[XBOX] help emergency
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jul 2004 04:05    Post subject: [XBOX] help emergency
how do you play game that you download from the internet is call HALO.ISO
i turn my xbox emulator on everything going fine but went i go to the place were i put my HALO.ISO it do not show any thing i that files please help thanks everybody.....
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Posts: 180
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jul 2004 14:12    Post subject:
Learn english before you post next time, okay? Rolling Eyes

What exactly are you trying to do? Are you trying to play Halo on an Xbox emulator on your PC? In that case, what emulator are you using, and what are your system specs?
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Posts: 319
Location: United States of America
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jul 2004 14:35    Post subject:
The only current working Xbox Emulator runs only Turok I think and it has graphical issues up to the wazoo. I dout it could ever run Halo...

Why don't you just play the PC version anyway if your going to play it on your PC? You must have a beefy system if your trying to emulate an Xbox on it... if you don't have a system that can run Halo PC then you don't have a system that can run the emulator...
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Posts: 28

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jul 2004 21:27    Post subject:
buy an xbox. buy a smartxxx chip and be happy Smile
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Posts: 180
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jul 2004 23:14    Post subject:
Or a Xenium and be even happier Razz
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Posts: 637

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jul 2004 13:09    Post subject:
maybe he downloaded a halo pc iso and now trys to run it on a xbox emulator... hah... thatd be funny Wink
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Posts: 57

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jul 2004 14:30    Post subject:
Be nice to the new guy you turds Smile

Hey Ethernet.
and .ISO file is a "copy" of a dvd/cd u have to use a program to unpack it. if it really is an xbox .iso u can use xbiso or a similar program.

im a little confused when you mention the xbox emulator... why on earth would u try that on a pc?? halo xbox emulated on a pc? it would run even badder then halo for the pc....

buy urself an xbox and buy the games... i think you are better off that way.

or you could buy an xbox and put a chip in it. for more information regarding xbox and the things you can do with it go to www.xbox-scene.org

wich is a similar information site like nforce. only for xbox stuff

Hope this helps you a bit more.
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Posts: 41

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jul 2004 01:12    Post subject:
so.. What's the emergancy?
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