I've always found books the best place to learn. And actual physical books rather than reading something from a computer. It's just the way I work I suppose but i find that going through a book is much more structured and less of a distraction than reading a pdf or whatever.
Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!
yep ... imho it does not matter if you go for c++/Java or c# .. just get one really good book.
with it youll understand the CONCEPTS (no my shift key is not broken) of programming and by doing so it is quite easy to understand the others.
and then if you are at that point, the WWW offers a rich database of algorithms you never dreamt of.
So to put it in short terms.
First get a "good" book for the language of your choice.
Second READ IT !
Third try to understand other languages.
Fourth use the WWW if you did all of the above (you may obmit the third step if you focus on only one language (imho bad decision))
It may sound poetically here, but thats my point of viewing things.
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