Oats Studios [Neill Blomkamp][STEAM/YOUTUBE]
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2017 21:59    Post subject: Oats Studios [Neill Blomkamp][STEAM/YOUTUBE]
Experimental short films released on Steam

Neill Blomkamp is embarking on an experimental filmmaking venture that he’s calling Oats Studios. The District 9 and Elysium director released a trailer for some of the studio’s upcoming projects, which will be released to Steam in the next couple of months.

Blomkamp has been teasing hints about Oats Studios for the last year, asking if fans would be interested in buying films off of Steam, and posted some intriguing images to Twitter, showing off one of the aliens seen in the trailer, as well as a Vietnam-era soldier. Earlier this month, he showed off a 15 second teaser showing off a soldier shooting down ... something.

While Blomkamp earned considerable acclaim for his debut feature District 9, he got his start with short films, such as Alive in Joburg (which became District 9), Landfall, a short Halo film (his debut film was originally supposed to be an adaptation of the Bungie franchise), and more recently, an entry in BMW’s The Hire series, featuring Clive Owen. From the looks of it, these upcoming short films will be a set of really exciting science fiction films.

The trailer simply says that Oats: Volume 1 will be streaming soon. Whenever it hits, Oats Studios has our attention, and we already can’t wait to see what Blomkamp has up his sleeve.

Last edited by monk3ybusin3ss on Tue, 6th Jun 2017 09:49; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2017 22:13    Post subject:
Using Steam as the main distribution platform for your movies sounds like a terrible idea.

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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2017 23:14    Post subject:
Looks like a youtube production. I will watch.

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PostPosted: Tue, 6th Jun 2017 03:48    Post subject:
So Much Win

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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Jun 2017 10:37    Post subject:

“District 9” and “Elysium” filmmaker Neill Blomkamp has released “Rakka,” the first 21-minute short film from his Oats Studios initiative – this one featuring Sigourney Weaver.

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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Jun 2017 11:48    Post subject:
Me Gusta
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PostPosted: Thu, 15th Jun 2017 12:18    Post subject:
The remnants of the his failed alien film.
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Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Fri, 16th Jun 2017 16:52    Post subject:
Overall it was nice and all that but the story was pretty cliche.

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PostPosted: Fri, 16th Jun 2017 17:38    Post subject:
It's just god damn boring to no end. Too much exposition.

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PostPosted: Fri, 16th Jun 2017 18:35    Post subject:
Awesomesauce So Much Win

Folks who doesn't like it must be acting on behalf of lizard people. Good job, Neill on exposing collaborationists Mobster with a Fag

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PostPosted: Sun, 18th Jun 2017 16:10    Post subject:
Holy shit that was amazing!
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PostPosted: Sun, 18th Jun 2017 22:06    Post subject:
I wonder how often they'll be coming out?
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[Moderator] Consigliere

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PostPosted: Mon, 19th Jun 2017 00:12    Post subject:
mug2k wrote:
I wonder how often they'll be coming out?

I believe Blomkamp and the staff behind it aren't sure yet, they need some time to judge its reception/if there's potential in terms of audience:

When the audience understands that this isn't the complete, final story, and they choose to get behind us financially, we can then figure out if this is an episodic thing, or if it’s one big feature film. There are other ideas that we have in Volume 1, and some that will be in Volume 2, that are explicitly feature films.

(They're selling assets and other things on Steam as a DLC as a form of support, embracing the modern market Cool Face)

Anyway, I appreciated the bleak style and overall tone of it a lot, whereas the rest..felt a bit less interesting to be honest. Still! I'd like to see more of it Razz
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PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jun 2017 08:06    Post subject:

Better than previous.
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PostPosted: Thu, 6th Jul 2017 00:34    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jul 2017 02:17    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jul 2017 07:00    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jul 2017 20:17    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jul 2017 20:54    Post subject:
Nice monster, but The Thing it ain't.

sar·​casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
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PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2017 17:30    Post subject:
Felt more like Dead Space to me.
Definitely the best one so far.
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PostPosted: Fri, 4th Aug 2017 10:39    Post subject:

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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PostPosted: Wed, 4th Oct 2017 12:09    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2017 18:24    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Fri, 1st Dec 2017 10:46    Post subject:

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
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PostPosted: Fri, 1st Dec 2017 16:54    Post subject:
That was great Very Happy
Also, we really need those neat facial animations and cloth simulations in our regular Unity games as well, they're so wooden and unnatural at the moment that it's like we're stuck in the 2000s xD
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PostPosted: Fri, 1st Dec 2017 17:38    Post subject:
ixigia wrote:
That was great Very Happy
Also, we really need those neat facial animations and cloth simulations in our regular Unity games as well, they're so wooden and unnatural at the moment that it's like we're stuck in the 2000s xD

You don't understand what you ask for. And that actually killed the industry.

Don't forget that adding those facials and skins rocketjump costs through the roof which leads to fewer AAA games, dumber target audience and introduction inapps to cover costs.

I'm in for simpler graphics in return for amazing gameplay.

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
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PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Dec 2017 00:18    Post subject:
Waargh wrote:
ixigia wrote:
That was great Very Happy
Also, we really need those neat facial animations and cloth simulations in our regular Unity games as well, they're so wooden and unnatural at the moment that it's like we're stuck in the 2000s xD

You don't understand what you ask for. And that actually killed the industry.

Don't forget that adding those facials and skins rocketjump costs through the roof which leads to fewer AAA games, dumber target audience and introduction inapps to cover costs.

I'm in for simpler graphics in return for amazing gameplay.

Yeah it really is wishful thinking from my part more than anything else. Razz The classic case of why can't we have both that I was fantasizing years ago when the future looked more promising, but that is merely a dream now for too many reasons and constraints.

I completely agree with you, compromising and hampering the gameplay just to increase the cinematic factor is a major sin of our times, aggravated by the fact that 9 times out of 10 the end result is actually an unimpressive one anyway since most of the resources are channeled into marketing and greedy practices that have nothing to do with gaming. Non-AAA companies can actually achieve technological peaks as well if they know what they're doing and have the right tools and expertise, but it is a rare occurrence and certainly not the rule.

What I'm more hoping is that some of the technological advancements showcased here can eventually find their implementation in the devkit available to everyone, it could really help the engine when it comes to immersion with certain specific genres (adventure, but also RPGs and so on), since it's quite limited at the moment with 3D titles (unlike 2D where it shines). Reaching the elevate standards from the video is unfeasible, but even a small improvement over what we have now would be interesting. /naive_mode=off
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PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Dec 2017 00:51    Post subject:
Ok I see where the problem is. You think the creators of the video had some exclusive magical tech that allowed them to achieve it.

Well, actually you're totally wrong. Anyone - absoutely anyone can do the same. How? By employing a mob of people and packing a nice budget.

Why is it needed? All of the assets are done using photogrammetry - which means they weren't modeled in 3D and textured. Those are real props and costumes and people turned into lifelike 3D models by making several dozens of photos from all angles. Then a publicly available software creates a 3D cloud and at the end the abovementioned uber realistic model. That costs a lot.

Then a bunch of riggers prepares the human models for animation (cloth simulation being the hardest part). Another bunch of people records mocap. A third bunch records facial performance capture. Another warehouse combines that shit into a whole scene.

A separate group of people works on skin translucency and sub scattering to make it look realistic.

And there's your result. No magic, nothing was generated, no single step was facilitated. It's a result of work of a fucking crowd that cost a shitload of money. BUT! It could've been made by 5 people. During a year or two. Instead of a month.

And here we come back again to the gaming industry problem. Kids with their SLI GTX1080 demand uber gfx and making those either takes a year which is unaccaptable or a billion which leads to you know what problems.

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
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PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Dec 2017 01:39    Post subject:
Shiiit Surprised, absolutely sounds more elaborated and "manual" than I imagined. Thanks for the info! As someone with zero experience or in-depth technical knowledge I was somewhat envisioning more automatized processes and a more dominant role of the software component alongside the necessary basic mo-cap sessions. Dammit Very Happy Sad
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PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Dec 2017 03:52    Post subject:
ixigia wrote:
Shiiit Surprised, absolutely sounds more elaborated and "manual" than I imagined. Thanks for the info! As someone with zero experience or in-depth technical knowledge I was somewhat envisioning more automatized processes and a more dominant role of the software component alongside the necessary basic mo-cap sessions. Dammit Very Happy Sad

Irony and sarcasm appreciated, I actually haven't seen your replies in the PC Games Unity thread before writing this.

But honestly, you have to agree that there's little to none magic involved. You can achieve almost the same skin without the secret SSS shaders or even write your own one. I'm fighting that problem right now on my Unity game project, for example. Everything looks good except NPCs who are photogrammetry-made by the way.

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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