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Posts: 102

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 16:30    Post subject: FUCK ALL NON-ENGLISH BASTARDS!!



I live in Poland, you know. My country SUX AZZ when it comes to use any other language than our own. Seriously. The people that work at shops, restaurants, McDonads' and other places like these don't fucking know English.

Here's a situation:

I'm waiting in line to buy something at McDonalds for about 3 minutes. A normal-looking guy stands before me. He tells the cashier that he wants to buy two McRoyals. That's kewl. BUT! HE SAYS THAT IN ENGLISH! He says:

"Two McRoyals please"

What's the response of the cashier?


"Two McRoyals please"

"Cztery złote" (it's the price of ONE Royal in Polish)

The guy didn't understand that of course because nobody but Poles know Polish. But the cashier was happy as shit that he did understand what a foreigner told him. Of course he did not... And 10 minutes later I'm finally with the cashier and I tell him (in English)

"Quarter pound with cheese, please."

He won't be happy ever again.

I hope that I've made the world a better place.

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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 16:32    Post subject:
lol, you're damn right. Every1 should understand and speak english goddammit Mad

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VIP Member

Posts: 3904

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 16:37    Post subject:
since english is indeed the most simple language and easy to learn, i agree.

May the world speak english!!
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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 16:40    Post subject:
well if you consider yourself a modern human you should be able to speak atleast 2 languages fluently, one of them being english.
but see, some guy in poland working in a mc donalds and earning almost nothing could basically give a shit about speaking english.

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Posts: 1009
Location: Somewhere in the past looking for the future
PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 16:50    Post subject:
weird0 wrote:
since english is indeed the most simple language and easy to learn, i agree.

May the world speak english!!

this is the exact opposite of what my english teachers allways said they say it's the hardest because of all the weird grammer rules

Clevesa wrote:
Murder is the best way out of this that I see.
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Posts: 3904

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 16:53    Post subject:
manwithplanxyz wrote:
weird0 wrote:
since english is indeed the most simple language and easy to learn, i agree.

May the world speak english!!

this is the exact opposite of what my english teachers allways said they say it's the hardest because of all the weird grammer rules

english has some weird rules?
hehe that's new.
tell your english teachers to learn some german then Laughing
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PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 17:40    Post subject:
weird0 wrote:
manwithplanxyz wrote:
weird0 wrote:
since english is indeed the most simple language and easy to learn, i agree.

May the world speak english!!

this is the exact opposite of what my english teachers allways said they say it's the hardest because of all the weird grammer rules

english has some weird rules?
hehe that's new.
tell your english teachers to learn some german then Laughing

I can agree on that! Very Happy

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 18:18    Post subject:
yep, german is alot harder than english, oh and french...damn french is probably the most senselessly difficult language ever.
in french there are hardly any regular rules, most of the grammar varies in context or what word youre using.
and not to forget the way you write something and the way you pronounce it in french are completely different things, it almost feels like learning 2 languages simultaneously.

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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 18:29    Post subject:
Same shit with the french. I mean,when you work at France´s larget INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, you should fucking know how to speak english.

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Posts: 1875
Location: Belarus
PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 18:47    Post subject:
Russian!!!!! Smile

Lets say I would work in MacDonalds in Poland and I would speak English. If that English speaking punk came up and started talking his language in my country, I would just pretend I don't speak English, just for the heck of it.

Yea, who else will be in MacDonalds exept Canadians/Americans. :\

About Hitman: Movie (2007)
Vin Diesel is a hardcore gamer, and absolutely loves the Hitman series. For that reason I have faith that he wont destroy the movie.

Response: Well, Uwe Boll probably loved the Alone in the Dark games.
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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 18:47    Post subject:
imagine if you post this thing in a french/german speaking forum....

wait thats a BAD idea...
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Posts: 1502
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 19:02    Post subject:
imo french is a LOT easier than german Very Happy
oh well, in Belgium we have 3 official languages: dutch, french & german
+ english, so that makes 4 languages we're getting thaught at school Smile
strange thing is, we're learning english (unofficial language) a lot earlier than german
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Aug 2005 23:46    Post subject:
Laughing english is the hardest language. I'm yet to see a foreigner speak PERFECT english constantly. You're always mixing words up or spelling them wrong.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 3247

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Aug 2005 00:05    Post subject:
yeah thats with all languages if you dont go and live in the country to learn it. you try a new language and let us have some fun

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Posts: 88

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Aug 2005 05:25    Post subject:
As an American, I can honestly say that English (especially our version of it) has some stupid ass rules and is a pain in the ass to learn.
I had far less trouble learing Spanish.. The verb conjugation rules are very easy to follow and apply across the board.

Also, I would never dream of walking into someone else's country and expect them to speak english.. It's their country. You should speak their language.. At least a little. We expect the same of anyone that comes to the USA.. I hear it all the time here.. "If you come to my country, speak English dammit.."

I cant attest to German or Russian's difficulty. Chinese and Japanese seem really tough to me..
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Posts: 198

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Aug 2005 05:28    Post subject:
Everyone should speak chinese, since it's already the native language of 1/6 of the world's population.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Aug 2005 08:45    Post subject:
manwithplanxyz wrote:
weird0 wrote:
since english is indeed the most simple language and easy to learn, i agree.

May the world speak english!!

this is the exact opposite of what my english teachers allways said they say it's the hardest because of all the weird grammer rules

same here

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Steve-O 2004

Posts: 2851

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Aug 2005 18:16    Post subject:
You made a bad move Razz... NEVER argue with people at Fast Food restraunts (eg McDonalds) or you could end up with "Extras" you dont want (Spit Razz)

George W Bush -

'...more and more of our imports are coming from overseas.'
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Posts: 534

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Aug 2005 19:06    Post subject:
Wait till you go to france : )
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GP Force

Posts: 861
Location: Hair today, gone tomorrow
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Aug 2005 00:57    Post subject:
Evryone should speak "elvish" becuase me and Aragorn son of Arathorn,Elessar, King,Lord says so
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Posts: 2907
Location: Not from my mouth!
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Aug 2005 01:07    Post subject:
GP Force wrote:
Evryone should speak "elvish" becuase me and Aragorn son of Arathorn,Elessar, King,Lord says so

Haha! Very Happy

Glad i know u have been drinking sire Laughing , non the less i think you are right, even though Mutantius would have to speak the tongue of Mordor since he is pure evil Twisted Evil

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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GP Force

Posts: 861
Location: Hair today, gone tomorrow
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Aug 2005 02:41    Post subject:
fraich3 wrote:
GP Force wrote:
Evryone should speak "elvish" becuase me and Aragorn son of Arathorn,Elessar, King,Lord says so

Haha! Very Happy

Glad i know u have been drinking sire Laughing , non the less i think you are right, even though Mutantius would have to speak the tongue of Mordor since he is pure evil Twisted Evil

Never before has any one dared utter the words of that tongue here in @nforce Twisted Evil

I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let @nforce fall, nor our people fail.

My lord, I have only drinken an ale from the Green Dragon, Aye only one ,dark days are upon the west, trust me or do not, the fair lady will speak the truth

Here do I swear fealty and service to @nforce. In peace or war. In living or dying. F... f... from this hour henceforth, until you lord releases me... or death take me.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Aug 2005 04:14    Post subject:
For the horde!

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 18594
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th Aug 2005 06:25    Post subject:
fraich3 wrote:
GP Force wrote:
Evryone should speak "elvish" becuase me and Aragorn son of Arathorn,Elessar, King,Lord says so

Haha! Very Happy

Glad i know u have been drinking sire Laughing , non the less i think you are right, even though Mutantius would have to speak the tongue of Mordor since he is pure evil Twisted Evil

I heard that! Rolling Eyes

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Aug 2005 11:36    Post subject:
I totaly agree, in holland everyone at school learn a bit of english and everyone understands it. But in country like germany they learn shit and cant understand a word. So worhtless.
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Posts: 3187
Location: Nederland
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Aug 2005 11:55    Post subject:
Since most Dutchmen can't even spell their native language correctly, it's hardly surprising our poor grasp of English is now world famous.

Lopin18 wrote:
I think you played too much Fallout 3, Pedo Perk acquired. Cool Face
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Aug 2005 13:35    Post subject:
Rofl_Mao wrote:
Since most Dutchmen can't even spell their native language correctly, it's hardly surprising our poor grasp of English is now world famous.

Laughing Laughing Laughing

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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Sep 2005 00:57    Post subject:
its all bullshit about "wierd grammar" no matter what language you mean.
maby im a genious, but whenever i am about to say a word, you just KNOW in your brain if it "feels" right or not!
seriously, who the fuck goes trough 1 minute of checking all the letters and rules in your brain before deciding which is the correct grammar??
it just FEELS right, there is no hard grammar, then you are an idiot.
Like the idiot immigrant fuckers here in sweden, they have fucking lived here for thirty fucking years and yet they cant learn the difference between "att" and "en", its like if they couldnt collect the brainpower to discover the difference.
I dont fucking go around saying "HEY d00d Gimme ONE wheel for my car plz" When i wanna replace my 4 summer tires..
I dont fucking go around saying "hi2U man let me get a kebab and a kebab and a kebab for mine dog-sg"

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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Sep 2005 07:21    Post subject:
Baleur wrote:
its all bullshit about "wierd grammar" no matter what language you mean.
maby im a genious, but whenever i am about to say a word, you just KNOW in your brain if it "feels" right or not!
seriously, who the fuck goes trough 1 minute of checking all the letters and rules in your brain before deciding which is the correct grammar??
it just FEELS right, there is no hard grammar, then you are an idiot.
Like the idiot immigrant fuckers here in sweden, they have fucking lived here for thirty fucking years and yet they cant learn the difference between "att" and "en", its like if they couldnt collect the brainpower to discover the difference.
I dont fucking go around saying "HEY d00d Gimme ONE wheel for my car plz" When i wanna replace my 4 summer tires..
I dont fucking go around saying "hi2U man let me get a kebab and a kebab and a kebab for mine dog-sg"

it'd be funny if u did tho Laughing

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Posts: 369
Location: EST
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Sep 2005 12:33    Post subject:
ya guys...try to speak estonian Razz Here a story by an american who lived 5 years in estonia and tried to figure out how to speak estonian...


The real story behind Estonian.

*I just celebrated my fifth year in Estonia and my fifth fruitless year trying to figure out how to correctly speak Estonian. I mean really, it
wouldn't be so bad if Estonians weren't so smug about it. Oh, they will congratulate you on your good Estonian even if you can speak a few words, but deep inside they really don't want you to learn it! They are so happy with their secret code and you can see it every time someone asks you: "Oh, are you learning to speak Estonian?"
Then comes the sly grin, the "You've got a snowball's chance in hell of learning OUR language" grin.
This is quickly replaced by a faked look of concern as they say: "Oh, it's a very difficult language isn't it?"
I think after this, they go off and laugh uncontrollably and give high-fives to other Estonians, but I haven't actually seen it happen. I have decided to write an expose on the Estonian language. One time I sent
my brother a tape of Estonian language and he asked me if Estonians have an obsession with sex. There is terviseks and ostmiseks and kasutamiseks,
teadmiseks, parandamiseks and armastamiseks. All kinds of "seks". That,
plus the fact that after five years, little kids still laugh when I speak Estonian, has made me decide to tell all.

A long time ago, about 1000 or 1100 AD, three Estonian guys were sitting around the campfire. Their names were Billy, Ray and Duke (bet you didn't know that these are real ancient Estonian names). They were bored. Billy spoke first. "Ya know Ray, what we need is a new language".
"Damn right!" said Ray, "Talkin' this way is gettin' boring and besides, everybody almost understands us. We need a language that's soo crazy, soo complicated that nobody will ever understand what's going on!".
As the idea picked up steam, Duke piped up. "Lets do it this way, that you can't say he or she. That way you won't know if your talkin' about a man or woman. Also, we gotta think up names for people that give no clue to
foreigners about their gender, names that change with the grammar so you never know what to call somebody!"
Ray nodded in approval.
"Yeah," he said thoughtfully, "that's it. Then we can eliminate the future tense. Think of trying to ask someone out on date when you can't say the right name, whether it's a boy or girl or when it is going to happen!"
Billy, the smart one, was thinking in more technical terms already.
"OK, let's make it this way, that when you learn a noun, you don't have to learn just one word but 14. Yeah and instead of just saying that you are going to or from something, you have to change the noun in some weird way."
Now Ray was excited and spilled his beer. "Yeah! And ... the
nouns can't change the same way, let's make like, a hundred different spelling groups that all change in different ways!"
This appealed to Duke who added slyly, "Ya wanna make it real hard, a real nut-buster? Let's make it so all adjectives change, too. In boring old English, you say 'five small, red houses', 'small, red houses' and 'many
small, red houses'. Small and red always stay the same but in our new language? Whoaaaa Nellie!"
Then they started practicing how to say 'Oh, you're learning Estonian' without busting up laughing.

rgds Sabalasa

PS I'm an estonian

Last edited by sabalasa on Fri, 9th Sep 2005 14:37; edited 2 times in total
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