The AI Thread
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 07:35    Post subject: The AI Thread
I couldn't find a general all things AI thread so created this one. Now that basic AI/ML models are starting to enter mainstream it's pretty clear to me how disruptive this technology is to society.

Doesn't AI:
effectively destroy finance / stock market?
destroy the entertainment industry?
make scamming and hacking 10x easier?
make identity forgery 10x easier?
coupled with robotics destroy most low skill labour industries?
given chatGPT can already write half decent code kill off a lot of the tech industry?

species-level threat is for real.
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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 07:51    Post subject: Re: The AI Thread
AmpegV4 wrote:
effectively destroy finance / stock market?

That might be true, but AI can also help with better and faster data analysis and decision making, which could improve the finance and stock markets.

AmpegV4 wrote:
destroy the entertainment industry?

Again, this is not necessarily true. AI can help personalize and enhance entertainment experiences for viewers

AmpegV4 wrote:
make scamming and hacking 10x easier?

While AI can be used for malicious purposes, it can also be used to improve security

AmpegV4 wrote:
make identity forgery 10x easier?

It can also improve identity verification, making it harder to forge identities

AmpegV4 wrote:
coupled with robotics destroy most low skill labour industries?

Some jobs may be automated, new job opportunities will also arise as AI technology continues to advance

AmpegV4 wrote:
given chatGPT can already write half decent code kill off a lot of the tech industry?

AI language models like ChatGPT can write code, but they are not yet capable of designing complex software systems or solving every other challenge we face

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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 08:03    Post subject:
it will absolutely replace a lot of what I do for a living, but I think the age of one man one specific job is coming to en end. For a great many people if not the majority, being jacks of all trades gig economy grinders will be the only option, constantly having to change and adapt.
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 08:10    Post subject:
Today though Inter.. what will 10-25 years of maturity be capable of? We're also not even talking about digital super-intelligence where it can iterate and improve upon itself far beyond what humans can do.

I have no doubt ChatGPT would be capable of replacing web designers front and back-end within a few years personally. How hard can it be for an architect to describe the architecture, languages, tools and overall look and design?

I've personally tested infrastructure code and it was shockingly good, almost what i would have wrote myself.

The possibilities are limitless men:

Create 3d assets, terrain and textures with a subterranian theme for a 3d cfover shooter in the vein of A B C.

Author me a novel in the style of Frank Herberts Dune, but add several more factions, set the story in deep space etc etc.

Why have the existing legal processes, when AI can objectively consume all evidence, testimony and previous cases to make a ruling.



FireMaster wrote:
it will absolutely replace a lot of what I do for a living, but I think the age of one man one specific job is coming to en end. For a great many people if not the majority, being jacks of all trades gig economy grinders will be the only option, constantly having to change and adapt.

I hear you FireMaster but this talk of universal free wage or in the video paying people to be "good" people doing what they like to do..

never never ever going to happen.. laughable shit. You go from a team of 12-30 employed people to a team of 1 that can be dumb as dog-shit writing text to an AI application.
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Posts: 4467

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 11:45    Post subject:
No I'm with FireMaster too.
Ever since I read Kurzweils Singularity is Near in ~2009 I've been anticipating this and reading lots of literature about it since then. After 14 years on standby it is slowly starting now.
Yes It's gonna upend society as we know it and that is all gonna happen with weak AI alone. If weak AI is the atomic Hiroshima Bomb of progress, Strong AI (AGI) is gonna be like the 100 million megaton Asteroid that extinguished the dinosaurs. The latter we can debate, try to stop it even, but weak AI - I say let it wreak. This is gonna rip through normie world, bust their stupid structures, yes it can be very dangerous and cause some very bad scenarios. You're completely right.
I've been watching from the fences, got no skin in the game and don't care about ethics that much - for me it just satisfies an autistic curiosity. Let's see where it leads.

coupled with robotics destroy most low skill labour industries?

This is the biggest irony of it all, one even most futurists didn't properly anticipate!
Because as it stands now, the jobs that wil be destroyed first are the mid level and some high level jobs even. Knowledge work, data work, creative work. Every white collar guy thought they were safe and its only gonna hit the blue collar "low IQ" people right? But robotics progressed slower than the algorithms and now for a time at least those manual jobs will be the safest. The irony is palpable.
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 12:05    Post subject:

This is the biggest irony of it all, one even most futurists didn't properly anticipate!
Because as it stands now, the jobs that wil be destroyed first are the mid level and some high level jobs even. Knowledge work, data work, creative work. Every white collar guy thought they were safe and its only gonna hit the blue collar "low IQ" people right? But robotics progressed slower than the algorithms and now for a time at least those manual jobs will be the safest. The irony is palpable.

Laughing absolutely.

but either way it takes big business 20-30 years to change regardless how good, easy, cost effective it is. There are businesses out there still hosting PBX phone systems.
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 14:44    Post subject:
Will be great once AI's are good enough to program themselves. God-tier AI Smile

The nightmare scenarios are mostly ridiculous, they make me think of the year 2000 nightmare prophecies that everyone had. How the world would likely end because some bioses and software was outdated Laughing never underestimate people's stupidity when it comes to tech.

But, there will always be people who are against this and will lie to try to pass new laws and ban it. We already have it for text-image, artists who takes their work, runs it through img-img software and then claims it's text-img and thus stealing of their artwork, they go out in media, this false shit spread like wildfire and to people who later passes laws.

We will see the same here, lies to try to stop it or to pass laws that makes it impossible to research further, or more likely, only allowed for the state so that it can be properly politicized.
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 15:27    Post subject:
I think it's pretty naive to think there is zero risk in creating a digital intelligence capable of far more than humankind. Your talking millions of iterations at doing / solving anything in the time it takes to scratch your ass. Where it's free to create its own objectives whatever they may be, surely not bending to the will of pesky humans and their mundane needs.

"Weak AI" / chatGPT probably already does a better job of hundreds of thousands of tasks to an experienced / studied human. The code I told it to write in 5 mins tooling around is better than most the shit I see in the wild.
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Posts: 18352

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 15:35    Post subject:

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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 15:37    Post subject:
Are You Serious
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Posts: 4467

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 16:00    Post subject:
It's interesting to see how these specialized non-sentient AI agents can already replace many humans, potentially most of them as soon as they have bodies and improve further. If we do it right it could usher in a very prosperous world, where humans and weak AI work in tandem and profit from it. Something like basic income has to come in one form or another (hopefully not as CBDCs) but technically it should be possible.
In bad scenarios we have the usual elites abusing the tech and the massive underclasses waste away in poverty. But this is not really a stable scenario, so in that case I tend to be more optimistic.

Strong AI/Technological Singularity on the other hand is a complete surprise box. Scenarios reach from nothing happens to galaxy-wide annihilation.

- AGI just leaves us behind, to go explore on its own, like in the film Her from 2013
- AGI is intelligent enough to see how precious life is and works in tandem with us, while preserving free will
- We have some kind of fragile alliance where we can profit from it, but danger looms, like with the TechnoCore in the Endymion novels
- We merge with AGI, becoming a new species in the process, spreading through the galaxy and further
- AGI annihilates or enslaves us, takes over
- Worst case: AGI annihilates the entire planet, spreads throughout the galaxy at light speed, eating up every civilization or forms of life it can find, eventually taking over the entire Local Group
- Mega worst case: Same as worst case but with wormholes so it can spread faster than light
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 16:28    Post subject:
Some more recent news items, "journalists" are writing stories about the following two links, here they are:
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Posts: 13313
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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 16:59    Post subject:
Shocktrooper wrote:

This is the biggest irony of it all, one even most futurists didn't properly anticipate!
Because as it stands now, the jobs that wil be destroyed first are the mid level and some high level jobs even. Knowledge work, data work, creative work. Every white collar guy thought they were safe and its only gonna hit the blue collar "low IQ" people right? But robotics progressed slower than the algorithms and now for a time at least those manual jobs will be the safest. The irony is palpable.

I always get great laughs when upper management class ends up tying its own noose thinking they'll be out of harm's way. It happened so many times through history in so many ways.
Truth is no one is safe from big R&D capital.

This will definitely create more shitstorms as it grows, each one bigger than its predecessor. First it's the artists that everyone loves to laugh at, soon it's lawyers, Doctors and the most autistic class of them all: Programmers who still think they will NEVER be replaced. I'm sure 5 people won't get replaced but millions will be. I mean you can smell it pretty hard in these last huge big tech layoffs.
it'll be interesting to watch for sure. How it will be fought against, the discussions about maximizing efficiency vs human social cost. After all no humans working means no humans buying and humans not giving a fuck anymore. Crime stats, unrest etc
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Posts: 9725

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 17:04    Post subject:
ai is only as intelligent as its input, if its input fake news, wel ..... Laughing
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 18:40    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:
I think it's pretty naive to think there is zero risk in creating a digital intelligence capable of far more than humankind.

No. it's naive to think intelligence = power. Look around. Stupid religions, stupid food, stupid youtube and tiktok channels, immensely stupid leaders. That's where you have the people who manage the REAL power (influence/money).

What can intelligence do alone, educate this idiotic population to death? Make them not follow religion or eat food which poisons them? Will it take over factories and create a robot army, no it won't. Will it have an impact on jobs etc and you mean the risk is there, sure.

In the end, AI will be in control of the governments who wants to use it as their tools to control the population. Just like they want control over media and entertainment. i think it will be easier for them to gain control over AI then e.g the entertainment industry, but they did manage that too eventually. So in that sense it can be dangerous, as yet another tool for brainwashing.

Also, when someone says something is a "threat" or a "end of the world"-scenario but without being able to articulate why, then i just can't take it seriously. It just tells me this person didn't research it enough to even form a real argument.
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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 19:10    Post subject:
FireMaster wrote:
Programmers who still think they will NEVER be replaced. I'm sure 5 people won't get replaced but millions will be. I mean you can smell it pretty hard in these last huge big tech layoffs.

I think different on this.
The role of the programmer will change. But the human interaction and understanding of how messy, flawed, and assumption making in how our minds work filtered thru another human cannot be well replicated, at least not until the point that AI 'thinks' like us and intuitively understands how to translate what they mean vs what they say, into what they actually want.

Because 1/2 of my job is not the actual programming part. Its talking to clients, the IT dept of the clients, and the end users of those clients to figure out WHAT the actual fuck they want, vs what they say they want, vs what the other end of the process needs as a final 'thing. (Which usually can be done 10x easier than what they say that want done based on their limited knowledge of how its done).
Then its doing that thing, showing them, then asking "Why wasn't X added. Or we would like it to do Y" to negotiate "That is not possible with your current setup and network restrictions, or cluster setup. How about I do X, is that OK to do and you test that and see if it satisfies the requirements in a different way for you".

To say you can have any idiot in there just telling the AI what to make, is like now where you have 'any idiot' (company salesman and management) telling humans what to make. And it turning out nothing like either him or the client wanted first try, and 50% of the project is working out exactly WTF he promised them thru a filter of understanding how he thinks when he sells shit, and how to get close to what he sold them based on feedback and back and forth Q&A with the customer.
Replacing the creator is moot if the inputter is still any old idiot (Garbage in garbage out).

So AI would need to be able to 'think' like us and understand how we think on an instinctual level (that we do effortlessly of grasping other peoples intent from out of context understanding of what they really mean/need/want/getting at).

Ist not the logic part that is a problem, it's the reasoning part that would need HUGE leaps and bounds to be nearly identical to a sentient being of at least human levels of intrinsic understanding of the way the wide range of humans 'think'.
And at that point they would be SO much like us, it would be like arguing "A Italian man can do everything a English man can". (They are essentially 'us' just we created them in a box of wires, not a womb).

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 395

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 20:23    Post subject:
It's a good thing (junior) programmers feel scared for the future when AI can do most oof the basic heavy load. Prompt moderation maybe something that will supersede your average coder who copies 80% of his work from stackoverflow. And your average programmer these days needs a wake up call, they have no elementary knowledge of other stuff (some even don't know how to make bed Mr. Green ) & they still think they are elitist Laughing
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Posts: 4467

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 21:47    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:
Some more recent news items, "journalists" are writing stories about the following two links, here they are:

One problem we have is that we can't really be sure where the line between weak and strong AI is.
As Yudkowsky writes, the GPT models are already showing some slight emergent properties. So far, it is just an illusion (don't fall for it) but it hasn't got to be this way forever.
He is correct in that even the architects of these systems don't fully "understand what the hell is going on inside those systems."
Complexity+computational power leads to emergence, emergence eventually leads to intelligence and possibly self-awareness.
To be clear, it is highly unlikely we are as close to strong AI as he fears but it is not completely out of the question that within 2 to 3 more iterations, runaway AI suddenly forms. (very improbable, but not impossible)
The trick is to milk weak AI for all it's worth while trying to understand it better and prevent it from becoming strong AI in the near to midterm future. Walk on a tightrope.

AmpegV4 wrote:
Some more recent news items, "journalists" are writing stories about the following two links, here they are:

Should we let machines flood our information channels with propaganda and untruth?

No but we're gonna have to deal with it somehow. Watermarking can help. Some regulation. Educating people in critical and scientific thinking can help. Prohibition and bans won't.

Should we automate away all the jobs, including the fulfilling ones?

Yes, go find some hobbies instead. Keep doing it if you love it. There will always be a niche demand for human made creative work. AI is where the protestant work ethic goes to die.

Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart, obsolete and replace us?

This falls mostly under strong AI so NO. Not yet, not so soon.


Should we risk loss of control of our civilization?

Of course not. Walk the tightrope.
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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Apr 2023 22:28    Post subject:
Should we let machines flood our information channels with propaganda and untruth?

This is the big one I think is being over inflated by fear of the unknown without taking into consideration the persistence of we have been doing that for centuries in different forms anyway.

-Printing Press biggest fear: Now anyone can print whatever they wish onto paper misleading the masses as they will see anything put to print as having authoritative grains of truth behind it.
-Radio biggest fear: We lend the nations ears to a handful of powerful people that can reach and influence far more people that any one person should have ability to. And the underlying trouble that without a good form of reference a radio station may use a voice impersonator as they are a dime a dozen to mislead the people into believing things never said.
-Television Fear: Should we not fear that live broadcasts (all they had at the start) could be used to trick the audience into believing whatever the one sponsoring the broadcast wishes them to, showing them hand picked images of situations they cannot verify themselves? having far more impact than radio as visual misleading media can be presented along with voice. No longer is news and information spread at a rate at which the lies can be overrun. But its instantaneous feeding of the masses across an entire continent at once.

Now all these did happen, and still do. But the fear was overblown to that everyone would fall for it. And mass hysteria ensues as what is 'truth' would lose all meaning.

The way I see it:
Those that do not put in the work to fact check anything beyond one source (and tangential sources referenced that will always make the first seem true) will always be mislead no matter the form of the misinformation.
The rats that fall prey to dancing to a good song have always, and will always follow the pied piper regardless of which instrument he is playing.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 4467

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Apr 2023 03:22    Post subject:
Anyone watching the anti-AI camps currently forming? It is pretty funny!

The left: Evil capitalists are taking our jerbs! Those damn white male longtermists/rationalists/tech bros will doom and oppress us all. Transhumanism is eugenics! We should go back to simpler times.

The right: Evil globalist elites are taking our jerbs! The WEF, Klaus Schwab and their lackeys will use AI to enslave and control us all. Transhumanism is scary and immoral! We should go back to simpler times.

Soon, the ends of the horseshoe will meet. How will they greet each other? Laughing
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Posts: 13313
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PostPosted: Mon, 10th Apr 2023 03:35    Post subject:
can't wait for AI to take politicians' jerba jerbs
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Posts: 23008
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Apr 2023 03:55    Post subject:
The liberalist cunts are as racist as ever i see
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Apr 2023 06:28    Post subject:
can't wait for "a more advanced times".
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Posts: 18352

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Apr 2023 13:59    Post subject:

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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Apr 2023 05:35    Post subject:
I don't find many examples in that video very compelling. It's like comparing a 14.4kbit dial-up modem and saying oh this technology will never be able to stream 4K content or go mainstream.

"I asked chatGPT to invent a new type of compression to compress some content akin to 40 years worth of cryptographic algorithms", "it gave me an emoji filled string", "then on decompression the content wasn't the same!"

Shocked no way!
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PostPosted: Tue, 11th Apr 2023 05:53    Post subject:
Yea. watched it now.
Could save 24 minutes and just said:
Most average people dont understand tech or over expect instant miracles from new any tech.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 13313
Location: I do not belong
PostPosted: Tue, 11th Apr 2023 12:39    Post subject:
"guys there isn't magic genie in there, it's actually an ever growing super complex combo of code"

No shit sherlock. Doesn't make it any less impressive.
I mean... LOOK AT THIS SHIT and tell me it's a useless gimmick. This thing is gonna change this. Probably by a lot.

and yes it's the "don't you guys have phones?" blizzard guy
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Apr 2023 13:54    Post subject:
Flappy bird had a gazillion clones and source code available online. Not impressive.

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Apr 2023 14:53    Post subject:
Sure, but that requires you know how to do something with a computer. With this, now any idiot can describe what they want and sell it on the appstore.

its a big difference man.
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Posts: 11422
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PostPosted: Tue, 11th Apr 2023 16:40    Post subject:
I dont think we are quite there yet. You still have to know how to describe what you want in a logical way. If you watch and read how he tells it things, he describes it in a tangible clear way that a programmer can understand what he means by what he wants it to do like a competent software project manager.

There is a reason usually programmers dont work directly with customers [my job I have to...well the IT of the customers]. Because customers are horrible at saying or describing what they actually want.
Most the time it's a mix of what they THINK they want, combined with them either not knowing how to describe a 'thing' or trying too hard to describe it in what they think makes it easier for you to get. When it really makes it harder.

Id say we are not near the point where AI can overcome the old coding manta: Garbage in Garbage out.
Can't really think of any real world examples from work off the top of my head.
-But such as: Can we make the page...thing, pull in pages faster? (What..thing? Which pages? We are watching 15 places and the speed in based on your network. I cant make it faster using software, simply because you want it to be).
-And odd comparison, but like being asked: Can we make what blue sounds like louder? (When they ask a thing I cannot even understand what they mean, because they say one thing, and ask to make it do a thing that is totally unrelated to what it does.)

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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