Door Kickers / Door Kickers 2
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 00:13    Post subject: Door Kickers / Door Kickers 2
Door Kickers

Official Site:
Platforms: PC
Developer: KillHouse Games
Mode(s): Single-player

Official Trailer

Door Kickers isn’t about kicking down members of the popular 1960s rock band The Doors. No, the top-down project from indie studio KillHouse Games takes the movement and positional strategies of Frozen Synapse and Rainbow Six and combines them with the real-time adapt-or-die framework of Hotline Miami.

The game has you directing and controlling a team of SWAT members in several non-linear locales filled with hostages, tasty tangos, and indeed plenty of doors to kick down. As with other tactical games, it seems barging forward with your team won’t end well, so you need to take advantage of vision sightlines, flashbangs, and flanking to stay alive. It’s strictly single-player for now, but KillHouse might consider multiplayer later on as an impressive-looking alternative to Synapse’s competitive strategery.

Key Points of Door Kickers:

* 2d, top down, easy to understand
* Real Time with Free Pause
* No turns, no hexes, no action points or awkward interfaces
* Realistic but action packed
* Non-linear levels, freeform gameplay
* Mission editor and modability
* Unlimited gameplay via mission and campaign generators
* Single Player (but MP might come later)
* No DRM!!!!

Almost like a top-down Rainbow Six Razz

Random creations of an insane mind / Screens from Bulgaria [Early Access]

Last edited by ixigia on Mon, 10th Feb 2025 17:36; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 00:35    Post subject:
Swat 2? Very Happy
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Posts: 3537

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 00:36    Post subject:
Shit, that's a steal for $7.99. They should throw it on steam too.

edit: they're trying
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PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 00:40    Post subject:
So Frozen Synapse except with some actual graphics? Count me in. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 00:45    Post subject:
tango down

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Posts: 6590
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 02:03    Post subject:
Neon wrote:
So Frozen Synapse except with some actual graphics? Count me in. Very Happy

Doesn't seem as "tactical" as FS, with there being no waiting time for aiming and such.

Also, Frozen Synapse has great graphics and I will not hear otherwise. Mad
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PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 02:09    Post subject:
Hey, I fucking loved FS, its graphics as well. Very Happy I'm just joking around.
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 03:37    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
Swat 2? Very Happy
Very Happy and DEADLINE Wink

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Posts: 2118
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 04:14    Post subject:
Love the old rainbow six, Love swat. Yet this video didnt do anything for me.

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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 09:46    Post subject:
the idea is great but the look of it and how the enemies popup makes it agly Razz
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Posts: 3363

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2013 14:30    Post subject:
frozen synapse is pretty much the only proper tactical game in years
i hope they add some more of that tactical depth to this
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PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jun 2013 11:30    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jun 2013 11:47    Post subject:
Neon wrote:

Demo is out.

Nice, thanks for the heads up
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Posts: 392

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jun 2013 12:34    Post subject:
Door Kickers isn’t about kicking down members of the popular 1960s rock band The Doors.

Are You Serious

I'll grab the demo though, looks solid. Frozen Synapse was great..
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Posts: 3363

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jun 2013 14:53    Post subject:
the game still has some inexcusable annoyances with the AI
the guys will blindly continue running even when they have seen the bad guy and proceed to die in the open
this is worst when entering a room and taking a sweeping look of it
why can't they shoot the first guy they see and only after that continue?
sometimes they just refuse to fire
UI needs better indicators for ammo situation, navigation
zoom, seriously

it's got tons of potential to be fun tactical game but at the moment it's not up there yet
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Posts: 18881
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jun 2013 15:07    Post subject:
Yup. AI is braindead. More often than not when being shot at they will just stand there and not even turn.

So far Frozen Synapse is a lot better than this.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Tue, 4th Jun 2013 02:26    Post subject:
Agreed guys. I thought it was a more 'complex' game overall, got quite disappointed by the simplistic design and controls to be honest. If the AI gets fixed it still can be fun, though. It has potential
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Posts: 3537

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Jul 2013 02:51    Post subject:
Hell, I'm having fun with the demo. It was pretty easy until level #9 (the 5th in the demo I think). I keep getting my ass kicked.
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Jul 2013 02:56    Post subject:
Special for Leo, you gonna love the stupidity in this one Wink

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Jul 2013 03:51    Post subject:
Damn TB, you noob Laughing . I'm not his fan either but I have to admit that he does a fairly decent job at giving indie and 'underground' games some popularity with long gameplay footages and details, which is always good. Smile

As a member of the High Masterrace Council I do not feel represented by him though, he's just a derp in disguise wearing the fake 'whiny' mask to look like one of us Cool Face
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Posts: 3537

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Jul 2013 03:53    Post subject:
sausje wrote:
Special for Leo, you gonna love the stupidity in this one Wink

I love how he blames it on the game when he's fucking up and not being careful. He sucks at games you have to think at.

He was right about one thing and that's wishing there was a zoom or a way to highlight a specific path for facing or action purposes.

The fastest time I was able to get on the level he tries first was 3 seconds. And he's also wrong in the assumption that the bad guys will always be in the same location. Maybe on some levels they are but many they are NOT in the same spots.

Maybe he should practice more.

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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Jul 2013 13:45    Post subject:
But don't you see, it's the game it's fault not his!! FFS SEE IT THEN!!!

Cool Face

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Wed, 13th Nov 2013 03:15    Post subject:
So anyone play this anymore since all the updates?

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Posts: 311

PostPosted: Wed, 13th Nov 2013 17:58    Post subject:
Yeah I keep playing it, I totally love it.

But the updates have not been so great, Alpha 5 introduced some features like random mission generator and inventory screen, but both features are really limited at the moment. Oh and 2 or 3 new levels.

I'm waiting for the next update but on the official forums there's no word about it yet.

MB: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 | CPU: AMD FX-6300 @4.0Ghz | RAM: Kingston HyperX® Fury 2x4GB DDR3 1866MHz | GPU: Sapphire Radeon R380X Nitro Dual-X OC 4GB GDDR5
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Posts: 311

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Nov 2013 02:45    Post subject:
Good news, now going to test it! Surprised

Alpha6 is out: shotguns, stealth, mission editor and more!

Hello, Door Kickers!

We took a little jump ahead in time and here’s Alpha 6. Shotguns inside. And suppressed SMGs. Need we say more?

With Alpha 6 you have the option to run 2 new trooper classes - the Breacher and the Stealth trooper. Fear not, the Stealth has no fancy cloaking devices, just a suppressed weapon that can open a silent and deadly path through the level. Warning: stopping power is not always on the suppressed SMGs side Wink

The Breacher class, on the other hand, is all about blasting your way. Doors, enemies, they all come down, if you pattern your shots correctly. Handy for opening locks when time is short, but not really good for long range accurate shots.

With Alpha 6 we’re also taking the first step towards a real Mission Editor. Give it a try.

There’s also a bunch of tweaks that happen regarding aiming speed and the way troopers prosecute targets, especially after passing doors and obstacles. They’re still deadly, but a little more realistic so. We advise you to rely on handguns when expecting encounters at close range, but the truth is we’re not designing another Rock-Scissor-Paper game. So tell us how it works for you. Write back.
Or even better, come over to the forums and join the discussion. Vote on features. Win contests. It’s a lot of fun.

What is New and Important in Alpha 6 of Door Kickers:
- Breacher class and Shotguns added
- Shotgun breaching now possible – replaces Mechanical breaching where appropriate
- Stealth class and Suppressed firearms added
- Lockpicking. Beware – can be heard by enemies at short range.
- Something approaching a real Mission Editor
- 3 new pistols
- 7 new Semi-Auto/Auto weapons
- 3 shotguns
- 4 new single mission maps
- 2 new random maps
- Improvements to old maps
- Improved the random mission generator
- Improved enemy AI
- New enemy AI: Sawn Off shotgunner. Yeah, watch out for him.
- Troopers now holster the current weapon while operating devices (defusing bombs, lockpicking etc.)
- Smoother path drawing around corners
- Enemy Stun/reload icons are no longer visible in fog of war
- Tooltips are now flipped when cut-off by the edge of the map
- Improved visual effects (debris, burn marks, muzzle flash lights etc.)

Modding / Structure changes:
- Simplified new map creation; Background Entity no longer needed, texture directly referenced in mission file
- Changed location of single mission and RMG repositories
- Differentiated Speed Reload vs Tactical Reload times for weapons

- Fixed flashbang trajectory showing different path that the actual one
- Can no longer operate devices from behind walls/doors, you cheaters.
- You must now have LOS with an object in order to be able to interact with it
- Fixed sometimes losing rclick orientation tracking
- Fixed a bug where the path would not be highlighter while dragging it

Enjoy the game, and like always, don’t forget to hit the feedback button Smile

Your DevTeam @ KillHouse Games

MB: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 | CPU: AMD FX-6300 @4.0Ghz | RAM: Kingston HyperX® Fury 2x4GB DDR3 1866MHz | GPU: Sapphire Radeon R380X Nitro Dual-X OC 4GB GDDR5
Display: ASUS VS228H | OS: Windows 10 x64 | Controller: Logitech Gamepad F310 / Logitech Driving Force™ Pro
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Nov 2013 04:31    Post subject:
im buying this tomorrow

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Posts: 311

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Dec 2013 23:12    Post subject:
Door Kickers Alpha 7! Mr. Green

Ho ho ho, kick the door for Santa Claus!

Happy Holidays, everyone! But what would vacation be without a new build of Door Kickers? Alpha 7 is out! And with it, your greatest missions can now be immortalized forever - replays are in.

Does the game look different? New trooper models! New animations! Smoother and more natural movement. And now that we have the system in place, you can expect more detail to be added to the characters, and new animations are waiting their turn to be added. For now, you can truly kick the door Wink

Before Santa comes, send us a (successful) replay file for Level 43 – A Question of Time. Just mail the .rpl file to
We’ll centralize them, share them with the public – and the one we like best will win one of the fancy trooper portraits.
Speaking of which, have you seen the new trooper portraits?

What is New and Important in Alpha 7 of Door Kickers:
- Replays!
- Major improvement to enemy AI. They will seek cover. They will move around. Even we can’t predict what their doing.
- New models and animations for troopers/enemies (replaced old ones entirely)
- Added “Delete” option to final waypoint: deletes path up to the previous waypoint or the entire path otherwise
- Added personalized trooper portraits for the Stuff of Legends price tier
- Improvements to the random mission generator
- Various gameplay/control/graphics improvements
- Modding / Structure changes: Can use secondary weapons for beaching (modding request)

- Moved game files on Linux from ~home/DoorKickers to ~home/.local/share/DoorKicker
- Game should run smoother on older hardware
- Fixed a crash from 0.0.60
- Fixed accuracy being incorrectly calculated for shotguns
- Fixed a bug where troopers’ names were not visible

Read the full press-release here: link

MB: ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0 | CPU: AMD FX-6300 @4.0Ghz | RAM: Kingston HyperX® Fury 2x4GB DDR3 1866MHz | GPU: Sapphire Radeon R380X Nitro Dual-X OC 4GB GDDR5
Display: ASUS VS228H | OS: Windows 10 x64 | Controller: Logitech Gamepad F310 / Logitech Driving Force™ Pro
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Dec 2013 09:50    Post subject:
I completely forgot to buy money for another week Crying or Very sad

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Posts: 1766
Location: Spain
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Feb 2014 22:04    Post subject:
Alpha 8 | 157.1mb

Alpha 8 completes the class system in Door Kickers, with all 5 classes being available for use. Each brings a different approach to the tactical picture and its up to you to decide how to mix them.

  • Pointman - fast movement and first to shoot, an excellent choice for first man through the door. Unless its a trap, in which case its better to send in the ...

  • Shield - Excellent protection from the front but poor accuracy and rate of fire. Needs his flanks protected and can’t breach doors.

  • Assaulter - Excellent firepower at medium to long ranges but may have trouble in tight corners and when handling doors.

  • Breacher - Quickly brings doors down when noise is not an issue, and packs quite a lot of close-range firepower.

  • Stealth - Silent and deadly but vulnerable at long range.

Its not by accident that snipers are not mentioned in this list as they are an off map asset. They don’t deduce from your manpower and you have limited control over them.

Speaking of Shields, enjoy them in the current invulnerable form while you can Smile - as the armor system is implemented you will see most shields (note: plural) succumb to rifle fire.

Alpha 8 also brings a little bit of trooper evolution - they will get XP and rise through ranks. While we work on the perks that will be unlocked by this evolution, we’d like to hear from you how far you manage to get your troopers before they die!

Changelog as usual:

MSI MEG X570 UNIFY / A.D2 (AGESA / AMD Ryzen 9 3950X @ 4.70 GHz / Noctua NH-D15 / EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 FTW3 ULTRA / 32GB Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200Mhz CL16 / Corsair AX750w / SilverStone Fortress FT02B-W (Black)
Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB SSD NVMe M.2 / Samsung 850 Evo 500gb / Samsung F3 1TB 7200.11rpm / Samsung F4 2TB 5400rpm / Seagate 3TB 7200.14rpm / Seagate 8 TB Expansion Edición Especial USB 3.0
Logitech G502 Lightspeed / Logitech G640 / Logitech G915 Lightspeed / DROP Sennheiser + EPOS PC38X / Xbox360 Pad / Logitech G27 / Logitech X56 HOTAS / Logitech StreamCam
ASUS ROG SWIFT OLED PF27AQDM / BenQ XL2730Z 1ms 144Hz 1440p / HP 27q 1440p 60Hz
Internet Connection: 1Gb/1Gb Fiber
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PostPosted: Mon, 20th Oct 2014 19:37    Post subject:

It’s been one year since we’ve entered Early Access on Steam, one and a half since we began crowdfunding. One and a half years of constant updates, great feedback from the players and two-way communication with you guys.

And we’ve taken the process to completion - Door Kickers moves on from Early Access.

For those that actually play each version, what’s new? The Campaign is IN. You have 3 campaigns now, with more to come! We’ve also changed the way Single Missions count now - troopers deaths are no longer saved in those. Think of Single Missions as your proving ground, where you try to beat your own performance, and campaigns as your real job - do the objectives and keep the troopers alive. Can you handle that? Maybe also in Iron Man Mode?

Another new and long in-coming feature are multi-layer maps. You can go up and down, exploring some new and old locations in a new way.

There’s also a new scenario type - Dope Raid - which tasks you not only with securing the suspects, but also capturing evidence before it gets trashed. And it will get trashed, unless you move swift and to the point.
And no, you cannot shoot everyone.

One last thing… this vesion will reset all your stats and mission completion. So why are you still reading this, get back to 3-staring everything!

What else is New or Changed since last version of Door Kickers:
New Features:
- Random killhouse generator + over 90 new random house layouts.
- Over 50 new maps (in campaign, single and random combined).
- New door types: grating doors / padlocked doors.
- New item: Bolt Cutter. Useful for cutting down padlocks.
- New item: Breaching Kit
- Silenced handguns. You asked for them, you got them.
- Can copy/paste/default equipment for each class.
- Improved loading time.
- Enemies start with their weapons lowered, until alerted.
- New music.
- Loading screens with tips&tricks. Can be disabled in options menu.
- Improved path-editing when multiple paths are over-imposed: press SHIFT for locking on a single path.
- Added stretch-to-fit video option (for monitors that are not 16:9).
- Separate volume option for for ambient sounds.
- Improved weapon/trooper stats to better account for their performances.
- Added "reset progress" option.
- Countless other small changes, tweaks and overall improvements.

- Fixed items showing up randomly on random maps. Really.
- Fixed uppercase letters not working on OSX.
- Fixed wall shadows showing up in editor.
- Global statistics are no longer incremented when watching replays.
- Fixed stars not adding after finishing new maps.
- A bug where troopers could go through doors without opening them.
- Right-click menus outside of screen bounds.
- Tazer sometimes not shooting.
- Sniper now kills all enemy types with one shot.
- Sometimes exporting replays to video without sound.
- Ambient sounds playing at full volume no matter of you location in the map.
- Troopers stuck with playing the "use hidden camera" animation all the time.
- Grenade trajectory looking OK but grenade hitting wall.
- Sounds sometimes getting cut while in a very busy scene.
- Removed single plan / single trooper challenges from maps where it couldn't be done.
- Breaching/opening doors when behind walls.
Modding / Structure changes:
- FOV can be modified per weapon/item.
- Challenges are now configurable for each map.
- Can publish new maps to Steam Workshop directly from the editor.
- Equipment.xml is now split into 4 different xmls (items, pistols, rifles, shotguns).
- Can now update mods if you have more than 50 published mods (special dedication to RedPanda for giving us extra work to do).
- Can now modify/add new portraits (data/config/user_list.xml can be modified/added to by using filesystem_mount.xml).

Your DevTeam @ KillHouse Games
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