After Literally YEARS we have these "collection" on PC via emulation it's hard to be excited... still MGS3 remake is more something to look forward though.
I'm expecting shit hackjob ports, and then even expecting that to still be disappointed once it's out
welp seems like there is no mouse keyboard support already
Haha, classic Konami. I never got around to finishing MGS 1/2 back in the day because of the gamepad-centric controlling scheme, and it looks like things will stay that way - unless there will be full-on remakes in the distant future (which will depend on how the MGS3 Remake will turn out)
Guns of the Patriots and Snake Eater originally required the analog face buttons of PS2/Xbox controllers. I wonder how these ports will handle this.
The lack of pressure sensitive face buttons was addressed in a clunky way of pressing an extra button which mimics soft press state. (or it was used to toggle states?...actually can't recall 100% but I played these on X360 xD it was definitely clunky compared to actual PS2)
MGS2 and MGS3 are marked as the HD Collection version (released for Xbox 360 / PS3 about 10 years ago) which has native 16:9 support. I would expect them to be exactly the same with all the changes versus the original PS2 versions.
Peace Walker was also part of that same HD Collection but has not been announced for this new release - but that collection didn't come with MGS1 which IS part of this collection. MGS4 so far never got a release outside Playstation. :\
Locked at 720p.
"Mouse support" is just emulating the right analogue stick, so there's no mouse aiming (can't aim with the right stick in MGS2).
Keyboard controls are nonsensical and can't be edited.
Selected button prompts get reset to the default Xbox ones every time.
The manuals are web pages that aren't even aware of the above option.
It's locked at 1280x720.
The sound quality sounds worse than the original or the HD Collection on PS3 / 360.
The option to download the Japanese version takes you to a non-existent Steam page.
They advertised the game as only supporting 1080p, which is already bad enough, but it's actually only 720p.
No windowed mode option, although it mistakenly opened in a window on first run, and the framerate was unlocked.
No video or graphic settings whatsoever.
IT'S LOCKED AT 1280X720.
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