My homemade BNW 2 cheats
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Posts: 1428
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 16:51    Post subject: My homemade BNW 2 cheats
I made some cheatsd for black and white 2 since i felt it was more fun to have all the buildings and upgrades from the beginning, but also to make the game fair. On some levels the AI gets unlimited ore mines while you only have limited ones, which is complete bullshit and totally unfair. I also think the whole limitation on ore is bullshit, PERIOD, so i changed all the mines on all the levels to unlimited. Installation instructions are in the rar file.

On a related note, does anyone know how to make this an "official" scene release? I'm sure a lot of people would like to get their hands on these cheats instead of waiting for ages for a group to make a trainer.

Here's the link

Gigabyte S-Series GA-G33-DS3R, Intel C2D Quad Q6600 OC @ 3.2Ghz, 4gb Kingston PC8500 1066Mhz DDR2, Geforce 7800GTX (will get a 9800GTX when they are released), 2 x 250Gb HD's and a case with built in paper and lotion dispenser.
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Posts: 1082

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 17:06    Post subject:
Does this include having all the miracles and cool powers and stuff?
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 17:07    Post subject:
Thanks but:

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 17:58    Post subject:
All i wanna know is, if i just use the landscape files and not the tribute file, the ONLY thing changed is that ore is now unlimited on all lands, correct????
Because then im getting it, i gotta say THANKS Very Happy
Does it work with current savegames?

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 18:42    Post subject:
Yes it does I already installed it. For it second it looked like it froze when I loaded my game but after about 15 seconds it went. Scared me.
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Posts: 1428
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 23:42    Post subject:
I forgot to clarify a few things. The land files make it so all the mines are unlimited, while the tribute file makes it so that all the powers and upgrades and miracles only cost 1000 tribute, which means you can buy them all from the beginning since you have like 80,000 tribute when you are first allowed to start spending it. Unfortunately, you have to start a new game for it to work (i'll put that in the instructions and re-upload). I'm not sure if starting a new game applies to only one of them or both. I think that you don't need to restart the whole game, but only restart the current land for the mines to work since it reads the data from the files whenever you load a new land or restart a current one. But i'm not sure though, since i never tried the unlimited ore thing without starting a new game. What i am sure of though is that the tribute file DOES NOT work without restarting. Apparently the game only reads the data in that file when you start a new game.

Gigabyte S-Series GA-G33-DS3R, Intel C2D Quad Q6600 OC @ 3.2Ghz, 4gb Kingston PC8500 1066Mhz DDR2, Geforce 7800GTX (will get a 9800GTX when they are released), 2 x 250Gb HD's and a case with built in paper and lotion dispenser.
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 00:10    Post subject:
Nope, dont work to restart the land, still just 7000 ore in the mine just by your starting location in the second japanese land. I dont know if you missed that particular one or if it simply is required to start a new game, but yep, thats how it is for me anyway.

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 00:17    Post subject:
baleur do you know if the tribute thing works? did you have to restart?

nightlith wrote:
lol pirates pretending to be pirates...oh god the irony...

[quoted from Pirates of the Burning Sea thread]
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PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 00:23    Post subject:
holy sh*t I've been quoted in a sig! lol happy days!

i can has computar?!
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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 00:29    Post subject:
nightlith wrote:
holy sh*t I've been quoted in a sig! lol happy days!

lol what you said was so funny Razz on topic now..>

nightlith wrote:
lol pirates pretending to be pirates...oh god the irony...

[quoted from Pirates of the Burning Sea thread]
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Posts: 1428
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 00:59    Post subject:
Baleur wrote:
Nope, dont work to restart the land, still just 7000 ore in the mine just by your starting location in the second japanese land. I dont know if you missed that particular one or if it simply is required to start a new game, but yep, thats how it is for me anyway.

I had also gotten to that land when i thought it completely sucked that the other Japanese brother you were fighting against had unlimited ore in his mine while you only had 7000. So i quit the game and started looking through the files to see if there was anythjing i could do. I had already changed the tribute files earlier but they didn't work without a restart so i just restarted the whole game. And after that it all worked. All the mines had unlimited ore and all the tributes only costed 1000 each. I'm on the final japanese island now, and the second one did indeed work like a charm with unlimited ore. I'm sorry that you're gonna have to restart, but there's nothing i can do. The game only reads the files once apparently, so i can't do a whole lot about it. But look at it on the bright side, at leats you'll have unlimited ore and upgrades Smile

Gigabyte S-Series GA-G33-DS3R, Intel C2D Quad Q6600 OC @ 3.2Ghz, 4gb Kingston PC8500 1066Mhz DDR2, Geforce 7800GTX (will get a 9800GTX when they are released), 2 x 250Gb HD's and a case with built in paper and lotion dispenser.
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 01:03    Post subject:
Good work gonna test it out right now.
and ohw yes i have been working on a trainer to get a shit load of tribute but i cant seam to find the value for it anyone of u guys could try it and then send me a pm.
thank u Smile
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 01:17    Post subject:
yeah just to be sure it works Smile will be niiiice for my next time with the lion Very Happy
my good cow is turning too evil now after fighting them damn japanese, gotta stop fighting them now and just let their armies camp outside lol, its gonna look like the friggen mordor invasion force in a few hours Very Happy

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 612
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 16:53    Post subject:
I just installed this on the 3rd island ( norse ), loaded it with a savegame, tribute stuff costs Over 1000+, Do I have to restart the game?
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 18:18    Post subject:
Swinefur wrote:
I just installed this on the 3rd island ( norse ), loaded it with a savegame, tribute stuff costs Over 1000+, Do I have to restart the game?

you gotta start a new game :D
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Posts: 84
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PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 18:32    Post subject:
Cool shit man, thanks Smile
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PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 19:15    Post subject:
Guys while i was exploring some files in the data folder i found a file called "creaturefeaturedisable.csv" open it up with notepad and change the 0Surpriseds to 1:s for the futures u want y creature to do.. u can for example edit him so he uses a fishing rod and fish in the sea and then eat the fish or for example make so he cant puke any more..
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Posts: 1082

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 22:15    Post subject:
xswordfish wrote:
Guys while i was exploring some files in the data folder i found a file called "creaturefeaturedisable.csv" open it up with notepad and change the 0Surpriseds to 1:s for the futures u want y creature to do.. u can for example edit him so he uses a fishing rod and fish in the sea and then eat the fish or for example make so he cant puke any more..

Nice work man.
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Posts: 19

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 23:24    Post subject: Mmmm
Mmm.. okay, so I gotta restart everything again just to get unlimited Ore? FROM THE BEGINNING?! Or just restart land?
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Posts: 1921
Location: Kalmar, Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Oct 2005 00:25    Post subject:

A new group is entering the scene and they aint taking shit from noone!

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HTPC - Antec Fusion Remote | AMD Athlon 7850 X2 | PC6400 2GB | 74GB Raptor
Server - Athlon 64 X2 4200+ | Radeon HD 3450 | SB X-Fi | PC5300 2GB | 4TB+ total space
XBOX360 Gamertag: javlarmate
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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Oct 2005 12:53    Post subject:
wow it worked, awsome work serben Very Happy maybe you can get it hosted as a trainer on some sites? i dont think trainers count as warez right? so i can talk about it Very Happy

nightlith wrote:
lol pirates pretending to be pirates...oh god the irony...

[quoted from Pirates of the Burning Sea thread]
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Oct 2005 16:27    Post subject:
anyone of u guys have found a way to change how far u can throw objects? im getting so tierd of not being able to attack the other town with a few fireballs for time to time
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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Oct 2005 20:52    Post subject:
xswordfish teach ur creature to use fire ball and let him attack Very Happy

anyone know how to play in window mode?

nightlith wrote:
lol pirates pretending to be pirates...oh god the irony...

[quoted from Pirates of the Burning Sea thread]
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