So empty and boring shit now, but I genuinely enjoyed every bit of it back then, plus it looked like magic on my 15-inch Samsung CRT and the music was top notch.
Druidstone is from the devs of legend of grimrock.
The difficulty is up there at the start and some levels but the mroe skills and chars you get the more your tactical options are.loved every second of it. around 70ish on metcritic.
Vampyr is 70ish aswell.
very atmospheric soulslike combat.
Loved it as well but unfortunately it didnt do well.
Vampyr is 70ish aswell.
very atmospheric soulslike combat.
Loved it as well but unfortunately it didnt do well.
I thought Vampyr was wonderful as well! Enjoyed it so much that I even went through the hassle of getting the secret ending!
I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
i9-9900k, MSI MPG-Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon, 32GB DDR4 @ 3000, eVGA GTX 1080 DT, Samsung 970 EVO Plus nVME 1TB
- Alpha Protocol: heavily consolized, had a questionable AI and its core elements felt undercooked, but I genuinely liked it. Especially after applying some minor mods & .ini tweaking for the Godzilla-shaped UI and whatnot. I wish modern action games offered that type of C&C-oriented Spy-thriller-ish role-playing with varied settings, dynamic dialogues and multiple approaches to missions :'(
- Mars War Logs: still the Spiders game that I enjoyed the most despite the notably low production values and mundane mechanics. It didn't outstay its welcome and its atmosphere was rock-solid.
- Gothic 3: an absolute blob of a sequel offering a lazy combat system, plenty of copy-pasta content and technical bugs, but it was still a rather remarkable exploratory ride which became a bit more tolerable after all the community patches. Similarly, I'd put Two Worlds in this cursed category as well.
- Remember Me: it didn't really excel at anything in particular and the press A-to-Awesome platforming always is on my personal blacklist, however, I enjoyed the game's pacing and its very unique atmosphere.
- I Am Alive: consolized to hell and back and ugly as sin, but it felt interesting and fresh for the time despite being so limited in scope.
- Detroit Become Human: it doesn't even qualify as a "shit game" since there isn't a game in the first place, but I liked it as some sort of interactive QTEmovie. The only modern Cageian production that didn't make me want to gauge my brain out through my ears.
- Fallout 4: thanks to all the mods that turned it into a decent survival-oriented sandbox. They couldn't fix the rest because it was beyond redemption, still, *it's something*
Friday 13th on the C64. A tiny open world, a mystery of who the the murderer is, very creepy atmosphere (yes, i did find the game genuinely creepy as a kid lol). Considered total garbage by everyone. i liked it because it saw something new in it, e.g i was not on a liner path, gameplay had an interesting randomness to it, i could explore.
i can't really think of any recent examples.. edit: ah, Gothic 3. yeah, garbage pretty much but i enjoyed it and also Two Worlds, quite enjoyed that one.
Remember Me - Yep that was a good game & flop/invisible.
Carmageddon 1.
I think the Crytek games as well.
I shift-delete games pretty quickly if I don't like them, I would play 5% of anything listed in page 1 PC games thread too - been like that for a long time.
Easy one for me, Gothic 1 & 2. These are so eurojanky, but i love them.
not shit games, they're just old..... not seen as shit by anyone, more like a classic. Gothic 2 got scores around 8 when it was released.. in comparison ELEX got reviews around 4-5/10.. so i guess i could add ELEX as "shit" game that i enjoyed.
Last edited by vurt on Thu, 20th Apr 2023 06:58; edited 1 time in total
Well Piranha went south the second they changed their combat system. And like true imbeciles they never managed to get a grasp on the simplistic click, click combat system and refused to go back to what worked, and what people enjoyed.
Well Piranha went south the second they changed their combat system. And like true imbeciles they never managed to get a grasp on the simplistic click, click combat system and refused to go back to what worked, and what people enjoyed.
That's true. They never managed to get combat right after mildly being successful with it for G2 (for its time it was not bad). G3 was a total disaster in terms of combat.
And that crappy combat has not evolved at all and continues still. What brings them a modicum of success is their brand and peoples love for Gothic. Man do i wish they'd make a game with Gothic's combat again. Pretty sure it would be 100% more fun than what we get now
Yeah, Gothic 1 and 2 are about as far away from shit games as you can get They're blueprints for excelence. Youtube's filled with long form analysis of their design
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