its peter berg fast handheld shots with quick edit cuts and very violent stuff...axe to the face and full on scalping violent...shot like a movie and cut in 6 parts. story and characters the usual. its ok. no hell on wheels more like the revenant
I predicted the ending around halfway in of the last ep.
Of course the dude who didn't die was going to come back, and zero chance for our loner to not die at the end, his family already dead, so of course it would end with him joining them, and the killer was obvious.
Super focused on its story from the start, which can be nice or a bit boring if you expect more "branching out", Deadwood it certainly isn't. It's instead very linear and almost exhaustingly intense due to it. Left me with a racing heart a few times, so not a good watch before sleep!
Great pacing, good acting and really grim!
first three episodes felt hamfisted, by the books, very predictable and even meh. Halfway through though, it gets good, even really good. I liked it, kudos for being raw and brutal (not Bone Tomahawk-brutal but human nature-brutal) and kudos to the main actress, splendid portrayal of contained emotions. Even Taylor Kitsch delivered, which is getting usual lately.
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