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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 15:11 Post subject: Gaming check |
Ive been waiting two years for a game that deserves to be played in his completitude. Im curious about this question: How much videogames you tried, and played more than three hours
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack newbies on fire off the shoulder of NFOrce. I watched VIP members glitter in the dark near the PC Gamers forum. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."
Last edited by Joe Potato on Tue, 10th Jun 2008 15:31; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 15:22 Post subject: |
Be specific. What kind of games? There are millions of games out there, even though we focus on just a small percentage.
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 15:32 Post subject: |
all kind of videogames. Come on, were in a specialiced forum.
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack newbies on fire off the shoulder of NFOrce. I watched VIP members glitter in the dark near the PC Gamers forum. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 15:43 Post subject: |
I'm not going to put in the poll do to the vast majority of games I've played but I can honestly say, the few games that are fucking awesome, I play till I get a headache. I think the last one I REALLY got drawn into was Call of Duty 4, especially that nuke explosion scene, I almost played that game all the way through in one sitting, it was just so fucking epic. Recently though, I've been playing a lot of grid and that's usually a couple hours at a time.
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 16:50 Post subject: |
Last game I managed to finish... maybe colonization last year... well, i played The witcher till chapter 3... yes i might be getting old too... ...or the games might be getting boring (although The witcher was a good one)
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack newbies on fire off the shoulder of NFOrce. I watched VIP members glitter in the dark near the PC Gamers forum. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 16:59 Post subject: |
Well it's prob the games are getting shitty, you can get old but still enjoy the games as much as you did when you were younger. The problem is a lot of it's been done already. And once a company clinges to something good, they stick to it without a lot of variations in gameplay....
Speaking of, I'm still waiting for Freelancer 2 MICROSOFT!!!
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 17:13 Post subject: |
its true...
Im still waiting for a dign sucessor of Deus ex! (Deus ex 3?, i dont think so)
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack newbies on fire off the shoulder of NFOrce. I watched VIP members glitter in the dark near the PC Gamers forum. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 17:18 Post subject: |
Joe Potato wrote: | its true...
Im still waiting for a dign sucessor of Deus ex! (Deus ex 3?, i dont think so) |
It'll happen someday when some dev wakes up and realizes theres potential to be had.
DE2 was by far the worst fucking sequel or anything I've ever seen.
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 17:26 Post subject: |
SpykeZ wrote: | Joe Potato wrote: | its true...
Im still waiting for a dign sucessor of Deus ex! (Deus ex 3?, i dont think so) |
It'll happen someday when some dev wakes up and realizes theres potential to be had.
DE2 was by far the worst fucking sequel or anything I've ever seen. |
*Crappy console port crits you for 22000 lumens of bloom effect*
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 17:33 Post subject: |
God I can't wait till this realism is brown and the overuse of bloom phase dies down. It's getting so old. Theres some games where it just works well but only a small handful
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 17:40 Post subject: |
Yeah, the game was still crap though.. Even if you took away the bloom of doom.
Guess FO3 is best hope atm, buuut i doubt it with the whole AWOKS?VAKS?EWOKS? system.
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Posted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 17:43 Post subject: |
Ya I haven't been following fallout 3 at all, I unfortunately didn't get into the series. I tried it when I was a yongin but I was a console tard back then and couldnt' really handle complex games and to this day I'm not a huge fan on turn based games.
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Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 13:17 Post subject: |
I rarely grab games i'm not interested in, so it's 90%+ for me.
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Posts: 3017
Location: My mother's womb originally. . .
Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 14:54 Post subject: |
SpykeZ wrote: |
Speaking of, I'm still waiting for Freelancer 2 MICROSOFT!!! |
You need to check out Evochron Renegades.
on Topic: Rarely, rarely rarely, does a game ever grab me in any more.
Everything has a "been there done that" feel to it. I find myself being more intrigued with indie games these days than the big AAA titles. Depths of Peril, Dwarf Fortress, Puzzle Quest. . . I probly spent more time with those games than any other AAA title recently. Even the MMO's can't hold my attention. They all feel the friggin same just different looks. AGe Of Conan turned out o be a big disappointment for me. Holding out hope for Warhammer. Spore looks interesting.
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Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 15:01 Post subject: |
Sadly, recent games have been "10-30% of them" for me.
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Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 15:23 Post subject: |
most of them , i don't like to quit what i started (can't say the same about college though ) and that's the only reason i keep playing something , even if it's crappy ..
hello to you all in nfohump (nforce sounds better ) land , i've been surfin this site for at least 4 years , same goes with the forums .. and my conclusion is - fucked up shit all around - but that's why i like it 
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Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 15:24 Post subject: |
What's evochron renegades all about? Only 25MB??
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Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 15:26 Post subject: |
Last edited by Yondaime on Mon, 2nd Dec 2024 16:06; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3017
Location: My mother's womb originally. . .
Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 16:02 Post subject: |
SpykeZ wrote: | What's evochron renegades all about? Only 25MB?? |
Space sim. Highlights include:
The galaxy is seamless... you can travel to any part of it without a load screen but there are jump gates to use to get places.
Your ships can be configured with parts that you buy at shipyards and you then place and scale said parts on your ship the way you want which means you can make your ship look like pretty much anything you want. Think Galactic Civilizations' ship maker thingie.
multiplayer with coop missions and such.
Newtonian Physics.
Ability to land and explore planets (no load screens).
hell i could go on and on. It blows Freelancer out of the water.
Official Features list:
True freeform gameplay without plot restrictions, conditions, or limitations. Experience ultimate gameplay freedom and play the game the way you want to.
Diverse gameplay choices and activities far beyond just combat and trading. Design and build a ship for speed, then compete in races for quick credits. Install a tractor beam that can be used to clean large solar arrays. Recover particles from stars and emissive nebulae, convert them into fuel, then sell the fuel for a large profit. Clear shipping paths of asteroids. Recover lost items and return them to nearby stations. There are many ways to make money and advance in the game.
A vast seamless universe that lets you fly anywhere without loading screens or sudden environment flipping. Fly from planet to planet, star to star, solar system to solar system seamlessly.
Interactive training mode to provide the necessary basics for flying your ship, managing its systems, and surviving in combat.
For the first time in the series, join other players in cooperative contract objectives with the new enhanced multiplayer mode and share in the rewards.
Unified gameplay architecture lets you keep the ship, upgrades, equipment, money, weapons, crew, and commodities you acquire in the game for use in both single player and multiplayer.
Clan ID linking system lets players establish their indicated threat levels with other players in multiplayer. Players sharing a common ID in their callsigns are linked together as friendly contacts while different ID's are indicated as hostile.
Challenge other players to multiplayer ship-vs-ship races and place the race course where you want in space.
Seamless planet descents that can include weather effects such as rain, snow, and turbulence. Explore planets for hidden benefits, trade at city stations, mine their surfaces for valuable materials, or hide in their atmospheres... they are an important part of the game's interactive universe.
New ship-to-ship trading and cargo system. Ship and trade weapons, upgrades, and equipment in addition to commodities. You can even load items from your cargo bay onto your ship, letting you carry more weapons, upgrades, and equipment beyond what you can install on your ship.
Customizable universe that lets you move objects in space, replace them, remove them, and change the local environment.
New high detail 3D cockpit with tiltable gauges and enhanced structures.
Enhanced 3D game engine with new effects, objects, textures, and performance.
Dynamic economy with realistic variable item availability.
Beam weapons, a new class of cannons, are available for the player's ship in addition to traditional particle cannons and secondary weapons.
Explore for hidden commodity and weapon storage containers which offer free reloading, upgrades, and other valuable items.
Use your wealth to design and build a new ship, buy better weapons, hire crew members, recruit other ships, install upgrades, load commodities, and more.
All new Shipyard lets you design and customize your ship for the role you want to play. Optimize your ship for defense, exploration, combat, racing, or transporting... the choice is yours. You can also position and scale each component to give your ship a unique appearance.
No required trade lanes or warp gates to hold you back. The game's universe is yours to explore with an open space navigation system and built-in jump drives. Optional warp gates are available for faster long distance travel and you can also install new gates in desired locations with the game's customizable universe.
Realistic zero gravity inertia based 'Newtonian' style flight model including complete 3-way rotation and 3-way direction control with optional variable input. An advanced inertial dampening system helps keep flight control simple in space, atmospheres, and gravity fields.
Realistic environment interaction far beyond the genre's typical 'background wallpaper'. Nebula clouds, asteroid fields, planet atmospheres, moons, and more all provide unique options for shelter and strategy. Such environment elements include changes in gravity, fuel consumption, physics, sensor range, and visibility.
Quick one-key access to jump drive navigation and inventory management. You control all system travel and inventory decisions right from the cockpit.
Explore the game's massive universe with several secret locations to discover, hundreds of planets, and many unique objects/obstacles to encounter including black holes, asteroid caves, wormholes, and stars. Create your own custom systems to further populate the Evochron universe.
Clue-based integrated story you can continue at virtually any time. Follow the beacons, solve the clues and voyage through many systems in a quest to discover the mystery of what happened to the Renegades. Players who take on the challenge of the story quest and succeed will discover a very beneficial feature.
Supports keyboard, mouse, gamepad, and joystick flight control. Use the controls you prefer to play the game. Force feedback control is also supported.
Supports Natural Point's TrackIR 3D head control system for managing the viewpoint from the cockpit with all six degrees of movement.
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Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 16:59 Post subject: |
i regret for dont specify: recent games. It would be more interesting...
Spykez, if you dont care 2d, i recommend escape velocity nova: http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/evn/ it have a big community too.
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack newbies on fire off the shoulder of NFOrce. I watched VIP members glitter in the dark near the PC Gamers forum. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."
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Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 17:20 Post subject: |
I Think I've played EV Nova before, and seemed cool.
That renegade one sounds amazing but 25MB must be wrong or something
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Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 18:30 Post subject: |
Ya it seems interesting, gotta find if they have an out of the cockpit view, I hate em. I might just re-installed freelancer sometime soon.
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Posts: 3017
Location: My mother's womb originally. . .
Posted: Wed, 11th Jun 2008 22:56 Post subject: |
SpykeZ wrote: | Ya it seems interesting, gotta find if they have an out of the cockpit view, I hate em. I might just re-installed freelancer sometime soon. |
You hate cockpit views or out of cockpit views?
It has a 3rd person view if thats what you mean.
Also, it is modable and you can run your own server.
Forgot to mention that.
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Posted: Thu, 12th Jun 2008 10:18 Post subject: |
last days new games are boring...
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Posts: 2350
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Posted: Thu, 12th Jun 2008 17:49 Post subject: |
I will give almost any game a chance because you never know for sure, however if the game sucks i will not tough it out until it's finished. That is the beauty of not spending $60 a game. I don't feel the need to play through it because i am out the money.
PC: i7-4790k @ 4.4, 32GB @ 2400, Nvidia 1080TI FE, 2 TB Crucial MX500 SSD
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