YT vid and a link enough these days to make topics just because some tard want's to be first in topic?
Forum going really downhill letting Kein create topics.
Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
well, if it has options to disables all the hud stuff and if the combat is fun, might be good.
what's shown in the vid is pretty bad though. prompts for holding thumbstick direction, hud pointers for everything... when I see that I always shed a tear.
looks promising. but melee games just dont work very well. maaaaany maaany people / studios tried some kinds of sword simulation etc, never worked out well
Gameplay vid: 4v4 dominion.......... why not 2v2 or 1v1? Massive scale battle with 1v1 would be even better! Right?
EDIT: I know I know... this is not that type of game, but I would love to see it with 8vs8
harballaz wrote:
Hey dont be so hard the little console eunuchs, they need time to aim their lil vibratin thumbstick.
I'm pretty sure they're trying and it's actually working. If there is no major ranged combat in this, it could actually be something good and unique. Maybe even a substitute for the never happening Rune2. Iced with objective based gamemodes ontop of that.
Most important to me is actually the netcode and hit-detection. Especially since these duels seem very reliant on timing. If they fuck that up, it could end up being more frustrating than anything else.
The music seems interesting too (from the CGI trailer). A blend between european, japanese, and norse folk tunes with some modern additions.
So yeah, actually looking forward to this. It will be hit or miss, just like any other game.
*EDIT* I also hope this will be a full price title and not some shitty free2play crap. Dedicated servers would also ease my mind alot on some worries.
Only care about the single player mode. If it is not linear "story" where they force you to play particular characters and have limited customizations and freedom, then I'll be interested.
I keep seeing people everywhere that say that. I don't understand. How does that look good in any way?! It looks sooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. That UI alone makes me want to throw up. I then try to look past that at the actual game and I can't... there's no game really, looks really generic. I'd rather install Chivalry again, go away Ubi, you have no clue what you're doing.
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