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Posts: 2405
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 10:32    Post subject:
pallebrun wrote:
are two utils that do the job with opengl.

jep im using these too.

but why doesn't microsoft coming with a fix
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Posts: 2052

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 21:51    Post subject:
easy, opengl is the competition and microsoft are know to be greedy so therefor they only fix their own d3d refreshrate and not opengl Smile
very lame but that is most likley the reason because it cant be hard at all to make it support opengl aswell.
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 21:55    Post subject:
Nvidia could come with a driverfix for opengl aswell, don't blame MS for everything Wink
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Posts: 2052

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 22:29    Post subject:
uh its not up to them obviously since their drivers only support d3d.
so yes, its up to microsoft, when they say its ok they can implement it and that wont happen anytime soon Razz
its not like its hard for nvidia either you know.
opengl is what nvidia does best so i guarantee you that if it was up to nvidia they would just implement the opengl refresh fix a long time ago.

but who cares anyway, refreshlock does the job perfect Smile
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Posts: 2972

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 22:55    Post subject:
what i was trying to say was that nvidia could include an override fix in their drivers just like ati, wich works for d3d and opengl, not only for d3d like you mentioned before pallebrun
And yes, i agree the 60hz problem is a ms problem, so ms has to come up with a fix in general. I just don't get it why the nvidia driver only has the refresh fix for d3d, it can't be that hard to implement that for opengl, supported or not Smile

Before i bought my 9500pro i had a geforce3 and was using refreshlock as well ( if i remember right Wink ) and it did the job well, but personally i like it when i don't have to many tools running in the background, because you never know how windows will react Laughing
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