Cult of the Lamb
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Posts: 315

PostPosted: Mon, 15th Aug 2022 09:46    Post subject: Cult of the Lamb

Store Page:
Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Massive Monster
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Release Date: 11 Aug, 2022

About the game:
Cult of the Lamb casts players in the role of a possessed lamb saved from annihilation by an ominous stranger, and must repay their debt by building a loyal following in his name. Start your own cult in a land of false prophets, venturing out into diverse and mysterious regions to build a loyal community of woodland worshippers and spread your Word to become the one true cult.

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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Mon, 15th Aug 2022 11:06    Post subject:
Just finished it.

So my little review here.

The game is very pretty with this innocent animals in elder god hell theme.
Unfortunately as the game has all the content it's still pretty much beta/early access - mostly in terms of managing your cult. And the whole game is pretty unbalanced too.
You can issue orders to followers but they really will just wander around the camp and do the closest job they are around and not the one you gave them. There is als no good management page, window so good luck tracking what someone should be doing. The farms are bugged right now too and the cultist will work there the least.

As goes for combat it's pretty ok, the best part of the game except two things - weapons and spells. The spells are useless except one spell - the homing magic missiles if you get them - you could easly one-two shot any boss. And I don't get it, the spells require mana but it's usually so little you can use them like four times on map and on boss fights, while the spells are worthless.
The second part are the weapons. There are tiers that unlock special abilities like poison etc. and new types of weapons, unfortunately there is the large weapon tier with slowest attack speed that are really cumbersom to use. I would be ok with this if not the fact that I had most chance to get them.

You can beat the game in about 14 hours if you rush. In half that time I had everything unlocked, the management of the flock become boring and there was no real incentive to take care of them after that.

People on the steam forums are writing about many bugs. In my 18 hour playthrough I had only two - I couldn't catch all the special sea creatures and my lamb got stuck in working animation when one of my flock did the same cleaning job as I.

So I would wait a few patches to play it for better experience.

I would give it a 7-7.5/10.

sar·​casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
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Posts: 9329
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Tue, 4th Oct 2022 15:15    Post subject:
I find this to be another overrated game. While cute and all, the game lacks the depth of a proper rogue-like.

The combat is quite basic and lackluster in animations. The invasion of colors on the screen is a seizures inducing recipe and makes it hard to follow the action at times. The progression is also quite simplistic.

The base management is nothing that hasn't been done before. However, it borrows from Ubisoft's animations grind for an artificially increased game length and gratification.

This is by no means a bad game. The concept is funny and alluring, but there's an obvious focus on flash over substance and it became tedious for me.
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Posts: 32672

PostPosted: Tue, 4th Oct 2022 18:16    Post subject:
as soon as I had to hold a for good 30 seconds to build a hut I gave up on the game.

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Tue, 4th Oct 2022 20:38    Post subject:
WaldoJ wrote:
as soon as I had to hold a for good 30 seconds to build a hut I gave up on the game.

That got old really quick. Then it feels like you have to hold down for like 5 minutes just to chop down a tree or mine minerals.

Actually the entire game gets old after about 20 hours. There's a TON of stuff to unlock that helps automate the process of things but they're at such high tier levels that it's not even worth the grind to get there.

Different "worlds" are just more or less the same thing with a different skin. Nothing enough to set it apart enough that it's exciting getting to a new area.

These bastards die too quick so the grind to get more and more and then having to constantly babysit them because the unlocks where they can take care of their own shit is so high it just became exhausting.

Felt like I never really had time to go out and kick some ass and level up, assholes were constantly hungry then rioting because I wasn't feeding them when I'm trying to play the actual fucking game.

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Posts: 9329
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Tue, 4th Oct 2022 21:56    Post subject:
Collecting devotion at the final tier takes like forever.
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Posts: 2425
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Oct 2022 00:18    Post subject:
WaldoJ wrote:
as soon as I had to hold a for good 30 seconds to build a hut I gave up on the game.

got a bit farther than me lol. stopped once i saw you have to manage villagers/building things etc. that along with shallow gameplay is a nah for me. cool style is all i can say about it.
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PostPosted: Thu, 13th Oct 2022 22:00    Post subject:

Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:18; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu, 13th Oct 2022 22:51    Post subject:
Saw these guys at PAX. By far the most popular booth that I noticed
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jan 2024 02:15    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Thu, 18th Jan 2024 12:27    Post subject:
sex update lol
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Posts: 5574

PostPosted: Thu, 18th Jan 2024 17:41    Post subject:
prudislav wrote:
sex update lol

The crazy furry's are gonna eat this shit up now! Laughing

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PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jun 2024 22:30    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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