Take on the role of retired Special Forces veteran Solid Snake.
Terrorists have overrun a secret Alaskan weapons base and are
threatening to launch a devastating nuclear strike unless they're
demands are not met within 24 hours. Your mission is to infiltrate the
base, rescue the hostages and kill the terrorists carrying nothing but
a pair of binoculars, a pack of smokes and bad attitude. The clock is
ticking. Once again, Snake heads into battle...alone.
Game Features:
- An intense story line will quickly draw you in and keep you
hooked until the end.
- Find 20 different items like Night Vision Goggles, Mindsweepers,
Gas Masks, and Plastic Explosives to help you on your missions.
- Face guards, security cameras and lethal bosses in this amazing
- Pick up and use over 30 different weapons.
- Use stealth, not force, to past alert guards in this innovative
- Perform cool moves like running, climbing, swimming and stealth
walking to past deadly guards.
Burn Notes:
1) USE CDRWIN, burn bins with cue files in standard way!
2) go into the crack dir on cd1 and copy the cracked .exes into
your install dir
3) take the dice and roll a six and hope for da best!
DEViANCE News & Information
Membership Benefits:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~
We offer membership of the finest scene group, which entails access to
the best sites available.
We can provide download leech for:
and more :) We believe if you contribute to the scene you should be
able to reap the rewards of it ;)
We also understand the costs involved with SUPPLYING the latest
unreleased GAMES. Thus we are the ONLY, yes the ONLY group that offers
suppliers a money back guarantee, PAY BACK. We always reimburse!
Why should you pay and others get it for free?
Remember we are the only GROUP who offer this!
Also we can provide crackers with custom TOOLS to help new crackers
with the latest protections, we work as a cracking team!
We also have the only specific trading team designed for the group,
only we provide this. Thus our team is the fastest :)
But above all of this, we are friendly. Something of a rarity these
days in the scene. We often have group meetings in PERSON. We are
FRIENDS as well as members. Join us now, before others get in
before you
Membership Requirements:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~
- Games must be new and unreleased.
- USA shop suppliers on the East Coast and with a T3 connection.
- Insiders do not need a fast internet connnection.
- Distributor and Wholesaler workers in any country.
- Game Magazine, News Media, TV or Radio reviewers!
- Workers in software companies, developers or publishers!
- Duplicator workers who can get access to fast games.
See below for a more detailed requirements list....
USA store suppliers - If you have a fast T3 or above connection,
live on the USA, East coast and happen to be near a Electronics
Boutique, Babbage's, Best Buy, or other store that sells software,
and can be available during the day or morning of most weekdays
to supply. Join us now!
Do not worry about your skills, if you can fit the bill we shall
show you the rest. Insiders do not need a fast internet
Contact us now! Use the contact information below.
Game insider suppliers - individuals connected in any way with the
distribution process of new software, whether it be software
companies, store/shops, distributor, publisher, duplicators,
game magazine, tech support for software publishing houses.
Insiders do not need a fast internet connnection.
Crackers and Mega Trainers - Can you do SAFEDISC/C-DILLA
or SECUROM or VOB protections? You must be able to do this without
tools available on the net, as protections change. You must
understand how these protections work to break future versions
of them! What about quality menu driven TRAINERS?
Contact us now! Use the contact information below.
(FREE) Hardware Suppliers - If you work for a company in the
hardware industry and have access to some GOOD hardware of any
type, you may just be the person we're looking for.
Contact us now! Use the contact information below.
Shell Acounts - we are looking for T3 MINIMUM shellboxes to help out
the team. Massive giggage is not required, but 4+ gig is
helpful of course. Contact us now! Use the contact information below.
Couriers - We are NOT accepting courier applications, so please
don't waste our time and your by telling us what a great trader
you are. Unless you can also do something that is outlined in the
application details above of course. Then we could of course
welcome you straight away ;)
If you think you can fill any of these positions,
send an email to: apcsupply@hushmail.com
isn't MGS really old? Howcome people still care? Best game of all time, sure; but c'mon...
and the best thing is this game does not work anymore on new graphic cards*GF6 , 7 ,8 even Ati`s* because they don`t have support for 8bit palletized textures
isn't MGS really old? Howcome people still care? Best game of all time, sure; but c'mon...
and the best thing is this game does not work anymore on new graphic cards*GF6 , 7 ,8 even Ati`s* because they don`t have support for 8bit palletized textures
isn't MGS really old? Howcome people still care? Best game of all time, sure; but c'mon...
and the best thing is this game does not work anymore on new graphic cards*GF6 , 7 ,8 even Ati`s* because they don`t have support for 8bit palletized textures
the game works it just doesnt work in hi-res
if you call a game that crashes to windows when you die or load or get to Psycho Mantis in the Software Mode a working one then OK
max resolution is 1024x768, but supersampling modes work from NV.
And you can't get rid of the window mode, even in fullscreen.
But damn this game is hard. I am playing without the radar, on hard mode, and the game is brutal at times.
Last time I played in 2003 ish, I got stuck on a scene and never finished it, and that was with radar.
I was also testing the PS1 emulator version, but the textures and rendering techniques are horrid. the whole scene dances, like the game is drawing terrain on the go.
4xSGSSAA 1024x768. gpu fans don't even come on. but the AA sure is nice even on old games
Oh and it's pretty amazing the game works on a x360 pad out of the box, every key configured and configurable.
Dancing textures was a common problem in PSX games. I remember reading an interview with the developers of the PC version and they said fixing it was one of their top priorities. They also wanted to create higher res textures but Kojima wouldn't allow it because he thought it would ruin his artistic vision.
But the PC port, like many ports from PSX back in the day, is missing the framebuffer effects. Granted these look like ass on an emulator, so the only way to "enjoy" them in the PSX version is if you play at the original resolution with no enhancements or the real console.
More importantly the music of the PC version is of lower fidelity with hissing and such.
edit also PC cutscenes are locked at 24 fps.
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
from kojima? i don't know, i read it somewhere. It was again about artistic view of kojima i guess. I could be mixing thing but as far as i know they didn't want to remake it.
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
Beaten psycho mantis, and am now at the sniper wolf section.
the convos in this game go from awesome to mushy crap sometimes even in the same sentence. anti war propaganda, then some awkward japanese come on right after
I think i'll be coming up on the last section i've reached in the past.
Last time i got stuck
when you get trapped in a room and gassed.
Never could figure out that section back in 2003 when I played it.
Maybe 12 years of brain cell destruction will help?
If you still have your saves and don't mind could you upload them?
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
Ughh people like DSP takes humanity back to the stone age. This guy is just beyond retarded. What fathom me is why does this guy still get a lot of money from YouTube I see no point in watching him fail so bad and waste time on that, guess most YouTubepeople are prolly as clueless as him. Sad thing for this world.
Last edited by snakedtx on Thu, 24th Dec 2015 03:06; edited 1 time in total
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