E3's Booth Babes banned!
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Posts: 648

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 04:42    Post subject: E3's Booth Babes banned!

Omfg, now what will anyone look at now?! This is utter blasphemy I say!
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Posts: 5573

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 05:37    Post subject:
Sex appeal always has and always will be used to market products. No point in trying to shy away from it in my opinion. Besides, the amount/nudity of the woman in no way correlates to the quality of the final product anyhow.

For example, Rome: Total War I recall had a great number of toga clad babes at its booth, and the game turned out great nonetheless.

Sigh, US is getting shittier and shittier every year. Can I come live with someone in Europe? Anyone? Very Happy

I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 06:11    Post subject:
I had to go berserk when I read that... Jesus christ.

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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 09:10    Post subject:
They want to do gaming gay Sad Hey, we need some chix ^^
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Posts: 550
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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 09:14    Post subject:
Good thing, now people can concentrate on the games instead.

"Thats no prob kanee! Suck your cock! A Firmware flash is more than fucking enough!" - Supermax2004
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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 09:26    Post subject:
Elazul wrote:
Good thing, now people can concentrate on the games instead.

right, boys can't do 2 things at the same time Wink
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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 09:27    Post subject:
Elazul wrote:
Good thing, now people can concentrate on the games instead.

So is this one of your sarcastics comments again or?

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 09:34    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 09:39    Post subject:
Actually i dont really give a crap! I really dont know what boobs has to do with computer games anyway!

Of all the things i've lost, i miss my mind the most!
"Ozzy Osbourne"
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 10:53    Post subject:
The video game industry has come under fire from federal and local politicians, who want to limit sales of violent and sexually explicit games to minors.

lol, prude americans.

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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 10:56    Post subject:
This really pisses me off.

I think people need to get out more. Fucking PC brigade.

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Posts: 1213

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jan 2006 14:37    Post subject:
Elazul wrote:
Good thing, now people can concentrate on the games instead.

Hear hear! Now they just need to get rid of those fucking pre-rendered clips and we got a reputable trade show again!
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Posts: 53

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 01:10    Post subject:
I applaud them. 'Bout time someone tried to class up the joint.
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Posts: 5057

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 01:52    Post subject:
great news as it will probably stop alot of gimps with no lifes going this year!
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Posts: 564

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 03:37    Post subject:
Here is what your going to miss:


All I can say if you get rid of the Booth Babes then game demos should not contain any violence or bad language. I mean let's go all out on making E3 100% PC!

Oh, see how long it will take before E3 ends up like that other show....oh, um, what was it.....COMDEX!!!
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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 05:03    Post subject:
Thats what happens when tyrants are in power....or fanatics, take your pick of terms.

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Posts: 2445
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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 05:07    Post subject:
Fuck American conservatism Evil or Very Mad
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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 06:01    Post subject:
SuTuRa wrote:
Fuck American conservatism Evil or Very Mad

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 2722
Location: In Your Illusions
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 10:07    Post subject:
I say in protest we all strip ourselves naked and post the pictures in this thread, thread starter naturally goes first.

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

Godlikez* A Proud Muslim Through And Through.
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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 10:39    Post subject:
I have a pair of excellent boobs.

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 2722
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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 10:57    Post subject:
*tries his hardest not to make an insulting comment*

For goodness sakes dont put it on plate for us, dont you remember what they taught you at law school? "anything you say can and will be used against you"

Very Happy

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

Godlikez* A Proud Muslim Through And Through.
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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 11:57    Post subject:
Well my self irony is a precious gift besides my boobs that is.

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 1221
Location: EU
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 13:36    Post subject:
It objectifies women!

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Posts: 9145
Location: Von Oben
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 17:12    Post subject:
Praetori wrote:
It objectifies women!


And what is wrong with looking at women as objects? You objectify basically everyone you do not know - that's part of our psyche, and the reason why you don't care as much for; eg. someone in Australia dying that is not in any way related to you, in the same way as you care for someone you know; dying.

These people become objects in our mind, because if we viewed every single person we came in contact with as "people with soul, heart, emotions, and feelings", we would probably go crazy.

In smaller villages, where everyone knows eachother - it's more common to learn to know everyone as a person, but where most of us live, we objectify everyone. We look at a bus driver as a bus driver, unless we commit ourselves to focus on that person as a person. But he/she only becomes a person until we concentrate our efforts on that being as being such.

Looking at women as objects, is the same thing as looking at men as objects. We look at them, without considering everything they stand for, are, et cetera. How we look on someone at an E3-show, does not affect how we view women we relate to personally - no, our mothers, sisters, and girlfriends usually (unless we are mentally deranged, and alienate everything around us) do not magically become objects just because we objectify "sexy people" we look at in magazines or E3-shows.

I think of women I do not know more or less as objects, and I'm hardly ashamed for it. I view a woman I have no relationship whatsoever with as a work of art, and relate to it similarly. Only if or when I meet her in person, do I start relating to her as a person, and that way she would "flesh out".

I've actually met a person whom I've seen semi-sexy pictures of, and when I spoke to her in person, my interest in the pictures were lost completely, and this was because she was a fucking nitwit (screwed in the head). Stupidity is the biggest turn-off for me, regardless of the physical "art" attributes.

Yes, yes I'm back.
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Posts: 238
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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 17:24    Post subject:
Good thing. E3 is about the games and that's what publishers should focus on.
Remember that guy who pretended to be disabled so he could grab booth babes' asses and take snapshots of their underwear? Good riddance I say.
It's not like you have to go to a gaming exhibition in order to look at women.
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 17:51    Post subject:
fisk wrote:
Stupidity is the biggest turn-off for me, regardless of the physical "art" attributes.

I absolutley agree. Elita is one prime example Razz

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Posts: 32062
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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 18:00    Post subject:
Womans are humans with feelings, who deserve some respect, if they show some to other people tho.! (most of them... Porn girls are objects Twisted Evil)
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Posts: 648

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 18:09    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
Womans are humans with feelings, who deserve some respect, if they show some to other people tho.! (most of them... Porn girls are objects Twisted Evil)

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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jan 2006 23:44    Post subject:
fucking femmist nazis with sand in their vagina. They are just pissed they are too moldy down there to get some

grrr *shakes fist*
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Posts: 1908
Location: Alberta,Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 27th Jan 2006 00:06    Post subject:
Meh. Its all advertising. If you ban it from E3 you should ban it from anything that might be child or minor related. Who gives a shit if they are being "exploited" , they chose to be an object, no one forced them to do anything.

Its so funny how we ban one thing but turn a blind eye to other things.

For example. Have any of you ever seen those "Brats" dolls. The dolls are sold to little girls, y 6 - 14 range. And most of these dolls look like whores. And i think they are made by Disney ffs. A friend of mines daughter wanted them for xmas. I took one look at them and felt sick to my stomach. There was no way i was buying that garbage for her. Things like this need to be changed over banning some E3 girls.
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