I need to make an application and my idea is for a horse betting thing. I want the user to be able select a number of horses (1- to place a bet on. This can be done from a combo box but how do I get it so that if the combo box = 2 then the workspace has
horse 1 and horse 2 'betting options' up? the same for the rest of the numbers too.
o and it's in VB.
Also if that's not very easy how would I get an equation to work if the workspace is the same throughout i.e. 8 hourses but any combination is filled in.
i.e. horse 1 has £10 horse 2 £5 horse 3 nothing horse 4 nothing horse 5 £20 etc. right through to 8. At the moment the code is a bit ugly and there are 64 different combinations (bet on or don't bet the amount is irrelevant) and that's a shit loada coding to be done. Is there an easier way to do it other than (for example) IF horse5.text = "" then End. i.e. all the boxes need to be filled in for it to 'work'.
Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!
hmm im more form the c# corner .. but maybe VB has vectors (Arraylists, arrays that change size automaticly)
had a similar problem and solved it like this:
Vector horsieVector = new Vector(); //Strings for storing bets
Horse horse[]; // our horses
for (int i = 0; i < horse.lenght ;i++)
if (horse[i].hasBet()) horsieVector.add(horse[i].Text = "Bet");
else horsieVector.add(horse[i].Text = "No Bet");
for (int i = 0; i < horsieVector.size(); i++)
Console.out.println((String) horsieVector.get(i));
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