Stop downloading those SfClone that bull**
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 19:00    Post subject: Stop downloading those SfClone that bull**
Surprised Sad
Hello guys this is my fisrt post and I want to say that its a great forum.
What about those protections....everybody tried to make work those Sfclone, and everybody has his own technic...but not many succesfully make work those game without big sacrifice.
I've read many forum about those fu** protection and its all but nothing.
I havent download any of those Sfclone because from my part its so complicated and so harasing that I will wait until they find a good cracking way. The end of this protection is near
I am sure , so dont bothered trying to make work those clones its completely useless.
I have seen also that many companies have already complaint about this kind of starforce protection (legal cd/dvd) because it cause even for those who buy those games...many trouble.(It fuc** up in many case Windows even if the cd/dvd is legal)
So from my part this starforce protection wont last very long.
So guys be patient the end of this nightmare is near.

Again thanks to all of us for this great forum...very instructive

Lockwar !!!
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PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 19:33    Post subject:
why should people stop downloading the clones...i kinda don't get that part.

on the whole i think this protection stuff will get even more complicated. trusted computing eh...hardwareside protection etc.

jesus christ was a gangsta rapper. they killed him. he came back and made a platinum album.
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 19:39    Post subject:
Because this kind of protection is near to be there will be another release later on...from the crackers...and I am sure before the end of this month

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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 19:42    Post subject:
lockwar wrote:
Because this kind of protection is near to be there will be another release later on...from the crackers...and I am sure before the end of this month


Why do you think this copy protection will be cracked at the end of this month?
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Posts: 126

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 20:15    Post subject:
i think he is in starforce team lol

noone knows that but "if they crack it" like you said we will have the game and only need the crack to play the game so don't woried to much
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 20:21    Post subject:
have a look at this forums for the complaints about Starforce
And what about the cdsteam group...that are working hard in that direction

See that link also,10477449~mode=flat

and I will come up with many other links that proove to re-find them
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Posts: 430

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 22:49    Post subject:
lockwar wrote:
have a look at this forums for the complaints about Starforce
And what about the cdsteam group...that are working hard in that direction

See that link also,10477449~mode=flat

and I will come up with many other links that proove to re-find them

Man... these links are worthless... there won't be cracked releases cause there aren't any crackers left... The only protections that is cracked right now is SmartE, simple CD Checks, and the easiest version of SD... So if you want to play, buy the games or download clones and spend much time making them work... Wink
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PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 23:33    Post subject:

Dont worry time will tell....
I can assure you

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Posts: 156

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 00:11    Post subject:
Man, you're naive. Do you think that SF will be broken to pieces? Maybe this version, until 3.6 or possibly 3.7 . You think SF people are stupid or something? They are russians, and I think Russia has the best coders so far, that's where SFCure driver came from, and a big work on the tools that were used to create this Clones also come from there.
And do you think Ubi cares about their customers so much, that they would give up their contract with SF?
Bassically, you're saying "just sit and wait". Well, that's not good enough for me. And it's the source of stupidity, waiting for someone to solve your problems. People thinking for themselves are people who don't depend much on anything or anybody.
SFCure emerged in a long thread on another forum,with some guys who struggled with the virus called SF. If everybody sits and waits, where we would be now? This project is very old, almost 2 years I think, and you mock it with one single word. Do you even realise the complexity of this thing? Cause I do, and sincerly respect the creators of this fighting methods.
And what if Daemon4 doesn't solve your problems? What then? Sit and wait?
And btw, do you know how to make a perfectly good working "bull**" SF Clone?
If I were you, I'd stop giving people advices on what they should or should not do. Post them on a "how to live your life" forum, from what I remember, this is a protection related section.
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Posts: 20

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 00:48    Post subject:
to be a russian doesnt imply to be a good coder....taking your words, this is a protection related section, not personal opinions Razz

u cant just pretend everybody to know everything about starforce or any special protection, dont attack someone cause he doesnt know a lot about the topic....u re prejudging, i am not plenty of time like u say, im only 19 ,studying computer engineering, have work as a programmer and the fact that i have little knowledge about starforce is not a reason to blame at me, by the way, it s not sit and wait, i m here trying to learn, im learning in a foreign language to me...its already difficult like to have people making it even more difficult
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Posts: 156

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 01:51    Post subject:
nachog4 wrote:
to be a russian doesnt imply to be a good coder....taking your words, this is a protection related section, not personal opinions Razz

u cant just pretend everybody to know everything about starforce or any special protection, dont attack someone cause he doesnt know a lot about the topic....u re prejudging, i am not plenty of time like u say, im only 19 ,studying computer engineering, have work as a programmer and the fact that i have little knowledge about starforce is not a reason to blame at me, by the way, it s not sit and wait, i m here trying to learn, im learning in a foreign language to me...its already difficult like to have people making it even more difficult

I don't seem to recall where I attacked you in this topic, maybe you could poin it out to me? And where did I say "you are plenty of time" ? Confused
And yes, not every russians are coders, I just said that they come from Russia, which happens to have very good coders. Just look at all the trouble they've caused with SF and you'll get my point.
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 01:58    Post subject:
Man you are right....I know a bit about starforce after many many reading about it.
I am not a coder...but 4 of my friends that live in Canada are coders...and I can assure you that its not only russian that can be good in that...right now they are working on this....its underground...but you know its always like that.
So for my part its a race for who is going to break it.
For sure when you know a bit about can make your game work.
But try to explain the way to make a game work to your little cousin, your little sister,brother
on his computer without fuc** all his computer when they also dont have a lot of money for buying games.....welll you will understand this if you have a family....if you have one!
So think a bit more about what you are saying...all of those people or not good as you can make game work.
So thats why I say sit and wait!
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Posts: 156

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 02:34    Post subject:
I'm not gone flame this anymore than it is already. Nobody said it's an easy task to make a game work these days. Heck, a lot of people don't even now to use a simple tool like AntiBlaxx, ending up messing their computers to the point of reinstalling OS. But this is not the point here. The point is that you're topic is called "stop downloading those SFClone bull**". The only thing missing from that sentence is the " ! " for it to be an imperative demand. Don't make demands on strangers, you can't know how will they react. And I've never said the work is done only in Russia, that would far from the truth.
People who are confident they can get the game running will continue downloading them. People who don't,well, they will ask a friend, post a topic on a forum or play Solitaire. It's that simple.
Well, since you're 4 friends are coders, maybe you should tell them that Reloaded is hiring.
Very Happy
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