly and for most modules you have to add commands/formulas by clicking that little notebook icon to enter whatever value/formula you want to do for that module.

Best thing about it? It solved exactly the issue I created this thread for. I can alt-tab out of the game and change the values on the spot, go back in the game and hear the difference.

Copy: L=L+0.5*R
Copy: R=R+0.5*L

The R+0.5 and L+0.5 decide how much of the left channel is mixed into the right and vice versa. I'm still experimenting with different values to get the best result.

I highly recommend anyone that think the hard panning in games is somewhat disturbing and unrealistic (ie. when a sound is coming from the right it's dead silent in the left ear).

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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VIP Member

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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Sep 2022 16:07    Post subject:
Just saw this. Equalizer APO i would recommend also if you have no other fix hardware/OS wise.

Just be aware when you change things, it changes everything (which is usually good) it changes the audio on a low level of the system before windows/whatever even processes it. It will even work on ASIO and such long as you are not doing direct bypass mode in it [Right from source to ASIO output skipping windows stacks..or whatever the correct term is]

It has some GUIs too if you need them, I like 'Peace'

I used it for a while to boost my mic input and adjust the gain/EQ of it when it sounded a bit flat from a cheap headset and to turn the bass down on the output as the headset was super bass heavy.
Best thing about it is once you have it set, no need to run it in the tray or keep it open. Can set it, close it and it just 'works' forever on everything audio related on the channels you adjusted, until you reinstall windows (or remove it) Very Happy

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 2483
Location: Tortilla de patatas
PostPosted: Thu, 22nd Sep 2022 12:07    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
Just saw this. Equalizer APO i would recommend also if you have no other fix hardware/OS wise.

Just be aware when you change things, it changes everything (which is usually good) it changes the audio on a low level of the system before windows/whatever even processes it. It will even work on ASIO and such long as you are not doing direct bypass mode in it [Right from source to ASIO output skipping windows stacks..or whatever the correct term is]

It has some GUIs too if you need them, I like 'Peace'

I used it for a while to boost my mic input and adjust the gain/EQ of it when it sounded a bit flat from a cheap headset and to turn the bass down on the output as the headset was super bass heavy.
Best thing about it is once you have it set, no need to run it in the tray or keep it open. Can set it, close it and it just 'works' forever on everything audio related on the channels you adjusted, until you reinstall windows (or remove it) Very Happy

Only caveat I've found is that it doesn't work for external controlles with audio output if you use Serato Dj Pro or the like. Works system-wide, not with a proper Dj app.
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Posts: 2483
Location: Tortilla de patatas
PostPosted: Thu, 22nd Sep 2022 13:08    Post subject: Re: Game Audio - headphone stereo issue
Frant wrote:
Problem: I've got an M-Audio USB interface with a set of AKG 240 Studio headphones. In all games I've tried the stereo separation is way too harsh when I've got an audio source 90 degrees to the left or right. The sound is clear and loud in the ear that is in the source direction but it's totally dead quiet in the other ear.

That's not how sound works; reverberations (not a wet reverb effect but the natural way sound is bouncing off walls and objects) make the sound audible in the other ear as well albeit at a much lower volume. It's really annoying since the sudden silence when turning around in a game is extremely noticeable.

I'm wondering if there's a tool/app/something that can fix that. I'm certain you guys know what I'm talking about.

BTW, check this out Frant, will help to understand this very behaviour you're experiencing Smile

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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Thu, 22nd Sep 2022 15:26    Post subject:
Thanks for the info. I love EQ APO. It's simple, it does exactly what I want and it just works.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 1533

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Sep 2022 17:13    Post subject:
Thanks for the INFO about this program!

Gigabyte Z590 UD AC Motherboard - Intel i5-11600k 3.90 GHZ - 32 GB DDR 4 Corsair Vengeance LPX 3600MHz- GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Windforce OC 12GB (Driver 566.03) Corsair GOLD 80 Plus RM750x PSU Gigabyte QS32Q 32" flat screen Gaming Monitor
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