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PDIP Member
Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
Posted: Mon, 13th Feb 2006 20:27 Post subject: School behavior |
I don't know about your places, but i guess its the same.( Im no racist ). But i only wounder, and want your toughts; Some\many people who come from iraq, iran and places where you almost get beaten up by the teachers, act like some real idiots in class. Like have no respect. Even worst then the people who live here. I have been woundering about this. Well, i guess its because they feel free and want too abuse it. What do you think?
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Posts: 1106
Location: Rochester, NY
Posted: Mon, 13th Feb 2006 20:50 Post subject: |
So people who had abusive teachers come to a place with no abusive teachers and act up because they know the teachers there won't beat them up?
I'd say ship them back to (insert oppressive place here).
Or put them in a special school for fools who like to act up.
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Posted: Mon, 13th Feb 2006 20:56 Post subject: |
I'd tell them to get the fuck out of school and stop messing it up for the pupils who actually want to learn.
"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D
"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posted: Mon, 13th Feb 2006 23:14 Post subject: |
That's how that kind of people is here in Norway.
They come to this country, get shitloads of money from the goverment..
Then they start to kill / beat up people..
They act like some fucking idiots..
They don't work (only living on the money they get from stealing, selling illegal shit (guns, drugs etc)..)..
They show NO RESPECT at all to the norwegian people for what they got/get..
I hate you.
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Über-VIP Member
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Posts: 9526
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Posted: Mon, 13th Feb 2006 23:59 Post subject: |
I had an abusive head master at school. With my degree and education I'm now his boss. I say jump and he asks how high.
Yes I love being an education officer.

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Posted: Tue, 14th Feb 2006 00:00 Post subject: |
nouseforaname wrote: | Stealth88 wrote: | That's how that kind of people is here in Norway.
They come to this country, get shitloads of money from the goverment..
Then they start to kill / beat up people..
They act like some fucking idiots..
They don't work (only living on the money they get from stealing, selling illegal shit (guns, drugs etc)..)..
They show NO RESPECT at all to the norwegian people for what they got/get.. |
You act like immigrants are the only ones doing those things ...  |
America has been putting up with this forever. 5% of the population does 99% of the crime. You Northern countries will all have this problem, soon, it is on it's way. 
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Über-VIP Member
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Posted: Tue, 14th Feb 2006 00:02 Post subject: |
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PDIP Member
Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
Posted: Tue, 14th Feb 2006 08:02 Post subject: |
Stealth88 wrote: | That's how that kind of people is here in Norway.
They come to this country, get shitloads of money from the goverment..
Then they start to kill / beat up people..
They act like some fucking idiots..
They don't work (only living on the money they get from stealing, selling illegal shit (guns, drugs etc)..)..
They show NO RESPECT at all to the norwegian people for what they got/get.. |
I know, but dont set all under the same roof. But most of them yes. I know only one guy, looks pretty gangster, from iran or something, hes happy to be here, and get 5\6 6\6 at school. Not many people like him here
All is like, norwegians dont like us anyways, so lets became ciminals.
And my teacher asked an kid who had real bad behavior
What would happen if you did that in yoir country
he said The teacher would beat me to death... So wtf.. 
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Posted: Tue, 14th Feb 2006 13:17 Post subject: |
I know some of them are nice..
There was 1 dood at the school I went to last year that was pretty funny, and everyone liked him..
I guess something like 20% of them are okay, and the rest some fucking bastards..
Which country are you originaly from deelix?
I hate you.
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Posted: Tue, 14th Feb 2006 13:38 Post subject: |
many racist opinions here.
to say that all iranis or iraqis would be more criminal than other inhabitants is a poor generalisation.
these opinions about islamic people which are carried out by more and more "white men" will lead us straight to the next world war, thats for sure.
so you better start to make a difference between fundamental radicals, which are the very minority of islamic people, and the rest.
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PDIP Member
Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
Posted: Tue, 14th Feb 2006 19:12 Post subject: |
Stealth88 wrote: | I know some of them are nice..
There was 1 dood at the school I went to last year that was pretty funny, and everyone liked him..
I guess something like 20% of them are okay, and the rest some fucking bastards..
Which country are you originaly from deelix? |
Norway. But my father is from malaysia. So im born here, and my father came here when he was 15, so noone can hear that he aint norwegian on the phone.
So born here, and half norwegian, half malaysian.
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
Posted: Tue, 14th Feb 2006 19:19 Post subject: |
i don't about acting out, first off there is no, i repeate NO beating in school in middle east... however i did exprience these (copied from the other thread): "I got a pencil between my fingers (and they push the fingers together) ummm let seeeee I had one of those architect rulers, the white ones that look triangular and have 3 pointy edges, yah he was hitting my hand with it for doing a home work thing wrong and he hit so hard that it broke off... hmmm in grade one or 2 at the end of the class if we were loud they would lock the doors and say no one is going home today... lol happy memories... "
alot of middle eastern kids around here just like black kids are all thug wanna be idiots... i hate all these thugs and gangster wanna bes, hence why i never chilled with any people from middle east when i was in school... all were lamers...
and yourgod, US has more of a black crime problem and big time problems (corp. scandels)from whites that they should fear from muslims for now.
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Über-VIP Member
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Posted: Tue, 14th Feb 2006 19:30 Post subject: |
what pisses me off is that noone of them get to university, they BARELY finish highschool and ofcourse the first thing they wanna do is "i wanna be a cop" not because they wanted to do this all their life, but because this is the only thing that they might actually get to do.. thank god noone of them will ever get in....
what is worse is when they come in and say "well since i was a drug dealer for so many years, i have first hand exprience to help you guys" at which point we throw them out.
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Über-VIP Member
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Posted: Tue, 14th Feb 2006 19:41 Post subject: |
middle easterners in unis usually get osap dude and those are the ones i don't have a problem with
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Tue, 14th Feb 2006 22:02 Post subject: |
MAD_MAX333 wrote: | i don't about acting out, first off there is no, i repeate NO beating in school in middle east... however i did exprience these (copied from the other thread): "I got a pencil between my fingers (and they push the fingers together) ummm let seeeee I had one of those architect rulers, the white ones that look triangular and have 3 pointy edges, yah he was hitting my hand with it for doing a home work thing wrong and he hit so hard that it broke off... hmmm in grade one or 2 at the end of the class if we were loud they would lock the doors and say no one is going home today... lol happy memories... "
alot of middle eastern kids around here just like black kids are all thug wanna be idiots... i hate all these thugs and gangster wanna bes, hence why i never chilled with any people from middle east when i was in school... all were lamers...
and yourgod, US has more of a black crime problem and big time problems (corp. scandels)from whites that they should fear from muslims for now. |
Dude, from what i gather nowadays, it isnt the black "thugs" that are acting up in class (or the wannabes). In my day, yeah, it was the grunge rockers (pure chem heads most em) and the original 'thugs'....from what my nieces and nephews tell me...its the white rich kids dressed in their goofy oversized fubu shit that are the class clowns.
But, acting out in class has nothing to do with race, I think all of the ppl in this thread have that shit wrong. White, Black, Pink, Orange, brown, yellow, green etc...doesnt fuckin matter. It depends on the kid - his attention span, his iq level, common sense and the teachers ability to maintain control of the class.
I was a class clown, always talking and shit. Not because I thought I was cool, but because I was bored. I always found school work completely dumbified...like, say science homework. U read at most 10 pages from the text book, then answer at most 5 follow up questions based on what u just read...that shit would take me like 10 minutes in class, while the teacher was explaining the lesson you know? I'd do it...then I'd have nothing to do so I'd talk to girls, friends etc
But, the thing was, the teachers really couldnt give me shit and in highschool, my arrogant attitude got me kicked out, in a way. I was smart, I was an A student, didnt do my homework in the later years, smoked dope and came to class stoned etc...but, I never bothered anyone in class, talked to those who also did nothing but talk in class etc
I hate school, teachers are so fuckin vindictive and immature.
I wish I had Jenni's job, I could really make a difference in school's. Get rid of all the super macho, 'I think im god' teachers...fuck I cant stand them.
See, I dont know about u guys, but my teachers always fed us the line "Look at school like a job and the teachers as your co-workers"...yeah, thats cool.
BUT A) students dont get paid
B) have to follow the stupidest fuckin rules (like no hats, who the fuck cares if u have a blue jays or maple leaf hat on...)
C) the teachers dont have to do what they say they will, yet make the students do what they want
D) u cant yell, demean and make fun of co-workers nor can u make them stay later after the working day as a punishment for something they did on the job...I could just see my boss telling me I have to stay an extra hour with no pay as a sort of detention because I fucked something up at work....
EXAMPLE - U have to do your homework every nite, even if your busy with other shit, or u'll get a bitching the next day. Yet, how many times have u done a mid term, the teachers says u will get it back say 2 days later, 2 days pass and the teacher comes up with "Well, I went to dinner with my wife last nite and then we had to go visit her mother, so I didnt get all the papers graded, u'll get them back tomorrow/nextweek"....FUCK THAT. He should have to suffer a reduction in pay as he is not preforming his teacher duties responsibly and he is setting a poor example for his students...
Seriously, I've tried to use that excuse. "Ray, why isnt your homework done?" "Well, I had date with kelly and then, as you know sir, i train for atleast 6 hours a day after school, I didnt have time to do it. Plus sir, I did half of it in class while u were explaining the lesson"....I threw a few chairs at that motherfucker over that, he ripped up the homework i did in class because it was 'classwork' not 'homework'.
As y'all can see I have issue with teachers 

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PDIP Member
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Posted: Fri, 17th Feb 2006 20:04 Post subject: |
Oh, my, god.
Some really dumb conclusions being made here. Did any of you take science class per chance? How about sociology or something similar where making baseless accusations supported by nothing other than you rown bias is frowned upon?
No? Didn't think so. Guess it was all the dirty foreigners spoiling it for you 
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Posted: Fri, 17th Feb 2006 22:20 Post subject: |
deelix wrote: | Well most indians and japanese people are smart, and try to do the best our of it  |
thats true, indian, chinese and japanese kids are mostly top of the class while
turkish, russian and other eastern european kids are often criminal and never graduate.
and i know people are gonna come up with posts now like "you cant generalize blabla",
well i can, if a very large percentage of a nationality is like this or that, then i certainly can. that doesnt mean every turkish pupil is criminal and a dropout, but ALMOST every.
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Posts: 1009
Location: Somewhere in the past looking for the future
Posted: Fri, 17th Feb 2006 22:39 Post subject: |
i live in a New England suburb mostly white people live here almost no black people or any other minoritys in the school but just about all the middle eastern guys there are complete and utter assholes to every1 else they swear in teachers faces and they dont even get yelled at if anyone else swears u either get a warning a lunch detention or an afterschool detention
Clevesa wrote: | Murder is the best way out of this that I see. |
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VIP Member
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Posted: Fri, 17th Feb 2006 22:41 Post subject: |
Oh feel free to generalise. Just understand it means sweet f*ck all.
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VIP Member
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Posted: Fri, 17th Feb 2006 22:45 Post subject: |
manwithplanxyz wrote: | i live in a New England suburb mostly white people live here almost no black people or any other minoritys in the school but just about all the middle eastern guys there are complete and utter assholes to every1 else they swear in teachers faces and they dont even get yelled at if anyone else swears u either get a warning a lunch detention or an afterschool detention |
Wish I'd gone to the schools you lot goto, sounds like a lot of fun. The one I went to I was the bitch and I got racially abused.
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Posts: 1009
Location: Somewhere in the past looking for the future
Posted: Fri, 17th Feb 2006 22:46 Post subject: |
i aint generilizing im just stating wat happens were i live im sure there r middle easterns who dont act like this in school im just saying the 1s here do
btw im white
Clevesa wrote: | Murder is the best way out of this that I see. |
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Posts: 1009
Location: Somewhere in the past looking for the future
Posted: Fri, 17th Feb 2006 22:51 Post subject: |
Ispep wrote: | manwithplanxyz wrote: | i live in a New England suburb mostly white people live here almost no black people or any other minoritys in the school but just about all the middle eastern guys there are complete and utter assholes to every1 else they swear in teachers faces and they dont even get yelled at if anyone else swears u either get a warning a lunch detention or an afterschool detention |
Wish I'd gone to the schools you lot goto, sounds like a lot of fun. The one I went to I was the bitch and I got racially abused. |
well we ignore them alot b/c they r asses we dare not do anything else or they will prolly sue b/c we wer supposedly doing it out of their race and not cuz there assholes
Clevesa wrote: | Murder is the best way out of this that I see. |
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Posts: 7020
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Posted: Sat, 18th Feb 2006 11:12 Post subject: |
it aint rascist to say the facts.
Those anti rascist groupation always use stupid numbers to proof stupid things.
"50% of the crime is done by foreigner and 50% is done by locals"
Good point, but the foreigners are only 5% of the population.
And about the school. When i was 12-18 i went to school to learn stuff. from 12-14/15 i was a good boy and i did nothing wrong, i was a good kiddie. 15-18; im not saying i did wrong stuff, but i didnt like the school that much anymore, but nevertheless, i always completed and always had good points.
I was in a decent school, we never had fights, never had any big problems. But when i was 1%7 then i saw Russians/Chinese/... coming to my school, and i have difficulties to belief that they came to school to learn stuff. They were 12 year and start fighting all the time with 16 year old. They came with big groups of friends of them. They entered classrooms in the middle of classes etc. And in those last 2 years i was in that school, i saw more fighting and other bullshit than i had ever seen before. But then again, you cannot say anything, because those 10 russiand do equal bullshit as 800 other people, so you cannot shit on them.
But of course, it is wrong to say thay foreigners are troublemakers. Fucked up situation.
But we all know.
As a black, call a white a white, you are cool
As a white, call a black a black, and you are rascist.
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VIP Member
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Posted: Sat, 18th Feb 2006 12:47 Post subject: |
Quote: | lol don't OMG me... i SEE these things everyday, i'm sorry if i notice which groups of population i see creating the most problems for everyone... |
I guess reading my post was a little too difficult right?
Like I said; wish I went to your schools.
Quote: | it aint rascist to say the facts. |
Facts? Where are the facts? All I'm seeing are past accounts from people who clearly aren't removing their bias. Furthmore 'facts' as you have them are only a part of a story, they don't actually tell the story as you'd like to make out nor form the conclusion, they are a reason for investigation only.
Quote: | As a black, call a white a white, you are cool
As a white, call a black a black, and you are rascist. |
So sayeth the insecure white man. Yes. So sayeth the ignorant white man with an agenda also. Don't know what I mean? You probably never will. Continue to hold onto your soundbites of wisdom.
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