Why are people always asking for multilanguage?
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Posts: 179

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 12:19    Post subject: Why are people always asking for multilanguage?
Almost in every thread there are people asking if the game is multilanguage. WTF do you need a game to be in your native language since you can't even use a computer or internet properly if you don't speak English. In my country kids learn english in primary school and with added influence from TV (our movies are not dubbed, they only come with subtitles) and computers most of them can communicate in english at a very early age. I would expect that hard core gamers like people here at nforce.nl don't have a problem with english.
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 12:21    Post subject: Re: Why are people always asking for multilanguage?
DeviLee wrote:
you can't even use a computer or internet properly if you don't speak English

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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 12:43    Post subject:
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA...... quote of the month ?
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 12:45    Post subject:
Lol you got me there Very Happy
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Posts: 550
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 12:57    Post subject:
Oh yeah I forgot that everyone in China speaks English
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Posts: 50

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 13:03    Post subject:
Maybe they don' t want to use english? Just because you speak English doesn't mean everyone else does.

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Posts: 179

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 13:17    Post subject:
Well all I wanted to know is if games are not translated into their native language does that prevent them from using it or they just prefer to have it translated. And if they would have an option of choosing between two different games a multilanguage and just an english one would they pick multilanguage even if the english one was better. How important it is realy for the developer to translate their games.
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Posts: 204
Location: Burkina Faso
PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 13:39    Post subject:
Well, it depends. I prefer to play games in the language of their developers. Translations are very often messy and low quality. Unfortunately, I can't speak (or read) Japanese, as I love turn-based role-playing strategy games and a lot of them weren't translated to any western language. I happen to speak Russian, however, and it's great joy to play Silent Storm (and Hammer & Sickle) in the original version. Not to mention original games in Russia are WAY cheaper than in the US or Europe - usually about $10. Now I am waiting for Night Watch, another Silent Storm engine based game (bought in Russian online shop). I speak also French and Spanish, but they are much less useful for gaming. Germans make good games from time to time - like Gothic series - but I don't have enough patience to learn German...
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Posts: 2154
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 15:32    Post subject:
Cause god forbid if a german would try to play en ENGLISCH game...
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Posts: 444

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 15:42    Post subject:
you can't even use a computer or internet properly if you don't speak English.

No. Windows comes in a variety of language. Google to. By default, google only search in your mother-tongue language pages.

I'm french, I got lots of friends who use computers and don't like english. It doesn't seems to bother them.

However, you obviously have to understand a bit of english to be on this site.
That doesn't mean you enjoy it. Or that you understand it well enough to apreciate a game in english. Or maybe they want to pass the game to friends who don't speak english.

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Posts: 2965
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 16:29    Post subject:
It depends on the game. If the game is something simple that doesn't require reading (say an RTS) you can probably get away playing it in a language you don't understand (as long as you have a help file to teach you the keys). On the other hand any game that requires reading or understanding voice conversation is going to be impossible. Lkdjfi asdlkj; lkjere did he ask you for the spoon, or did he say look out a nuclear bomb is going to detonate in 5 seconds?

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Posts: 101

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 17:01    Post subject: Re: Why are people always asking for multilanguage?
DeviLee wrote:
Almost in every thread there are people asking if the game is multilanguage. WTF do you need a game to be in your native language since you can't even use a computer or internet properly if you don't speak English. In my country kids learn english in primary school and with added influence from TV (our movies are not dubbed, they only come with subtitles) and computers most of them can communicate in english at a very early age. I would expect that hard core gamers like people here at nforce.nl don't have a problem with english.

guess you are a nordic Very Happy
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Posts: 225

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 18:23    Post subject:
If you are dutch, and ever played a game in dutch (B&W anyone?) you will scream for mercy. It is often crap translated adn it just plain sucks...

The frenchies seem to often wan't a french game, but that's because most of them are just to stubborn to learn english or just refuse to read/speak any english (on vacation anyone?)

And if you can't understand spoken english that well, just turn on the subtitles ^^
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Posts: 9145
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 18:58    Post subject:
iS dis gam multilenguege?!?!?!??

Yes, yes I'm back.
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Posts: 1260

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 18:58    Post subject:
Why people open such interesting threads?
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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 19:22    Post subject:
That's like movies and books and every products.

I'm french and I would say that like ¼ of people I know can't understand english at all, still they want to play games and when it's english only they skip cutscene and loose half of the story. When it's in french they are happy. Bad thing is, every translation always suck, I wonder where they take the guys who decide the translated sentences but I guess they just don't that that language. Should really put more effort into it.

And if you think everyone should know english as good as their primary langage you are wrong here, we are not talking about gaming but about cultural independance and this is another debate.

Lastly, dunno if you ever been in a foreign langage country but yes you can live, watch tv and use computers very well (most application are translated) without knowing any english word.

Go and try to play some japanese only hentai story game and try to keep track of what's going on... I wish you good luck
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 19:48    Post subject:
Dunge wrote:
I'm french and I would say that like ¼ of people I know can't understand english at all, still they want to play games and when it's english only they skip cutscene and loose half of the story. When it's in french they are happy. Bad thing is, every translation always suck, I wonder where they take the guys who decide the translated sentences but I guess they just don't that that language. Should really put more effort into it.

Guess that means you're not from Montreal?

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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 20:12    Post subject: Re: Why are people always asking for multilanguage?
DeviLee wrote:
Almost in every thread there are people asking if the game is multilanguage. WTF do you need a game to be in your native language since you can't even use a computer or internet properly if you don't speak English.

Im Spanish, and i speak english yes, i can use a computer or internet properly. I do play games in english, so why i ask if a game is multilenguaje or not? There a bunch of reasons, first of all theres somethin that we call "English is not my native language so wtf i need to play a game in a language that is not mine when i have the chance to play it in spanish -my native tongue- when a game is multilanguage". Second, not everyone speaks English. Games like... Vampire Bloodlines, or Morrowind... RPG games usually have a lot of dialogs and theres the chance if these games are Translated perfectly on our own language can assure us something we call "an inmersive experience", Maybe because u only speak english and all the games are in english u dont see the difference. Try to see a Spanish movie reading the subtitles.
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Posts: 307
PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 20:15    Post subject:
is this thread multilanguage??...

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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 20:35    Post subject:
whats the fuckin point to post such a crap thred ,the fact i can maybe understand and speak english,doesnt mean I dont want a fuckin game in Italian,u are just a plain dork.I advice for this thread to be closed,and for you to be cured.
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Posts: 32
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 21:05    Post subject:
Because the French and the Germans and the Spanish are so BAD at english.
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 21:11    Post subject:
hey its kind of true what i says... like there is many people over 20 that write as fucking kids... "luv, thx, cuz etc."
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Posts: 291

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 21:45    Post subject:
the point is, people are coming onto an english language website, which shows english language releases and has english language forums, and they ask if its in their language. People get pissed, as do Spanish/German/French people when English people post "is this in english?" on their sites.
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Posts: 1221
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 22:19    Post subject:
baardhimself wrote:
the point is, people are coming onto an english language website, which shows english language releases and has english language forums, and they ask if its in their language. People get pissed, as do Spanish/German/French people when English people post "is this in english?" on their sites.



But I get your point.
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The Notorious

Posts: 224
Location: Montreal, Canada
PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 22:26    Post subject:
i`m french and i would say i will never play a game translated in french... i always watch movies in english, play all my games in english, even when there is an option to have it in french.... but it`s not true.... the only game i would like to play in french and that it is only if the translation were made by the real guys from RDS is any NHL game

[The Notorious]

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Posts: 99

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 23:00    Post subject:
im spanish too, and why english people dont play games on spanish language? same if we can play them on our native language. I wont buy english game if i can buy on spanish. There are lot of reasons like tequilasunriseboy said before.

Maybe all people should learn 1 more language than native one, all then ll be more easy to all Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 23:10    Post subject:

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Posts: 291

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 23:15    Post subject:
Praetori wrote:
baardhimself wrote:
the point is, people are coming onto an english language website, which shows english language releases and has english language forums, and they ask if its in their language. People get pissed, as do Spanish/German/French people when English people post "is this in english?" on their sites.



But I get your point.

I know this is a Dutch site, where did I say it wasnt? Confused Wink It is in English Language however which is obviously what matters, not where it is registered or registered to.
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Posts: 611
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Nov 2005 23:58    Post subject:
This thread belong in the official bitching spot.

If you hate it, ignore it.
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Nov 2005 00:05    Post subject:
I recon its mostly French, German etc folk. The countries where films and all are dubbed. as in :

Allo, Ich bin Arnold Schwarzenegger and bonjour, je m'appelle Rocky RazzVery Happy

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