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Posted: Mon, 26th Dec 2005 04:38 Post subject: 3rd world opinion |
Ok gonna keep this topic open for a day and answer this question......
Would you want to be like a person in a third world country?
It might sound like a stupid question but I want to see peoples answers... also think of an original one and don't simply copy some1 else 
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
Posted: Mon, 26th Dec 2005 04:41 Post subject: |
Hmm having every resource open to me as a Westerner. Food, power, running water and sanitation at my disposal. As a third world country I wouldn't have that. I think everyone on here is going to say they're happy to be a first world person.
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Posted: Mon, 26th Dec 2005 11:26 Post subject: |
Jenni wrote: | I think everyone on here is going to say they're happy to be a first world person. |
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Posts: 636
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Posted: Mon, 26th Dec 2005 12:12 Post subject: |
Like jenni said im happy to be a first world person so i wouldnt directly wanna be a person in a third. But i can also say it wouldnt be totaly wrong to live in a nice tropical place even if your poor, as long as your not alone and got food to survive.
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Posted: Mon, 26th Dec 2005 12:13 Post subject: |
First World here, I like electronics and food.
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Posted: Mon, 26th Dec 2005 12:54 Post subject: |
UserFriendly7 wrote: | Well I wouldnt mind to see what it's like to live in a third world country as long as I could return at any point back to the UK. It would be an experiance that I believe would make me respect what I have in life and value it more... |
a week would be ok... but after that I would be screaming to going back to holland 
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Posted: Mon, 26th Dec 2005 13:00 Post subject: |
I think I'd like to live in a third world country, yeah. As long as I have the basic necessities. I don't need electronics to be happy, I think. I actually think that the less you have, the more you have in a way.
How about a mix between a 1st and 3rd world country, like Turkey? I'd not mind living there.
I'd not mind living in a medium sized city in the Sahara too, provided I'm a middle class citizen (for those standards) and not like a beggar. It sounds so much cooler than living in the Netherlands. It's a boring place where everything gets done for you and the people still whine at the governement.
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Posted: Mon, 26th Dec 2005 19:32 Post subject: |
As with anything after your initial shock period during the transition to a thirld world country,and you became accustomed to the living conditions,I'm sure I wouldn't mind living in a third world country at all.There may be times I miss the luxury's I have now but I think I would have a greater sense of self combined with a spiritual awakening from living so primatively that I'd really enjoy it.
If you did live in a third world country for some time/years and then came back home just think of the level of appreciation you'ld have for the things you take for granted today!!
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Posted: Mon, 26th Dec 2005 21:26 Post subject: |
ok I cant be arsed waitin the extra few hours.... just a simple question. Some of you completely mis understood it altogether and you're all selfish ones . My answer to that question would be "no but i'd want them to be like me" ... think abt it ya bitches 
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Posted: Mon, 26th Dec 2005 23:42 Post subject: |
im from the 3rd wolrd and i have all the facilities, many of you would live good around here
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Posted: Tue, 27th Dec 2005 00:30 Post subject: |
I wouldn't mind being a dictator in the third world... except for the coup d'etats, but, I just have to keep stricter control... and I need to let Halliburton work in my country... otherwise... *looks at Iraq*
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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 01:01 Post subject: |
I live in Brazil. Its considered 3rd world (and i consider it too), but I have everything I could want (cheap water and power, sanitation, cheap and very varied food, broadband internet, free education and health care...). For personal reasons I want to get outta here, Im planning on moving to a foreign country in 3 or 4 years (Canada and New Zealand are top choices), and also for personal reasons I really dislike living here.
Most people I know really like living here, and they all have good lifes with everything you can have in a 1st world country. The biggest problem we have is crime and violence, which is caused (IMO) by huge disparities in income distribution (10% of the population has 80% of the income, while 50% are poor and the rest is middle class) and lack of education to the poorer portion.
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VIP Master Jedi
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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 01:24 Post subject: |
Well, you know...it makes me sick that we have "3rd World" countries...I dont understand why everyone cant enjoy the same standard of living...
Well, I do know why but its fuckin stupid you know? If everyone in the world was given the same standard of living and rights, industry would take a hit, corporate america would take a huge hit, and those in power would have consideribly less power and or money. So instead of sacrificing for the benefit of the masses, these pricks keep billions in poverty (or close to) so they can have a few extra 100 mil.
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VIP Master Jedi
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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 01:44 Post subject: |
T.Azure wrote: | If everyone had the same standard, aka leveling up to 1st world as you call it, there would be more consumers and industry would boom, not take a hit ! |
not initially, as money, tons of money, would have to be spent to bring up the "3rd world" countries to the standard of developed nations in all areas - tech, medicine, commerce, transit, government etc etc
But in the end, life would be better for everyone, everywhere.
Fuck this "3rd World" and "1st World" shit...seriously. Its all the same planet and such.
Seriously, just because you happen to live in brazil, or south america or africa etc why does that mean you live in a "3rd World" country? I dunno, the term is just so...slanderous to me. Ok, those nations arent as developed as say Canada (my country), but that doesnt make Canada better...somethings would be better, but im talking about the ppl and what makes a country a country, tradition and those who inhabit the country.
Makes me sad to think that while Im sitting here typing this shit, some kid in some country in africa has to walk 10km to some water hole, just so his family can have a glass or two each of water that day....absolutely disgusting 

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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 01:47 Post subject: |
If everyone one was like the US, the world would be screwed. China getting close to the US is being a huge problem, especially when oil and coal is being sucked up by them just like the US is sucking it up.
And let's all be honest here, there is no such thing as "equal", there cannot, and will never be total equality, because someone will always want someone elses stuff.
Unless everyone looks the same, drives the same car, lives in the same type of house, wears the same clothes, plays the same sports, has the same athletic ability and stamina, there will not be equality. Unless you want to live in 1984, total equality will not happen, BUT, we should all be given the same chance at equality, and screw kissing minority butt around the world, if you move to a country, you adapt to it, you don't make it adapt to you. No one deserves anything special, the blacks and Hispanics in the US dont deserve extra benefits because they are that race. My family was poor immigrants too, came to the US with 50 dollars. Now they are property holders in California, they worked in some of the crappiest jobs imaginable, didn't bitch about it, they thought it made them stronger and better, because they came from the bottom and got to the top. They faced racism as well, hispanics and blacks where they lived tried ripping them off all the time, etc.
I applaud anyone from any race making a better life for themselves, doing it legally, and being a good citizen.
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VIP Master Jedi
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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 01:50 Post subject: |
AdvancedDesign wrote: | If everyone one was like the US, the world would be screwed. China getting close to the US is being a huge problem, especially when oil and coal is being sucked up by them just like the US is sucking it up.
And let's all be honest here, there is no such thing as "equal", there cannot, and will never be total equality, because someone will always want someone elses stuff.
Unless everyone looks the same, drives the same car, lives in the same type of house, wears the same clothes, plays the same sports, has the same athletic ability and stamina, there will not be equality. Unless you want to live in 1984, total equality will not happen, BUT, we should all be given the same chance at equality, and screw kissing minority butt around the world, if you move to a country, you adapt to it, you don't make it adapt to you. No one deserves anything special, the blacks and Hispanics in the US dont deserve extra benefits because they are that race. My family was poor immigrants too, came to the US with 50 dollars. Now they are property holders in California, they worked in some of the crappiest jobs imaginable, didn't bitch about it, they thought it made them stronger and better, because they came from the bottom and got to the top. They faced racism as well, hispanics and blacks where they lived tried ripping them off all the time, etc.
I applaud anyone from any race making a better life for themselves, doing it legally, and being a good citizen. |
Ok....who said the world, if having a general standard of living and security for all, would be like the US?....dude, you could have picked such a better topic in the World News section if you wanted to bash the US...
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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 01:52 Post subject: |
SycoShaman wrote: | Fuck this "3rd World" and "1st World" shit...seriously. Its all the same planet and such.
Seriously, just because you happen to live in brazil, or south america or africa etc why does that mean you live in a "3rd World" country? I dunno, the term is just so...slanderous to me. |
Well when you need to walk 10 miles for clean water i'd call that a 3rd world country Some things just can't be prevented such as natural disasters, famines and stuff. But when you compare your life with someone who has to work all year round for food it's quite sickening.
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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 01:54 Post subject: |
Bash the US, nah. Personally, every country has some major issues. Even Canada, one of my favorites.
Really, if I had a choice to move anywhere, it would be to Austria.
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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 01:58 Post subject: |
1ste world person for me
i can't without my pc
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VIP Master Jedi
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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 02:02 Post subject: |
AdvancedDesign wrote: | Bash the US, nah. Personally, every country has some major issues. Even Canada, one of my favorites.
Really, if I had a choice to move anywhere, it would be to Austria. |
My point is dude, is that if we did have a standardized way of living, the US would lose alot of its power as everywhere would "free" and have access to all the things we in the "1st world" have access to. So why live in the US, when you can live in Africa or somewhere exotic, and have the same level of comfort, security and access?
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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 18:27 Post subject: |
i think the real "3rd world" standard is Africa.
i mean, altho brazil is considered a 3rd world country, none of us actually consideres it to be a 3rd world country, things there are not even nearly as bad as in africa
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VIP Master Jedi
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Posted: Wed, 28th Dec 2005 22:42 Post subject: |
I dont consider Brazil a 3rd World Country
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Posted: Thu, 29th Dec 2005 18:37 Post subject: |
Neither do I, when I think about third world countries I use the conditions in africa as a reference. Brazil is in far better condition. Although there is a dinstinct difference between brazil and first world countries.
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PDIP Member
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Posted: Thu, 29th Dec 2005 18:46 Post subject: |
Invasor wrote: | I live in Brazil. Its considered 3rd world (and i consider it too), but I have everything I could want (cheap water and power, sanitation, cheap and very varied food, broadband internet, free education and health care...). For personal reasons I want to get outta here, Im planning on moving to a foreign country in 3 or 4 years (Canada and New Zealand are top choices), and also for personal reasons I really dislike living here.
Most people I know really like living here, and they all have good lifes with everything you can have in a 1st world country. The biggest problem we have is crime and violence, which is caused (IMO) by huge disparities in income distribution (10% of the population has 80% of the income, while 50% are poor and the rest is middle class) and lack of education to the poorer portion. |
Brazil is a ritch or poor contry, big difference.. so many of you have a great life, i know a dude from brazil and his grandparents got lots of money, so they send money for car and all he need =\
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Posts: 7638
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Posted: Fri, 30th Dec 2005 04:11 Post subject: |
Im not rich and I dont think I have such a great life, but Im certainly much much better than the majority of people in my country(there are many starving here too, its not just in Africa), which is sad because Im middle class. Basically all I have is what my father left me, and he started his life with nothing, but nowadays is nearly impossible to climb the economic ladder, and it is very easy to go downhill.
I also forgot to mention the "free education and health care" doesnt work for everyone, the majority of people in public -and free- colleges (which are the best ones) are middle class or rich, the poor just cant get in. And everyone with enough money for a health plan stays away from public health care because its overcrowded.
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