Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront
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PostPosted: Thu, 13th Oct 2016 14:07    Post subject: Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

The successor to the Men of War series arrives with unmatched immersion, hard boiled historical campaigns and massive dynamic multiplayer battles. Gates of Hell offers revamped infantry dynamics, accurate reworked ballistics and much more, including community requested features like redesigned flight model and expanded factions in its upgraded engine. Shift between RTS and Top-down Third person direct control modes and use the total destructibility of landscapes to revive the most intense portrayal of World War II.

Gates of Hell is a historical/realism action-based RTS based on the powerful GEM2 game engine by Best Way.

Gates of Hell aims to attract all fans of previous Men of War games. In addition, GoH has a much more comfortable learning curve, aiming to target newcomers to RTS games and also players from other RTS which seek a new experience. For the first time in GEM2 games, war realism lovers will also be keen to play GoH with its enhanced ballistics system, accurate historical uniforms and immersive experience.

In Gates of Hell, the player will fight throughout WW2 battles, from the sands of North Africa to the snow covered peaks of Russia. The player must use his skill plus the situation to defeat his enemy or complete mission objectives in spite of all odds that will arise. Weather the task is to snipe out an enemy officer, to destroy a tank column or fight against human rivals in the multiplayer game-modes, players must analyse the battle with their situational awareness and use the advantages of the nation they are playing, the terrain and their strategy. Whereas some players will prefer direct confrontation if they afford superior firepower, others might choose coordinated sabotage tactics. It is up to you to use historical warfare techniques to outsmart and outmanoeuvre the enemy!

Barbed Wire Studios has been closely monitoring community pledges, which were massively requested and never put into action on previous Men-of-War titles. To create an atmospheric, successful and original game to follow MoW, these features were developed around the two main pillars of the game, these being immersion and a balance between realism/action-gameplay.

I didn't like any of the MoW games after the first 3, hopefully this changes things a bit, but it's looking overly familiar already. It looks like a MoW mod if anything. eg:

That modern version was shit as well

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 1st Sep 2020 07:59; edited 1 time in total
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Oct 2016 18:26    Post subject:
Is the video only stuttering for me, or is the performance really that terrible?

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PostPosted: Thu, 13th Oct 2016 18:30    Post subject:
Its fine for me I believe.
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Thu, 13th Oct 2016 19:11    Post subject:
The gameplay in the video has hickups.

It seems to be another cheapass game on the GEM engine. Ok.
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Posts: 760

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Oct 2016 20:07    Post subject:
yep same old engine, Gem 2, as all the MOW games. Dont see anything changed or new
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PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2020 07:58    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Mon, 4th Oct 2021 08:53; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 11166

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jun 2021 21:24    Post subject:
Call to Arms: Gates of Hell - Ostfront (MULTi7) [FitGirl Repack]

I tried it for a few hours, and it's good. It's a solid update on this genre and period's take, like Men of War and Blitzkrieg.

These games have solid mecanics, and this one improves on that. Lots of quality of life stuff (soldiers heal by themselves when theres a lull, for example, AKA "not having to micro obvious behaviours").

Pathfinding (vehicles only) can get downward retarded at times, and some behaviours are dubious: crew leaving a Flak 18 with ONLY HE ammo, because too much tanks seem to be coming... Those are T-60 and such, with a few T34 at ~300m... A direct hit from an 88mm should suffice. So you have to keep an eye on that and order them to serve the gun again (because otherwise they just hang out around it clueless).

So it's already great fun, and while there are a few issues/bugs/balance, those are clearly fixable with a tweaks here and there (so nothing structural).

Runs at max without a hitch on my mid-humble rig.

8.5/10 so far for it's genre. Will buy if patches fix these troubles, and if nice mods seem doable.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 11166

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jun 2021 21:57    Post subject:
I'll repost OP's link:

The ss and other videos are all in-game visuals. I don't see why I would zoom looking at the muzzle of a firing tank rather than at where it's firing at, but you can if you want.

You can also direct control any unit (no super-powers/buffs granted though. A simple bullet in the right area from an unseen opponent and it's lights' out).

Tanks follow their historical patterns (thickness of armour vs angle/penetration/distance); but are also more mobile/static at the wrong moments (sounds ridiculous but if you play it you'll understand), than their historical counterparts. (Like firing static while under fire from multiple angles, and being very mobile in an uncoordinated fashion when there's no real danger).

Very neatly animated cutscenes during battles!

Again on a tech level: Very fluid, very fast loading times. Never had a slowdown or any hiccup.
My rig: 32G DDR4, RX5600XT, 6 cores 3.6G, so nothing incredible.
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Posts: 13459
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 31st Jan 2022 03:04    Post subject:
These games seems so awesome, same with Men of War, but the tutorials are so terrible and sloppily made. Like here, it says i should pick up a mine detector from the truck, no such thing in the truck since i can't click it (there's no eye icon), truck has no box with them or anything.

And you know this shit is going to happen like every other minute and you'll have to google other people having the same issue. The point of a tutorial is to go in-depth of how to actually do stuff so that you don't need to google, ask on forums etc. Meh.

Whatever, glad i didn't pay for it this time because it'd just sit in my library "maybe one day i'll play it since it seems cool." never happened with MoW lol
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Posts: 9623
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Dec 2023 10:22    Post subject:
Tried this (

• performance is often abysmal (in TP mode esp.)
• tutorials are a huge trolling (it seems like they explain everything in detail, but they really don't)
• many commands feel clumsy and janky
• you need to press 397489 buttons to do something

+ concept is fantastic
- execution is eh...

Excellent game for nerds, though!

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VIP Member

Posts: 29173

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Dec 2023 11:41    Post subject:
Execution has always been janky as fuck in Men of War games

Same for the first person stuff, I still don't think any game has really done it well. The transition goes from a refined RTS to a 'shooter' view that feels like a Unity asset flip

The RTS aspect is always top notch though. Performance on Liberation is putting me off, so I await some miracles
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