This game works mounted with Daemon Tools 3.47 & emulation options turned on.
Its an RTS by Liquid who did the excellent Battle Realms games & Lord of the Rings War of the Ring (c) Vivendi which was dire.
Visually the game is much the same as the engine its based on.
Monsters in the game are done well - interesting & varied with decent spells.
The game begins with several dungeon crawls which are decent although WC3 handled them much better. For instance hero or backpack items picked up are not transferrable in future missions & cannot be sold. Also any attributes given to the main hero character are not stored for future missions.
Then you get your first city to command & develop & at this point the game begins to fall apart badly.
Units in Kohan 2 were clustered round a central hero or captain character. These had a logical order - front, flanks & rear. Spells were automatically cast by the rear support units. In combat the units kept formation so large scale battles oculd be controlled easily. In Dragonshard by comparison, the captains, once sufficiently upgraded can have 1 or several soldiers protecting them. In combat these lose cohesion & become a seething mass of combatants. Some spells are autocast like Heal. Others need to be manually cast by Tabbing to each body of similiar units & pressing the corresponding Function key - F1, F2, etc. As your army can compromise a dozen different captains thsi quickly becomes a nightmare in the heat of battle.
In Kohan 2 you could build outposts to act as supply areas, renewing damaged compaines. In Dragonshard you can only build these at Nexus points at fixed locations in the map.
Overall this game is dissapointing & doesn't offer much to the Gaming Table
You wanted a Miracle, I give you the F. B. Eye !!