Space Hack
- Official web page: LINK
- Publisher: Meridian4
- Developer: Rebelmind Games
- Media type and size: CD, 20x15MB
- Genre: sci-fi RPG/action
- Release date: Nov. 18, 2005
- Story/Description:
Quote: |
Space Hack is a sci-fi RPG/action title with Diablo-inspired gameplay mechanics, presented in real-time 3D graphics. The story puts you on a quite peculiar space ship, full of convicted prisoners, that got trapped inside a cosmic anomaly known as Black Nebula. Playing role of a tough warrior you will be struggling to reach an emergency transporting module, hacking and slashing your way through hordes of alien creatures taking over your ship.
- Multiplayer: NO(?)
- System requirements:
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# Celeron 800 MHz
# Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
# DirectX 7.0 compatible 3D accelerator with at least 16MB of video RAM (RivaTNT2 class)
# 128 MB RAM
# 500 MB available hard drive space
# 4x CD-ROM drive
# Pentium III 1.4 GHz
# Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
# DirectX 7.0 compatible 3D accelerator with at least 32MB of video RAM (GeForce2 400/MX class)
# 256 MB RAM
# 500 MB available hard drive space
# 4x CD-ROM drive
- Protection: NONE
- Multilanguage: *UNKNOWN*
- Preview: Gamespot
- Gamespot community rating: 8.2
- Demo: Gamespot
- Screenshots: Gamespot
This one caught my attention.
I don't have any "leet" connections to pre sites or anything, so I'm wondering if anyone can explain what's going on with this game? It looks very interesting (diablo in space) and wouldn't mind giving it a try. I'm a bit dissapointed there's no info on a north american release
Sorry Syn....I thought it was an old release, wasn't sure if I should invest in a templated first post...did I do it right?
Last edited by nightlith on Thu, 1st Dec 2005 18:25; edited 3 times in total