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Posts: 639

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 11:57    Post subject: Juiced

  • Official web page: LINK
  • Publisher: Juice Games
  • Developer: THQ
  • Genre: Driving
  • Release date: May 2005
  • Story/Description:
    This street racing game lets you customize your
    vehicles with authentic aftermarket parts before racing against others online.

  • Multiplayer: YES
  • System requirements:

    Minimum specification:

    933Mhz CPU
    DirectX 9.0b
    3D accelerated DirectX9b compatible video card
    NVIDIA GeForce3 or better (excluding Geforce4MX)
    ATI 8500 32 MB or better
    Matrox Perhellia
    128 Megabytes of RAM
    2.5 GB free hard drive space
    (additional space required for Windows swap-file and DirectX 9.0b installation)
    8x CD-ROM drive
    DirectX 9.0b Compatible Sound Card
    MS compatible mouse

    1.7 Ghz CPU
    DirectX 9.0b
    3D accelerated GeForceFX 64 MB / ATI Radion 9700 or equivalent DirectX9 compatible video card
    256 Megabytes of RAM
    2.5 GB free hard drive space
    (additional space required for Windows swap-file and DirectX 9.0b installation)
    16x CD-ROM drive
    DirectX 9.0b Compatible Sound Card
    MS compatible mouse

    Not Supported:
    Windows 95, Windows NT
    DirectX 9.0a and previous versions.

  • News article: NEWS
  • Preview: IGN

  • Demo: Demo 1/Demo 2
  • Screenshots: more screens
  • Trailer: GEMESPOT

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Posts: 2154
Location: Vikingland
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 12:09    Post subject:
This game looks promising.
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Posts: 639

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 12:10    Post subject:
true Razz maybe will be better than NFSU
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Posts: 397

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 12:12    Post subject:
Judging from the demo, the game is average at best..
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Posts: 2378

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 14:04    Post subject:
played both demos !!!

and 4 me its better than nfsu 2 !!!

next week there will be a third demo !

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Posts: 166

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 15:25    Post subject:
Saw that game being played on tv. doesn't look that bad, but the gameplay didn't look that promising, as far as i could see that... mh.
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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 15:43    Post subject:
anything like the xbox version and it'll be piss poor.

Just a bad need for speed clone
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 15:53    Post subject:
Juiced has 53 cars. Euros, Muscle and Imports. It has 3-5 liscenced kits from the likes of Bomex and Veilside. Performance upgrades are actually reasonable; for example in nfsu2 you can have a 400hp civic! That just won't happen in this game.

Juiced > NFSU1/2
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Posts: 166

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 16:09    Post subject:
So a little bit like Midnight Club, huh?

There you have choppers, superbikes, muscel cars, tuners, luxury sedans, perfomance upgrade, tons of tuning stuff....

hmm. guess I stay with midnight club.
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 16:37    Post subject:
therealWitchi wrote:
So a little bit like Midnight Club, huh?

There you have choppers, superbikes, muscel cars, tuners, luxury sedans, perfomance upgrade, tons of tuning stuff....

hmm. guess I stay with midnight club.

You have all that, but MC3:DUB is not very realistic. Juiced is the most realistic street racer to date. don't get me wrong, MC3 is a lot of fun, I enjoy it, but it is very arcadey, just like NFSU.
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 17:59    Post subject:
Looks very nice, i`ll be waiting... Razz btw, i think Nfsu 2 was kinda boring, repeated itself very quickly after the beginning.

Demos was great!
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The Notorious

Posts: 224
Location: Montreal, Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 18:07    Post subject:
This game looks promising... looking forward for this release

[The Notorious]

AMD64 X2 4600+ | Asus M2N SLI Deluxe| Asus 7950GT 512MB SLI | CRUCIAL DDR2 800MHZ 3072MB | Logitech MX700 mouse & keyboard | Creative Audigy 4 | Logitech Z5300e Audio | Logitech G25 Wheel
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Posts: 166

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 19:14    Post subject:
thematt wrote:
You have all that, but MC3:DUB is not very realistic. Juiced is the most realistic street racer to date. don't get me wrong, MC3 is a lot of fun, I enjoy it, but it is very arcadey, just like NFSU.

true, but the damagemodel in juiced doesn't seem to be very realistic, it's like it is in MC3. either they should have done a complete realistic or a nearly realistic damagemodel, or they should've left it completly out... in both games.
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 19:50    Post subject:
therealWitchi wrote:
thematt wrote:
You have all that, but MC3:DUB is not very realistic. Juiced is the most realistic street racer to date. don't get me wrong, MC3 is a lot of fun, I enjoy it, but it is very arcadey, just like NFSU.

true, but the damagemodel in juiced doesn't seem to be very realistic, it's like it is in MC3. either they should have done a complete realistic or a nearly realistic damagemodel, or they should've left it completly out... in both games.

You do have a point, but IMO, I'd say Juiced's damage is more realistic than MC3's. For instance, when your car is damaged in Juiced, it can affect the car performance, in some instances, making the car almost undriveable (For example: steering damage and turbo damage make a very bad combination).

In MC3, when your car is damaged too much, your car is 'Reset' without any damage at all. And the damage that you do incur, doesn't seem to affect the cars performance.
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Posts: 24

PostPosted: Sun, 8th May 2005 12:28    Post subject:
i played the Juiced "beta" on xbox, and imo its waaay better than any other street racing game out there, u have alot more choices (cars, paint, spoilers etc) and the damage engine is something i really missed in other great car games as well... take GT4.

NFSU 2 is a cool game with out a doubt but as said before where is the realism? thats where Juiced will win their "battles"
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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 11:46    Post subject:
okay, today is may 13th and is it out?
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Posts: 676

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 11:56    Post subject:
Im gonna take a guess and say HOODLUM will release it, I could be wrong though Razz

Either way hope it gets released soon Wink
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Posts: 2154
Location: Vikingland
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 12:02    Post subject:
EBgames etc shows June as release date.
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Posts: 676

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 12:18    Post subject:
Yeah it does say June and for the X-Box June 10, PS2 June 15.

Dont expect it to come out this month. I hope im wrong about it not coming out this month aswell, get leaked, get leaked come on, come on. Wink
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Posts: 807

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 22:11    Post subject:
if xbox release is in june, what was the pissant release that was released earlier???
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Posts: 2378

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 22:24    Post subject:
release is 13 july !!!

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Posts: 191
Location: eeehhhh......right here
PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 08:50    Post subject:
A new demo is out:
May 13, 2005 251 MB juiced_pc_demo_v2.exe Playable demo (updated; 1 track) http://www.3dgamers.com/games/juiced/downloads/
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Posts: 2154
Location: Vikingland
PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 11:32    Post subject:
what a horrible steering omg what have they done Sad
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Posts: 14717

PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 15:59    Post subject:
From the beginning the steering was horrible. The very first demo had that, the 2nd, and im now installing the 3th.
Anyway 2nd one was terrible, 1st was was good, I hope the 3th one is also good. Will post some results later.

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 14717

PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 16:19    Post subject:
Alright, I tested Demo 3. It was completely the same as Demo 2, but prolly some fixes. So if u have Demo 2, its not worth ur bandwidth.
Over the demo, it still has two tracks. First I switched off Motion Blur etc, cause then it looks horrible. The steering is even more horrible than Demo 1 and Demo 2. If u want to race good, download Demo 1, thats the only good game.

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 22:35    Post subject:
Demo 2, ran smooth, demo 1, lags horribly..
and no, demo 1 wasnt good. the only demo of this game that ever got me interested was the first beta demo last summer, now THAT was cool. ever demo since then has dissapointed me Sad think they lost the spirit of the game, sigh. you guys who like it now, you should have seen the beta demo, the music was synched to the pre-race cinematic, the graphics were so moody, the sound, the handling. fuck.. why did they ruin that Sad(

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 14717

PostPosted: Sun, 15th May 2005 08:35    Post subject:
demo 1 wasnt good. the only demo of this game that ever got me interested was the first beta demo last summer

I mean with demo 1 the first beta demo, never downloaded the non-beta.
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 15th May 2005 09:22    Post subject:
oh Very Happy

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 2378

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Jun 2005 15:29    Post subject:
hehe it will be out 3 days after gta san andreas !!

release is 10 th of june

Very Happy

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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun, 5th Jun 2005 15:00    Post subject:
I played this game its really cool ;]

no one is perfect, so i`m no one
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